1996/06/04 (2)CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 4, 1996 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in special session. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Tom Tait, Bob Zemel, Frank Feldhaus, Lou Lopez, Tom Daly COUNCIL MEMBERS: None CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY A'I-I'ORNEY: Jack White CITY CLERK: Leonora N. Sohl FINANCE DIRECTOR: Bill Sweeney ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: Dave Morgan A complete copy of the agenda for the special meeting of the Anaheim City Council was posted at 11:50 a.m. on May 31, 1996 at the Civic Center kiosk containing all items as shown herein. Mayor Daly called the special meeting of June 4, 1996 to order at 2:12 P.M. 106: PUBLIC HEARING - CITY BUDGET; To consider the proposed 1996/1997 Budget Plan. FISCAL YEAR 199611997 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET WORKSH~)P; City Manager, James Ruth. This is a Public Hearing to review and adopt the City's 1996/97 Budget pursuant to City Charter Sections 1202, 1203 and 1204. The City Council has been provided the proposed budget document and supporting documents and information which has been available since May 14, 1996 for public inspection. Following tnday's presentations and public input, the hearing will be continued to Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 2:00 P.M. and may at Council's discretion be continued to subsequent dates but prior to July 1, 1996 and still meet Charter requirements. City Manager Ruth then briefed portions of his transmittal letter dated May 14, 1996, Pages 4 through 7 of the City of Anaheim 1996/97 Update Annual Budget. 'The year 1996 is proving to be a reversal of the recessionary trends of the last five years, and I am pleased to present to you a budget without the need to use one-time monies or reserve funds, but rather one which has been balanced using traditional recurring revenue sources.' He briefed the significant organizational changes that have taken place, the fact that the City has not only been successful in maintaining essential public safety programs, but also has been able to increase its service delivery to the community, expanded services to youth and families, major projects which have paid or are beginning to pay dividends to the community, and new projects - Downtown Community Center, Anaheim Hills Police Substation, Sportstown, the expansion of Anaheim Plaza, partnership with schools, housing, and continuing efforts to bring new businesses, activities and community events to downtown Anaheim. The proposed City Budget for Fiscal Year 1996/97 totals $588,492,532 which represents a reduction of $36,648,393 or approximately 5.9% from the adopted/adjusted budget. The proposed General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1996/97 totals $137,265,208, which represents an increase of $3,226,586, or about 2.4% over the Fiscal Year 1995/96 adopted/adjusted budget. This increase is due primarily to an approximate $2.9 million increase in the Police Department budget and a $516,606 in the Fire Department budget mainly to fund increased labor costs. CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 1996 Mr. Ruth then introduced Bill Sweeney, the City's Finance Director to provide an overview of the 1996/97 budget for Council consideration to be followed by departmental budget presentations. Bill Sweeney, Finance Director. Amongst other subjects in his presentation (supplemented by slides), he specifically briefed pages 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 22 and 23 of the 1996/97 Annual Budget (total City revenues and expenditures by fund, full-time funded position comparison, General Fund revenues and expenditures, transient occupancy tax ('rOT), sales tax and property tax revenues, business license tax revenues). He also reported that key revenue sources are up, there will be no draws from reserves or one-time monies for recurring expenses, and no reduction in services. In closing, he stated this is a strong, status quo budget and if any changes occur, these will be reported to the Council. City Manager Ruth introduced each department's budget presentation giving its location in the Budget document. The following Department Heads then gave an overview of their Department's proposed budget, some explaining their plans and objectives for the coming year and accomplishments in the past Fiscal Year. Questions were also posed by Council Members at the conclusion of some of the presentations which were answered by the Department Head: (The majodty of the presentations were supplemented by slides.) Dave Morgan, Assistant City Manager (for City Manager Ruth) - Administration - includes City Manager's Office, Audit Division, Intergovernmental Relations, Public Information, Risk Management, and Fleet and Facility Maintenance (Budget pages 30-33). He also explained for Council Member Tait that the increase in the City Administration Budget was due to the Council Assistant position previously in the City Council's budget now being in Administration and the Director's position previously in the Library now assigned to Administration (Special Projects Director). Lee Sohl, City Clerk - City Clerk's Office - Budget Document pages 36-37. Jack White, City Attorney - City Attomey's Office - Budget Document pages 34-35. At the conclusion of Mr. White's presentation, Council Member Zemel asked relative to the newly instituted program in the City Jail where two INS (immigration and Naturalization Service) Officers are now stationed, If the City Attorney anticipated a future savings or more prosecutions due to this move. City Attorney White. If the INS program is truly working, they can anticipate an increased amount of work that probebly will at least or more than offset any savings experienced. As the program progresses, he will be looking at it and will be happy to report back to the Council as to the time involved and whether there is an increase or decrease; Council Member Zemel asked that the City Attorney start a tracking City Attorney White. He will be glad to provide periodic reports. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Daly moved to adjourn the Special Meeting of June 4, 1996. Council Member Lopez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (3:00 P.M.) (See continuation of the Budget Workshop - Regular Meeting of June 4, 1996 which was convened at 3:00 P.M.) LEONORA N. SOHL CITY CLERK 2