Library 2011/10/10II. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATIONDATE/TIME Euclid Library Monday,October 10, 2011 1340 S. Euclid6:30p.m. Anaheim, CA 92802 CALL TO ORDER -The agenda having been posted at11:00 a.m. onOctober 3, 2011, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to orderbyChairMathisenat6:32p.m. PRESENT:Roberto BaezaLana BarlowCarolyn Bryant Laurie CrawfordLinell Mathisen STAFF:Carol Stone, City Librarian,Audrey Lujan, Library Operations/Branch Services Manager, Guadalupe Gomez, Library Services Manager, Jennifer Foxx, PTSr. Secretary GUESTSHelen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, Bruce Brown, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS st A.FRIENDS OF THEANAHEIM PUBLICLIBRARY REPORT: Helen reported the Saturday, October1, book sale was successful;they took in about $500. Many thanks to Carol Stone, Rick Brown, and Lori Shensky for their roles in the book sale and thank you again to Verna Sgritta for the book carts she donated. The Friends Annual Meeting will be on Monday, October 24. There will be a presentation on the Summer Reading Program. Magazines are still needed to be sold at the book nook. B.FRIENDS OF THECANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT:Bruce reported that the Friends are busy planning their November and December activities. They save their Christmas books all year to sell at this time of the year. C.FOUNDATION REPORT: None. D.UNSCHEDULEDORAL COMMUNICATION:Guadalupe Gomez, Library Services Manager for Euclid and SunkistBranch Libraries welcomed the Board. She highlighted the Hispanic HeritageMonth programs that have been very successful.Guadalupe updated the Board on the Family Place Grant. There will be a dedicated area at the Sunkist Library and there will be workshops for families on nutrition, etc. starting in spring 2012. E.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: Carol shared a letter from a patron concernedabout the future of the homebound service program and the response written to the patron stating that the service will not be discontinuedbut most likely the frequency of the service will be reduced.An article from the LA Times, “Reading by 9” encouragedparents to raise readers by using the Library. MOTION: That the Board approved II.APPROVAL OF MINUTESOF THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 Meeting: the minutes of the September 12, 2011 meetingas presented.M/S LB/LC 4Ayes III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. IV.NEW BUSINESS: MOTION: That theLibrary Board nominate and re-elect Linell Mathisen as A.ELECTION OF CHAIR: Chair for the Library Board for a term to October 2012. M/S LB/CB5 Ayes Anaheim Public Library Meeting October 10, 2011 Minutes Page 2 MOTION: That the Library Board nominate and re-elect Laurie B.ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR: Crawford as Vice Chair for the Library Board for a term to October 2012. M/S RB/LB5 Ayes MOTION: That the Library Board support the Library System closing all facil- C.HOLIDAY HOURS: ities at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23,2011, the day before Thanksgiving. M/S LC/LB 5 Ayes That the Library Board approve the D.LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SCHEDULE: Anaheim Public Library Board Schedule as presented. M/S LC/RB 5 Ayes V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIANREPORT –The City hasinformed AMEA that the Library will be moving forward with a restructuring plan. The plan calls for the elimination of 10 positions and affects 11 individuals. The affected employees have been informed. The City’s goal is to reduce the amount of layoffs. B.PUBLICITY –Included in packet. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.CENTRAL ADULT & YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS: Carol shared information on the Desk StatsProgram, a statistical software package that captures statistics at the service desks. The project was spearheaded by Joe Purtell and Ellen Fusco.This will be a useful tool in analyzing how to best use our reference librarians in the Library restructuring.The Library is also looking at call center model that will help centralize phone calls to reducecalls atthe public service desks.Sincethe end of FY (this way it will be on one line instead of FY on the previous line)07/08,there has been a43% reduction in li- brary staff. B.Carol thanked Linell and Lana for attending the Division Meeting, particularlyduring this difficulttime. C.OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES: Audrey thanked the Friends of the Library in honor of National Friends of the Library Week, October 16-22. D.BRANCH SERVICES: Audrey shared thank you notes to Haskett Library from a disabled students pro- gram at Cypress College. Hong Ha, Librarianat Haskett Library,did a presentation to the students on job th skills and gave them a tour of the library.A newspaper article on the Anaheim Historical Society’s 35 Anniversarywas shared. VII.RECOGNITIONOF SUPPORT A.RECOGNITION OFSUPPORT BYBOARD MEMBERS: None. B.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT CERTIFICATE: The Board recognized the MOMS Group at Haskett for the annual program they put on for Hispanic Heritage Month. VIII.BOARD ITEMS LANA BARLOW:Visited the Cincinnati Library and when she identified herself as a Board Member from Anaheim Public Library the Librarians mentioned how they had read about the possible privatization of the Anaheim Public Library. Anaheim Public Library Meeting October 10, 2011 Minutes Page 3 CAROLYN BRYANT: Watched the City Council Meeting video to hear the patron comments and the City Council commentson library service. LINELL MATHISEN, CHAIR: Attended the Library Division Meeting and the Friends of the Library Oc- tober Book Sale. The Friends did a great job. LAURIE CRAWFORD, VICE CHAIR: Attended the Anaheim HistoricalSociety Citrus Celebration at Founders’ Park.Jane Newell was excellent as always. ROBERTO BAEZA: None. IX.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meetingwill be Monday, November 14,2011 at the Central Library. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Linell Mathisen adjourned the meeting at 7:20p.m. ChairSecretary