ARA-2011-012 RESOLUTION NO. ARA- 2011 -012 A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE AGREEMENT TO TRANSFER TAX INCREMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR TRANSFER TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE AS REQUIRED BY AB 27 AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the Anaheim Redevelopment ( "Agency ") is a community redevelopment agency organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.; herein referred to as the "CRL "), and has been authorized to transact business and exercise the powers of a redevelopment agency pursuant to action of the City Council ( "City Council ") of the City of Anaheim ( "City "); and WHEREAS, the Agency is engaged in activities necessary and appropriate to carry out the Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan ( "Redevelopment Plan") for the Anaheim Merged Project Area ( "Redevelopment Project ") which was adopted by and through a series of ordinances of the City Council of the City, specifically Ordinance Nos. 5913, 5914, 5915, 5916, 5917, 5918, 5973, and 6034; and WHEREAS, the California State Legislature, in conjunction with the FY 2011 -2012 State budget, passed Assembly Bill X1 26 and Assembly Bill X1 27 ( "AB 26" and "AB 27 ", respectively) on June 15, 2011, which were approved by the Governor on June 28, 2011 and chaptered by the Secretary of State on June 29, 2011; and WHEREAS, AB 26 amends specified provisions of the CRL and adds Parts 1.8 and 1.85, which immediately suspended most of the authority of redevelopment agencies and provides for their dissolution as of October 1, 2011; and WHEREAS, AB 27 added Part 1.9 to the CRL, which establishes a Voluntary Alternative Redevelopment Program ( "VARP "), whereby a redevelopment agency may be exempted from dissolution under Parts 1.8 and 1.85 and may continue to exist and function under the CRL upon the enactment of an ordinance by the legislative body that created that redevelopment agency, thereby committing itself to comply with the provisions of Part 1.9 and to make annual remittance payments to the County Auditor - Controller ( "County "); and WHEREAS, upon the finding and determination that the dissolution of the Agency would be detrimental to the health, safety, and economic well -being of the residents of the City and cause irreparable harm to the community, the City Council of the City of Anaheim elected to comply with and participate in the VARP by the adoption of Ordinance No. 6217 on July 19, 2011, as required by Part 1.9, in order to allow the Agency to continue in operation and perform its functions (the "Ordinance "); and WHEREAS, by the adoption of the Ordinance and as a condition of the Agency's continued existence and operation, the City is required to make certain annual remittances to the County pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 1.9, beginning with Fiscal Year 2011 -12, to finance activities within the Redevelopment Project that are related to accomplishing the goals of the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, Part 1.9 provides that the Califomia Department of Finance ( "DOF ") is to calculate the amount of the City's remittance for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 pursuant to a formula set forth therein. On August 1, 2011, the DOF informed the City that it will be required to pay to the County the sum of $17,450,584.00 for Fiscal Year 2011 -12, one -half of which is due and payable on January 15, 2012 and the other one -half of which is due and payable on May 15, 2012 ( "First Remittance "); and WHEREAS, Part 1.9 authorizes the City to enter into an agreement with the Agency whereby the Agency would, on an annual basis, transfer tax increment to the City in an amount not to exceed the amount of the City's remittance payment to the County for the purposes of financing activities within the City's Redevelopment Project that are related to accomplishing the goals of the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, the City and Agency desire to enter into an agreement pursuant to CRL Section 34194.2, whereby the Agency agrees to make an initial transfer of a portion of its tax increment to the City in an amount equal to the First Remittance, and thereafter transfer amounts of tax increment equal to any subsequent remittance which the City is required to make to the County pursuant to the City's participation in the VARP ( "Agreement to Transfer Tax Increment "); and WHEREAS, the Agency expects it will have sufficient moneys and revenues to fund an amount equal to the City's payment of the First Remittance and further expects to have sufficient moneys and revenues to fund the subsequent annual remittances required by Part 1.9; and WHEREAS, the City's needs are such that it can commit to spend the funds received from the Agency pursuant to the Agreement to Transfer Tax Increment to finance activities within the Redevelopment Project that are related to accomplishing the goals of the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 only, Part 1.9 authorizes the Agency to transfer tax increment funds that would otherwise be deposited into its Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund to the City under the Agreement to Transfer Tax Increment if the Agency finds that there are insufficient other moneys to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, or its obligations under CRL Section 34194.2 and the Agreement to Transfer Tax Increment approved under this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Agency acknowledges that the validity, passage, and applicability of AB 26 and AB 27 is the subject of judicial challenge(s), including the action brought by the California Redevelopment Association ( "CRA ") and the League of California Cities in their own capacity and on behalf of their members: California Redevelopment Association, et al v. Ana Matosantos, et al (the "CRA Action "); and 2 WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Agency, by the adoption of this resolution, does not represent, disclaim, or take any position whatsoever on the issue of the validity of ABX1 26 or ABX1 27, but rather seeks to comply with the Constitution and laws of the State of California, including Part 1.9, in order to preserve the ability of the Agency to continue to operate and thereby benefit the community and accomplish the goals of the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, the Agency has duly considered all other related matters and has determined that the Agency's entering into the Agreement to Transfer Tax Increment is in the best interests of the City, and the health, safety, and welfare of its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable state and local laws and requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into this resolution by this reference, and constitute a material part of this resolution. Section 2. Based upon evidence set forth in the record before it, the Agency hereby finds and determines that there are insufficient other moneys to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, or its obligations under Section 34194.2 and the Agreement to Transfer Tax Increment approved hereunder without being exempt from making the full allocation required to be made to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for Fiscal Year 2011 -12. Accordingly, for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 only, pursuant to CRL Section 34194.3, the Agency shall be exempt from making the full allocation required to be made to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to Sections 33334.2, 33334.3 and 33334.6. Section 3. That certain Agreement to Transfer Tax Increment to be entered into pursuant to CRL Section 34194.2, between the Agency and the City in the form presented at this meeting is hereby approved, and the Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement and to administer said agreement in accordance with its terms on behalf of the Agency. Section 4. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. 3 THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the governing board of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency this 27th day of September , 2011, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Tait, Agency Members Sidhu, Eastman, Galloway and Murray NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ANAH DEVELOP ► T AGENCY 7 ,- CHAIRMAN ATTEST: II A AIAA1.1 ( AW11I:■ SE RETAR OF THE AN • EIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 86025.2 4