Public Utilities 2012/01/25CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2012 The agenda having been posted on Friday, January 20, 2012, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chairperson Jordan Brandman at 5:03 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, in the 11' Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: J. Brandman, D. Morgan, B. Hernandez, S.E. Faessel, C. Peltzer, J. Machiaverna, P. Carroll Board Members Absent: None Staff Present: M. Edwards, D. Calkins, D. Lee, E. Zacherl, S. Sciortino, J. Lehman, A. Kott, B. Beelner, R. Dowell, M. Lopez, R. Watkins, D. Albaugh, W. DeLeon, A. Preciado, R. Shintaku, L. Quiambao, P. Oviedo Guest(s) Present: David Wain, Resident; Stephen Faessel, Resident; Steve Wenke and Rick Cutter, AAC Utility Partners AGENDA ITEM 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. ACTION TAKEN D. Wain, Anaheim Resident, shared that last week at the East There being no further public District Neighborhood Council meeting, D. Lee and F. Barvarz comments, J. Brandman closed gave a very interesting presentation regarding undergrounding and the public comments portion of reliability; he appreciated staff answering residents' questions. He the meeting. also shared that D. Morgan and S.E. Faessel attended the meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 21, 2011. * 3. PRESENTATION ON AGREEMENTS FOR CUSTOMER INFORMATION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT PROTECT. M. Edwards began the presentation by explaining that the Public Utilities Department has been talking about the Customer D. Morgan moved approval of the December 21, 2011, Public Utilities Board Minutes. B. Hernandez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. DELAYED: 1 (P. Carroll). 2012-1 AGENDA ITEM Information System (CIS) project (Project) for some time now and are very close to bringing to the Board a recommendation to move forward with the Project. She further explained that the purpose of the presentation is to continue to prepare the Board for that upcoming recommendation. M. Lopez, Business Information Systems Manager, began by reminding the Board that in April a presentation was provided to the Board regarding what the CIS is, why it is important to replace it, and the benefits expected both operationally and from a customer's perspective. He reminded the Board how important the CIS is and how it is used by the Utilities, Fire, Police, Public Works, and Code Enforcement Departments. He ended the introduction by explaining that the purpose of this presentation was to explain the four agreements that make up the Project. M. Lopez began with the first and largest (in dollars) agreement with Systems & Software (S &S). S &S will provide the CIS software and implementation services that will replace the existing CIS. The total cost for this agreement is $5.6 million. Once the system is live, the ongoing annual maintenance cost will be $175,000, which is approximately $50,000 per year more than the current CIS. He then explained that the City of Riverside Public Utilities recently went through the same rigorous CIS selection process as Anaheim and also selected S &S. Additionally, he explained that Anaheim visited the Electric Power Board of Chattanooga (EPB), an S &S CIS user since 1998, to learn about their experiences using the S &S CIS software. A brief testimonial video from EPB about S &S was shown. The second agreement M. Lopez reviewed was with AAC Utility Partners for $2.5 million. AAC Utility Partners will provide project management services, along with two other lead roles, training and testing. They are also going to provide software that will assist with managing the project. He reminded the Board that the Department had previously contracted with AAC Utility Partners to assist with writing the CIS request for proposals, the rigorous selection process, and writing the statement of work. Because of this, they are very familiar with Anaheim's operations, staff resources, limitations, and challenges that will be faced. M. Lopez then moved on to explaining the third agreement with Hewlett Packard for $2.35 million. Hewlett Packard is the IT services provider for Anaheim. They manage desktops, servers, the data center, and the network infrastructure. When there are large projects and additional services are required, an agreement referred to as a Service Enhancement Request is used. The CIS project will require very specific technical skill sets that staff does not have in the Department. This agreement will ensure enough of the right resources are available to support the Project. The final agreement is an amendment to the existing agreement with eMeter for $200,000. M. Lopez first provided a quick refresher on the eMeter Data Management System (MDMS). He then explained that the amendment is necessary to pay eMeter for services related to ACTION TAKEN 2012 -2 AGENDA ITEM upgrading our MDMS, something that is necessary to support integration with the new CIS. M. Lopez then invited the Boards attention to a final slide outlining the Project phases and timeline. The first initiate/design phase would last approximately six months. That would be followed by a one year build phase that would include installing software, converting data from the old system to the new system, and configuring the system for testing. The final phase would include a rigorous round of testing for approximately six months. In conclusion, M. Lopez explained that the next step would be to seek a recommendation from the Board for approval of the four agreements in February. With that approval, a recommendation would be made to City Council in March. As with earlier presentations, the Board asked and had answers provided to a variety of questions, involving functionality of the system, funding, other alternatives that were evaluated, and the status of similar systems in other utilities. M. Lopez closed by introducing the Project team members, including Rick Cutter and Steve Wenke from AAC Utility Partners, Reid Watkins (Assistant Business Information Systems Manager), and Augie Preciado (Business Information Systems Analyst IIn. 4. APPROVAL OF OUT OF AREA SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER AMONG THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, BUENA PARK HOUSING PARTNERS, LP AND THE CITY OF BUENA PARK.