Budget Investment Technology 2011/11/16BUDGET, INVESTMENT & TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2011 -3:30 PM ANAHEIM CITY HALL FIFTH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Pepper, Trevor Austin, Jerry Conrey, Kevin Baker, MehdiReza Hirji, Neil Malley, Mark Whitaker MEMBERS ABSENT: Ajay Khetani, Jeff McNutt STAFF PRESENT: Bob Wingenroth, Debbie Moreno, Hank Stern, Tania White, D'Anne Lee, Eileen Fortin, Lenette Ball CALL TO ORDER Mr. Pepper called the meeting to order at 3:37 pm. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES There was a Motion by Mr. Austin and a Second by Mr. Pepper to approve the minutes from the June 6, 2011 meeting. (MOTION CARRIED 5 -0). Mr. Conrey and Mr. Baker were absent for this vote. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR There was a Motion by Mr. Austin and a Second by Mr. Hirji to elect Mr. Pepper as Chair. (MOTION CARRIED 5 -0). Mr. Hirji made a motion to be elected as Vice - Chair. (MOTION CARRIED 5 -0). Mr. Conrey and Mr. Baker were absent for these votes. REVIEW AND APPROVE 2012 CITY OF ANAHEIM INVESTMENT POLICY Mr. Stern stated that there weren't any changes from the previous year's investment policy. Mr. Hirji made a motion to approve the investment policy; there was a Second by Mr. Austin. (MOTION CARRIED 7 -0). :111�1411101997ANII Mr. Wingenroth and Ms. Moreno gave a brief presentation on the City's budget. The presentation included how the City ended FY 11/12, an update on current year General Fund revenues and some trends for the next budget year. ITEM NO. 01 ITEMS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS Mr. Hirji asked if it would be possible to receive a copy of the Treasurer's Monthly Investment Report. Ms. White offered to include a copy of the report in her monthly TOT update to the Commission. The Commission also stated they would like to have the Report added to future meeting agendas for discussion. Mr. Conrey stated that he preferred the meeting times to be at 4pm. The majority of Commissioners said that they would be able to meet at 4pm. Staff agreed to schedule future meetings at that time. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. M9119111:1►1 LTA 1111►11 Chair Pepper adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tania M. White, Secretary