Sister City 2011/08/22CITY O ANAHEIM
August 22, 2011
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Shannon Buhrmaster, Sandy Day, James Dinwiddie,
Russell Lahodny, Laurie Leonard, John D. Nguyen,
Linda Newby, Brian O'Neal, Kyndell Paine, Anna
Piercy, Kyoko Smith
COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Elaine Cali, Lisa Gin, Pat Pina, Virginia Zlaket
STAFF PRESENT: Michael Bruckner, City Manager's Office
Lori Bartnikowski, City Manager's Office
Agenda Posting, A complete copy of the Anaheim Sister City Commission Agenda was posted
at 3:00 p.m. on August 19, 2011. at Anaheim City Hall.
Public Input: Chairman Nguyen explained that members of the public are invited to address the
Anaheim Sister City Commission and will be called upon under Agenda Item No. XII. Public
The regular meeting of the Anaheim Sister City Commission (ASCC} was called
to order at 4.04 p.m. on Monday, August 22, 2011 at the Anaheim City Manager's
Office, City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 7 th Floor, Anaheim, California.
Chairman Nguyen and the Commission members gave a warm welcome to the
newly re- appointed Commissioner, Kyndell Paine.
Michael Bruckner administered the Oath of Office to Kyndell Paine.
111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES --- JUNE 27, 2011
MOTION Commissioner Leonard offered a Motion, seconded by Commissioner
Dinwiddie AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: I 1 -0, Absent: Cali, Gin, Pina,
Zlaket) that the Anaheim Sister City Commission does hereby approve the
minutes of the ASCC meeting held on June 27, 2011.
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August 22, 2011
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Approval of the minutes from the ASCC meeting that was held in July have been
deferred to the next meeting, as there was not a quorum of commissioners at this
meeting, that were in attendance at the July meeting, for approval of minutes.
At the request of the commission members at the ASCC meeting on July 25,
Michael Bruckner brought up two topics for discussion: 1). the possibility of
changing the beginning time of the ASCC monthly meetings, and 2). the
possibility of holding the full commission meetings every other month (while in
between the meetings, the subcommittees would meet separately to work on the
subcommittee items).
The commission had a roundtable discussion and the final decision was to
continue to hold monthly meetings on the first Monday of every month, and also
that the meetings would continue to begin at 4:00 p.m.
Also discussed was the allowance of only three absences per calendar year from
the ASCC meetings.
MOTION Commissioner Leonard offered a Motion, seconded by Commissioner
Paine AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 11 -0, Absent: Cali, Gin, Pina, Zlaket)
that the Anaheim Sister City Commission will hereby amend the schedule to show
that the ASCC will meet at 4:00 p.m. on the first Monday of every month with
one exception, that the month of December will remain dark.
Chairman Nguyen began the discussion regarding the election of officers for the
Executive Subcommittee, noting that the positions to be filled for the commission
will be the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer.
MOTION Commissioner Buhrmaster offered a Motion, seconded by
Commissioner Newby AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 11 -0, Absent: Cali,
Gin., Pina, Zlaket) that the Anaheim Sister City Commission will hereby nominate
Commissioner Leonard to fill the position of Treasurer.
MOTION Commissioner Newby offered a Motion, seconded by Commissioner
Day AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 11 -0, Absent: Cali, Gin, Pina, Zlaket)
that the Anaheim Sister City Commission will hereby nominate Commissioner
Nguyen to continue in the position of Chairman.
MOTION Commissioner Day offered a Motion, seconded by Commissioner
Lahodny AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 11 -0, Absent: Cali, Gin, Pina,
Analieiin Sister City Commission
August 22, 2011
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Zlaket) that the Anaheim Sister City Commission will hereby nominate
Commissioner Paine to fit the position of Vice Chairman.
MOTION Commissioner Buhrmaster offered a Motion, seconded by
Commissioner Newby AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: I1 -0, Absent: Cali,
Gin, Tina, Zlaket) that the Anaheim Sister City Commission will hereby elect the
following commissioners to fill the vacancies:
John D. Nguyen - Chairman
Kyndell Paine - Vice Chairman
Laurie Leonard --- Treasurer
Chairman Nguyen continued the discussion regarding the appointment of the
remaining three Commission ad -hoe subcommittee chair members, noting that the
positions to be filled are for the following three sub committees: Marketing and
Fundraising, Cultural and Government Exchange, and Economic Development.