* M. Edwards shared with the Board that this is a three -way agreement to enable Anaheim to provide water and sewer service to an apartment development just outside Anaheim's city limits in Buena Park. It is not unusual in the water and sewer industry to have fringe agreements where a utility company will serve customers in another utility's territory because the non -host utility (Anaheim in this case) may have resources closer than the host utility so there would not be a necessity to construct new pipelines. She said this is different than the situation with the City of Stanton because Stanton is served by a private water company and Anaheim cannot serve within a private water company's service territory without permission from that company. This situation is different because Buena Park, which is the service provider, is requesting that Anaheim serve this development and is a signatory to the agreement as well as the developer that will be receiving service. 5. DISCUSSION OF UTILITIES SUCCESS INDICATORS. M. Edwards shared with the Board that she would like to encourage them to continue to review the document provided in their packets. She is interested in knowing if these are the kind of parameters that they believe would be appropriate for the overall agency. In the interim, behind this high level document, the final document containing the metrics is being fine- tuned. She asked the Board to continue to look at these statements and share their thoughts as to what should be included, if it is too detailed or if they want further ACTION TAKEN B. Hernandez moved approval of the Out of Area Service Agreement for Water and Sewer Among the City of Anaheim, Buena Park Housing Partners, LP and the City of Buena Park. C. Peitzer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. DELAYED: 1 (P. Carroll). 2012 -3 AGENDA ITEM explanation of what has been included and why it is a valuable parameter. She shared with the Board that this item will be on the agenda for the February meeting. 6. DISCUSSION OF QUARTERLY UTILITIES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS REPORT. M. Edwards reminded the Board that the quarterly report is another tool used to track capital projects at a more macro level rather than on a project by project basis. D. Lee mentioned that the report is a snapshot of the Project Viewfinder tool that is made available to residents so that they can dynamically see what is going on near them. The report includes projects that have been completed, those that are currently active, and also photos of several projects. 7. DISCUSSION OF QUARTERLY UTILITIES SPOT BID AND PRE - QUALIFIED CONTRACTS REPORT. M. Edwards shared with the Board that this is a tool that was developed at the Board's request to update them on activities in the Department. City Council has approved pre - qualified lists that may include 30 to 40 companies who then compete for individual projects. 8. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. Monthly Water Supply Conditions Update D. Calkins invited the Board's attention to the Monthly Water Supply Conditions Update provided in their packets, which is the first report for this winter. He indicated the weather conditions have been dry so far; however, overall the supplies for Anaheim and the Southland are in good shape due to heavy precipitation last winter allowing water to be moved into both surface and groundwater storage. He pointed out that the water level in Orange County's groundwater basin has increased nearly 200,000 acre feet in the last two years, which should help sustain pumping levels even if it stays dry this year. A modest increase is expected in the quantity of groundwater Anaheim will be able to pump next fiscal year; currently, Anaheim pumps 65% of its total water supply, and it is expected to increase to approximately 68 % to 70 %. He responded to a question by the Board about the forecast for the next couple of months by referring to the 90 day outlook figure in the updated memorandum, which shows the National Weather Service is forecasting dryer than normal weather conditions along the southern portion of the U.S. Diemer Plant Shutdown Update D. Calkins provided an update to the Board regarding the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) shut down of its Diemer Treatment Plant in Yorba Linda. This Plant, which serves all of Orange County, was shut down for two weeks in January. He shared that no Anaheim customers were impacted by the shut down, ACTION TAKEN 2012-4 AGENDA ITEM and service was maintained throughout this period by using groundwater wells and the Lenain Water Treatment Plant ( Lenain) for water supply. MWD scheduled this shutdown during the winter time when water demands are low. It is quite common to take a water facility out of service during the winter for maintenance. Similarly, Lenain will be taken out of service at the end of January for a few weeks for maintenance work within the treated water storage tank. 9. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. D. Lee invited the Board's attention to some photos of the Canyon Power Plant and the development and updates of the facility as a preview to the dedication, which is March 6, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. He also shared a series of photos from the new Kaiser Hospital. He mentioned that this new hospital complex will be about 8 megawatts of load at full capacity. For perspective, he indicated the Lakeview Kaiser Hospital is about 2 megawatts. 10. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. E. Zacherl invited the Board's attention to the December Financial Dashboard. Electric sales year to date were $195 million. This was below forecast by $4.7 million or 2.3 %. Of that amount, 60% of the variance occurred during December due to relatively mild weather conditions. Industrial sales were also down. Fortunately, expenses were less than budget at $184.4 million creating a favorable variance of $3.1 million. He responded to a question by the Board regarding the Department's projections for revenue growth. E. Zacherl stated the assumption currently in use is that revenues will be relatively flat for next year with no significant growth being projected. E. Zacherl continued by sharing that water sales of $31 million through December were slightly under budget by approximately $300,000 or 1 %. Expenses through December of $24 million were also under budget by $1.5 million or 5.9 %. 