Public Utilities 2011/06/22 AGENDAITEM ACTION TAKEN the most important projects Anaheim has put together, and he appreciated all that he has done. He also reouested6atJ- T-f-1r-tf2,w TIMM= V1 kW1PV1LAL1W11 UnU E111ung UL t-;dny011 FrugnE nave a posiuve result on the Electric Division's bottom line. UTITI—acffa—Ver-na acknowledged Lon Cahill for all of F 7is accomplishments. L. Cahill said it has been a great eight years with a lot accomplished due largely in part by staff. He shared that right now the Board is the strongest group of individuals he has seen as a Board. He enjoyed working with the staff and appreciated the time spend on the Board. M. Edwards added that if anyone is interested in attending the Mayor's "Hi Neighbor Program" at the Downtown Community Center, it starts at 700 p.m, immediately after the Public Utilities Board meeting tonight. 11,11TI LIA-1-90 I DI IliW.14-WIM41 z L. Cahill closed the Regular Meeting at 6:25 p.m. to the Rfl-71rli-�s-WkHl---Lztwq�qeafrQ— date of July 27, 2011 at 5:00 Respectfully Marcie L. Edwards Secretary, Public Utilities Board Indicates itern(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board, Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes.