Public Utilities 2011/10/26CITY OF ANAHEIM 3) WIXYJ LW- * "I - KI V. A 1 1: IT The agenda having been posted on Thursday, October 20, 201 the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chairperson Jordan Brandman at 5:02 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 201 in the I P Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Absent: J. Machiaverna 11 q [KK02WT6j I 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28,2011.* � �i� 1� i 1� j �: i � ij� 11111 1111 ! 1 1, 1 111' 11, 1 1 1 � � I �W—Ijjl I W py 9 you I oil 0 ffilal Z 10 1 DMI! 9 got —k 6 1 There being no public comment-s - Z the general public I M portio I:Tl�la : i 17'f�►�i 1 / # IN 1 '; 1 1 1 ' ' ! 2011-74 1 12), at which time they will compile all plans submitted and regulatory create the !' W I R WA 01 DI C 9 0 M t tlj 101" I KOEVA"DOMOVIV WIRII I DIN As a part of the community outreach plan, the three Homeowners Associations -- Summit Community Association, Summit Court Homeowners Association, and Kill i 11 1 . I I 0 1 I I D. Lee shared with the Board a brief slideshow of the recent Public Power Week events held the week of October 6 1h at the Farmer's Market. Photos included 4' and 5 grade --Jementary classes enjoying rides on the bucket trucks. Also at the event were students from Loara *hi D. Lee indicated to the Board that Anaheim had a team compett at the International Lineman's Rodeo on October 15' in Kansas. He shared that the City of Anaheim team came in I lih place out of 170 teams, and in the municipal category came in Y place. Ae also shared with the Board, that the Department attended This was accomplished through a combination of cuts to operating expenses, reduction of power costs and the implementation of rate changes. It also included approximately $14 million in credits received from r- -TO 910E1 1 I a W) 5111151 W-1 FSH NJ -M MMM WroMM - 16MM. ► j WMI 0 - ► ► - 0 1 . v.OL!,w-W#.j he will endeavor to keep them up to date and also bring forward the agreement when it comes time for the Board's approval and recommendation. He also reminded the Board that with respect to the Renewable Portfolio Standard and W"I "WE UPA-Mrowri concerns. QNW— ZUWWMQQUM�� i s � " DIM NIJ IRRIIII On the water side, there were just some increased customer notification requirements. However, the water user fee, which would have substantial impacts on customer costs, will likely come back next year. vauz�� I 13. AGENDA ITEM(S) FOR THE NEXT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING ON NOVEM[BER 1 2011. 1 1 • Extension of the Rule 26 Rates Rules and Regulations. • Biogas Sales Agreement • Renewables Portfolio Standard Policy 11. Hernandez asked about the undergrounding construction on 'be 91 freeway and was informed that it went well. D. Morgan shared that he had missed the opening of the Nohl Canyon Tank, but thanked D. Caffins and staff for arranging a tour. P. Car mentioned he was at a fundraiser recently and I received compliments on the C . .f f. Power Plant. He;31s' §1110 IN - 1 J. Brandman thanked everyone for a great meeting, and indicated that he felt the issues shared were very important and thanked the staff as well. He also mentioned that the sidewalk on the north side of Anaheim Hieh School had been I I I Lmj I § I 0-A11'r-sy 01 (W. MW14 0 I k I 1 a j 01ol 0 $]a 0 . 0 1 1 �, NO Wme OWNT.Mr,10 I �� i Indicates ilern(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Bo Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. ai mm