Public Utilities 2011/05/25lw- A-0jugumm L40i I V I WN 0 91.1 1 4 C - . 4 10 1 . . I - 0 a] xrn TFf p.m. on 41 eanesuay, YTJ I I ` "I'l 11' al May 25,2011, in the I I a 'Floor Large Conference R 1 m, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: L. Cahill, J. Brandman, P. Carroll, C. Peltzer, J. Machiaverna, D. Morgan, B. Hernandez I k. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON APRIL 27,2011.* �Ilejrlly I A . F. D101 I OWN 0 U W1 8=-. INKSMI 14110011to HOW, the City Clerk's Office, Water Service ivision, an1 the City's There being no public general public comments portion of the meeting. ACTION TAKEN website. In compliance with State law, a Notice of Public Hearing ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: was placed in the Orange County Register on May 10 and May 17, 0. 2011, and the Affidavit of Publication will be logged with the © to the Board upon Receipt. 111M 4 «:k+ — = M - rayi, w me; Project Manager. R. Shintaku responded to a variety of questions from the Board, such as a review of water demands over 2:& «. years and why 4WLZ"9-7f*1-f «<6 »k 4 I« » »\ <t +»«2 program, and at what point will conservation become the new -- F.or - tf a]." 4. APPROVAL +£° EPUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 2011/12 BUDGET.* e smaller components of the bigger picture, and the Utility Desa fa rtment doesn't ce the same r re essus as ?® General J th 'I'll u All i'l (MI111g.-J V _W2 a n 5. APPROVAL OF UNDERGROUND CONVERSION 5-YEAR PLAN.* fog ' W engineering and electrical reliability, aesthetics, and available resources. The program benefits include increased electric reliability, vml - replacements, and improved aesthetics. W"1 mmmmmommm7m M-Mmammu- . extreme] I sensitive to the issues of eminent domain and that efforts D, Lee responded to a number of questions asked by the Board regarding rebates and what customers are utilizing the program. 6. PRESENTATION ON HIDDEN CANYON PUMP STATION EXPANSION PROJECT. ACTION TAKEN willow, AGENDAITEM Serrano Avenue and Hidden Canyon Road. This pump station serves two preSSure zones (the 1120 and 1320 zones), supplying ,0 ,,200 customer meters. M. Edwards acknowledged that we make every effort to design AGENDAITEM ITMATM, =i, o tic prijecr *1 1 e MCI Tracker database was made available to the public for the first tim via the internet on a webpage that is linked to m website. I R!affatkins did awe demonstration on the Project ViewFinder. Ul. %!i£ © throughout the City that »«G4«» » §! > or planned for construction, project details, «4<t» : information. n rmation on the projects are updated by the Project Mina regularly. Staff will look into it, M-01MAM fi rst part of July. The surrou nding s treet pavi ng is also schedu led to be completed in about four weeks. A Ward added that there is a security plan ready for the power day frorn the control room. There will also be vegetation along the walls to prevent graffiti. April Dashboard E. Zacherl reviewed the monthly financial dashboard with the Board. "MMUCOMM I FRO] 207N 6 WOO DTIZZI to see what happened with the test fire. EatLra Risk Management Quarterly Report J. Lehman provided the quarterly energy risk management report with the energy risk management program over the reporting period. 1 01ioll.-If A IM I play V 10 10 1 gig I V-1141MIA I )V • Water Rates Public Hearing • Summer Load Assessment • Therdrola 20 Year Wind Agreeme • Bad Debt Write-Off I B. Aernandez requested that a reconfiguration of the seating ' I A L*". Carroll concurred with D. Morgan's comments on the budget great notebook; it's well organized, and well explained to the Bo by staff. ACTION TAKEN AGENDAITEM ACTION TAKEN im felt that Anaheim would benefit from it. Proud of Anaheim that has a faciliti like that and ill j�j �jg NIONIX"I IVAQ sh PRIUM W&ANWO t M w o wmaro to position the Utility for the future. He believes that Anaheim is gA ing to be fine. 16. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE PUBLIC HEARING/REGULAR P. Carroll moved to adjourn MEETING ON JUNE 22,2011, AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE I P Regular Meeting at 6:58 p.m. FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST to the Board's next Public TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, Hearing/Regular Meeting dat CALIFORNIA). of June 22, 201 at 5: 00 p. m. P. Carroll seconded the motio MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0, ABSENT: 1 (L. Cahifl). RM 2011-43