Library 2011/03/14 II. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATIONDATE/TIME Ponderosa Elementary SchoolMonday,March 14, 2011 2135 S. Mountain View Ave6:30p.m. Anaheim, CA 92802 CALL TO ORDER -The agenda having been posted at11:00 a.m. onMarch 8, 2011, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to orderbyChairMathisenat6:50p.m. PRESENTCarolyn BryantRoberto Baeza Linell Mathisen ABSENT:Lana BarlowLaurie Crawford STAFFCarol Stone, City Librarian, Terry Lowe, Community Services Director, Ymelda Ventura,ActingSr. Secretary GUESTSBruce Brown, President, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A.FRIENDS OF THEANAHEIM PUBLICLIBRARY REPORT: The Board voted to buy a half page ad for the Mystery Author's Luncheon program. The Board is considering selecting one Friday each month to monitor a book table somewhere in the Central library or outside at the entrance. Paperbackbooksare now 50 cents each beginning March 1st. B.FRIENDS OF THECANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT: Bruce reported that the Friendshavereceived a lot of porcelain donations, such as saltand pepper shakers, coffeemugs, cookie jars, etc. These items brought in $330.Larry Rushingis the new Book Corner Chair.The Friendshave purchased two tables for the Foundation’sMystery Author’s Luncheon. C.FOUNDATION REPORT: Carol reported that theFoundation is very busy pulling together and workinghard for theMystery Author’sLuncheon onSunday, April 3, 2011. D.UNSCHEDULEDORAL COMMUNICATION: Terry Lowe thanked all the people that made the Ponderosa Joint project possible. He saidthat School Principals, Teachers & Librarians are very important Community Leaders.Terry reported that he is working on getting spending authority past July 1 and then hopes to challenge the busi- ness community to help. Terry would like to see Ponderosa Joint Library open every day after school so that the kids that go to Ponderosacan use it as a resource. E.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: Carol Stone shared an Anaheim Hills News article in which Jacob Bryant (Carolyn Bryant’s son) receivedcommendations at the Women’s Di- vision of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce 2011 Spotlight on Youth Awards. ×ÌÛÓ ÒÑò ðí Anaheim Public Library Meeting March 14, 2011 Minutes Page 2 II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the February 14, 2011meeting were carried over for approval to the April meeting due to lack of voting eligible Board Members. III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None IV.NEW BUSINESS A.POLICY –CAROL STONE MOTION: That the Library Board approve the Donation of Books, Magazines and Me- dia Guidelines as presented.M/S The Donation of Books, Magazines and Media Guidelines was reviewed and discussed. Item failed due to lack of asecond motion. V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN REPORT Carol thanked the Board, and theFriends for the letters that they sent to the State Representativesin support of California Public Library funded programs. She reported that the Governorhad eliminatedfunding for any public Library Programs from the State of Cali- fornia, but thanks to thephone calls, emails andletters,thejoint committee in the Legislature,re- tained all programs with partial funding. Carol announcedthat the Centralcomputersnow haveJiJiThePenguin–This web basedskills program is Mathematic based. The program collaborationwith Anaheim City School District is now on all the Central Children’s computers. That means that children and their parents can come in and build their Math skills. Carol announced that the Anaheim Library Foundation wrote a “Helping Hands” grant request to the Anaheim Community Foundation asking for $10,000 donation to support bringing e-books into the Anaheim Public Library System. B.PUBLICITY –none VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.CAPITAL:The Ponderosa Joint project is now complete and it will be taken off the Capital ProjectsReport.Carol will keep the Board informed of operations. The Capital Projects report piece for the Board meeting willbe dropped.Theboard will be updated on Founders’Parkin the Heritage Services report. Anaheim Public Library Meeting March 14, 2011 Minutes Page 3 B.CENTRAL ADULT &YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS: Carol is looking to see if there is a way to have both bookmobile vehicles be used with one program in case one of them breaks down. C.OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES: Carol shared that she was sorry to belosing Verna Sgritta. Carol added that Verna is an incredible member of the Library staff, but will be retiring in June. Verna Sgritta is currently in charge of the Literacy program and Library Collection Support. Verna’s posi- tion, which is Principal Librarian,will be replaced by a Sr. Office Specialist. D.BRANCH SERVICES: None VII.RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT A.RECOGNITION OFSUPPORT BYBOARD MEMBERS:The Board recognized the Branch Managers for their creativity and for their effort in communication with the Board thru the wonder- ful monthly reports. B.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT CERTIFICATE: The Board agreed to present Bob Gardner, Ponderosa School Principalwith the March Recognition of Support Certificatefor his support of the Joint Libraryand for his passion forthe community. VIII.BOARD ITEMS ROBERTOBAEZA:Said that it was great to see the Ponderosa Jointopening. He said that itis a beautiful facility.He thanked the Ponderosa staff for accommodating theBoard meetingthere.He also announced that he will be completing his doctorate by the end of June or in July. CAROLYN BRYANT: Said that she was fortunateto attend the Ponderosa Joint opening. She said that it is beautiful. LINELL MATHISEN, CHAIR: Said that the Ponderosa Joint facility is beautiful. She also said that she wrote letters to legislators this month.She also mentioned that she had members of the community talk to her regardingtheir concern about achronic Euclid Library parking situation. Linell made a donation to purchase Summer Reading Program shirts for the Library Staff. IX.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Monday, April 11, 2011 at the Central Library. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Linell Mathisen adjourned the meeting at 7:55p.m. ChairSecretary