11. UPDATE ON JOINT SERVICES ISSUES. M. Edwards invited the Board's attention to the memo provided at their place setting regarding the Intermountain Power Plant Unit 1 outage. She shared that, near the end of December, an Intermountain Power Plant unit experienced significant damage. The unit is not expected to return to service until possibly July 2012. Further, there is some concern about Unit 2, which will be coming down for a planned outage on January 26' to be inspected for similar vulnerabilities. Ultimately, staff has performed a preliminary analysis of the potential financial impact of losing Unit 1, and the gross impact is roughly $12 million due to an increase in purchased power cost and the reduction in wholesale revenue as a result of less surplus energy available. However, there is a reduction in coal usage at the facility as a result of the outage that would produce an operating savings of about $7 million. The net ACTION TAKEN 2012-5 AGENDA ITEM impact of the outage makes it closer to $6 million. The Board will be kept advised as this situation continues to mature. S. Sciortino then shared with the Board that the Cap- and -Trade staff report will be presented to them at the next meeting for their review and consideration and reminded them of some of the elements that are being sought is the authority to participate in the GEC's Cap - and -Trade auction. S. Sciortino indicated that the North American Energy Standards Board Wholesale Gas Enabling Agreement (NAESB) will be deferred another month. He also mentioned that the announcement of the Eco City Award for Orange County will be tomorrow evening. 12. UPDATE ON RISK & LEGISLATIVE/REGULATORY AFFAIRS ISSUES. J. Lehman shared that the 2011 Legislative Wrap Up Report summarizing the impacts from the state legislature last year was provided to the Board. While discussions with the Board have been on- going, a goal of the report was to let the City Council know the impacts of legislation passed last year on utility operations. J. Lehman reported that the 2012 Legislative session is starting off slowly, and there hasn't been any movement to date on the public goods water charge, which could have the ability to significantly increase water costs. What has been introduced of interest, so far, are two Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) bills that would make it somewhat easier to implement RPS because the provisions of the bills would change the State's requirements for how the 33 % RPS is calculated. Instead of being based on 33% of total retail sales, it would be based from a net sale calculation that subtracted Ioad met by hydro generation facilities. She then provided an update on the Internal Compliance Plan. The Canyon Power Plant has experienced two events related to start up conditions causing carbon monoxide levels for very short periods of time to exceed permit conditions. Canyon staff met with the AQMD (Air Quality Management District) this week, and a notice of violation may be issued for these two events. The fines would be approximately $1,000.00 each. Asa result of extensive research, in addition to the use of a consultant, it seems that the permit conditions for carbon monoxide have been set too low for the facility, and it appears a permit modification may be obtainable for the plant. An update will be provided to the Board regarding this at the next meeting. She answered a question by the Board, would these permit modifications alleviate these incidents by explaining it would, however it would not take them off the record. ACTION TAKEN 2012 -6 AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN 13. POTENTIAL AGENDA ITEM(S) FOR THE NEXT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING ON FEBRUARY 22, 2012. • Presentation on Water Capital Projects • San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Amended and Restated Second Amended Operating Agreement * • Carbon Offsets & California Carbon Allowances Transaction • Agreements for Customer Information System (CIS) Replacement Project * • Master Agreement to offer Assistance to Customers on Backflow Devices Installation * 14. ITEMS BY SECRETARY. None. 15. ITEM (S) BY THE BOARD J. Machiaverna thanked M. Lopez for the presentation on the Customer Information System Project. He also shared that he and neighboring businesses experienced a power outage yesterday. B. Hernandez asked who replaced Iry Pickier on the Orange County Water District Board of Directors and was informed that Councilmember Sidhu was appointed by City Council. D. Morgan indicated that he felt that this should be a good year. S.E. Faessel expressed her congratulations and best wishes to Iry Pickier for his dedication, time, and accomplishments for the Orange County Water District Board as well as his community. C. Peltzer said he was curious about and would like to receive more information on the coal litigation from three or four years ago. J. Brandman thanked D. Lee for the tour of the Canyon Power Plant. He is also looking forward to the dedication on March 6' He thanked all staff and those who attended the reception for Iry Pickier. 16. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE REGULAR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 22, 2012, AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 11" FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). S.E. Faessel moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:02 p.m. in honor of Iry Pickier to the Board's next Regular Meeting date of February 22, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. C. Peltzer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 7 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 0. 2012-7 AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN Respectfully submitted, Marcie L. Edwards Secretary, Public Utilities Board * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. ** Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2012-8