Library 2011/05/23II. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATIONDATE/TIME Central LibraryMonday,May23, 2011 500 W. Broadway6:00p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER -The agenda having been posted at11:00 a.m. onMay 19, 2011, the specialmeeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to orderbyChairMathisenat6:08p.m. PRESENT:Lana BarlowCarolyn Bryant Laurie CrawfordLinell Mathisen ABSENT:Roberto Baeza STAFF:Terry Lowe, Director, Community Services, CarolStone, City Librarian Audrey Lujan, Lib.Operations/Branch Services Manager, Jennifer Foxx, PTSr. Secretary GUESTSJoyce Farris, Ellen Fusco I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS Terry Lowe, Director of Community Services introduced himself. II.INFORMATION A.LIBRARY BUDGET FY 2011/12: Terry informed the Board that the City is in the midst of a con- tinuing budget crisis. Since 2008 the Community Services Department has released 68 full-time employees, 300 part-time and cut $13 million from the budget. The Department has been asked to identify another $3 million in reductionsfor the next fiscal year. The cuts are being distributed throughout the department as much as possible. The service prioritiescontinue to focus on kids, families, and seniors. While in the midst of the budgetprocess officials from the County of Orange approached the City Council about the services they provide and suggested they might be able to operateour library sys- tem as part of the county’s library system ata reduced cost. Information was provided to the coun- ty so that they could make a proposal. At the same time LSSI (a for profit library provider) also contacted the City Council and stated they would like to make a proposal for the delivery of Ana- heim Library service. The countyhas submitted a proposal and it has been reviewed by several city departments, includ- ing the library. The county proposal would provide library servicesat areduced costand maintain open hours,but reduce programming. In addition, the county would absorb some current city li- brary employees but at different levels of responsibility and pay rate.LSSI is meeting with city staff this week. Anaheim Public Library Meeting May23, 2011 Minutes Page 2 The library’s budget has to be reduced as part of a balanced city budget. Thiswill mean staff layoffs as 85% of the library’s budget ispersonnel. Potential staff reductions would be both man- agement and union members. The budget issue will trail into the next fiscalyear. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Anaheim and the Anaheim Mu- nicipalEmployees Association(AMEA) requires that the union and staff be given an opportunity to match any proposals received. The Board expressed their interest in keeping control of the libraries in Anaheim. They also feel confident that staff can match any proposals submitted and feel that current Anaheim staff isvery dedicated and have the library’sbest interest at heart. III.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Monday, June 13, 2011 at the Canyon Hills Library. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Linell Mathisen adjourned the meeting at 6:48p.m. ChairSecretary