In conclusion, the discussion for all of the ad -hoc subcommittees resulted in the
following appointments:
Executive Subcommittee
John D. Nguyen — Chairman
Kyndell Paine -- Vice Chair
Laurie Leonard — Treasurer
Shannon Bubrmmaster — Marketing/Fundraising Chair
Virginia Zlaket — Cultural /Government Exchange Chair
Russell Lahodny — Economic Development Chair
Marketing /Fundraising Subcommittee
Shannon Buhrmaster — Chair
Sandy Day
Pat Pina
Brian O'Neal
Lisa Gin
Cultural /Government Exchange Subcommittee
Virginia Zlaket --- Chair (pending)
Laurie Leonard
Anna Piercy
Kyoko Smith
John D. Nguyen
Jim Dinwiddie
Anaheim Sister City Commission
August 22, 2011
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Economic Development Subcommittee
Russell Lahodny --- Chair
Linda Newby
Kyndell Paine
Elaine Cali
Michael Bruckner began a brainstorming discussion regarding three big goals to
tackle this year. 1). Fundraising with a goal to raise $10,000.00 this year, 2).
Creating a new sister city relationship, and 3). Sending or receiving a delegation
to one of our sister cities.
Commissioner Piercy suggested the ASCC focus on extending our sister city
relationship with Vitoria - Gasteiz, Spain. Commissioner Piercy also brought up
the idea of ASSC sending a delegation to Vitoria- Gasteiz, Spain. She stated that
they are a very "green" city, so maybe the focus would be along the lines of an
exchange of "green" business ideas. Commissioner Piercy suggested setting a
date today, to work on for the possibility of sending a small delegation.
Chairman Nguyen reported that Commissioner Gin has been in contact with
Eduardo of Vitoria - Gasteiz, and he has already invited ASCC to visit this
November for the International Business Conference that is being hosted in
Vitoria - Gasteiz.
Commissioner Newby suggested that February 2012 would give more time for
preparation and that since it is the President's Day weekend it would be an
optimal time for flying. Commissioner Newby suggested that specifically,
February 16 would be a good date, as there is a Wednesday night, red -eye flight
out, and then Monday would be a great day to travel back since it is the holiday.
Michael Bruckner suggested that if they would like to have a business to business
relationship with Vitorio- Gasteiz, identifying the "green" businesses, in advance,
would be a good idea. This would enable the Commission to initiate
correspondence before sending a delegation, to ensure that business schedules
coincide with the dates that the ASCC delegation will be there, before planning
the trip.
Commissioner Day suggested that possibly visiting Vitorio - Gasteiz in November
2011 for the International Business Conference would be a great opportunity to
initiate a relationship and to obtain key information on potential business
connections in preparation for the next visit in February 2012. Further a
discussion was held on the various marketing materials Anaheim would have
available to present to Vitoria - Gasteiz.
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August 22, 2411
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Chairman Nguyen explained that generally for sister city delegation visits, it is an
out of pocket expense for each commissioner to pay their own transportation., and
then there is a possibility that the receiving city may cover the room expenses.
Chairman Nguyen dispersed a Treasurer's Report and gave a brief explanation of
the Summary Income Statement and Cash Plow Analysis spreadsheet.
Michael Bruckner reported that two of the Commissioners previously registered
are unavailable to attend the Sister City Regional Conference and therefore he has
requested a refund of those two registration fees in the amount of S 180.00, and
that by the next meeting the adjusted amount will be re- posted on the spreadsheet.
Michael Bruckner gave a recap on those registered to attend the Sister Cities
Regional Conference and those scheduled to attend will be Commissioners Day,
Nguyen, Buhrmaster, Newby, Gin, Paine, Cali, Piercy, and Zlaket.
Michael Bruckner announced that Commissioner Paine procured name tags from
the Disney Resort who donated them to the ASCC. Further, Michael had the
business cards available for all of the commissioners and also Anaheim. Sister
City pins.
Michael Bruckner reported that Toshiba America has donated 44 computers to the
Ponderosa School and Library. There will be an event on September 1, at 5:30
p.m, to thank them for their donation. Council Member Murray has invited the
Commission to attend the event.
Commissioners Buhrmaster, Day and Newby volunteered to attend the event.
Michael Bruckner also reported that the Sister City Grant was awarded to five
sister cities and that Anaheim was not one of the five recipients, however ASCC
will reapply next year.
Commissioner Gin and Michael Bruckner had a phone conversation with a
representative from "Leading Asia: Renewing the U& and Japan Sister Cities
Network. " The representative gave some pointers on specifically what the review
board looks for in the grant approval process. They are interested in seeing
Commissioner Bios and what background and expertise the volunteer
Commissioners have, and why they are interested in the Sister City program with
Mito, Japan.
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August 22, 2011
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Michael Bruckner asked that each commissioner submit a bio in preparation for
the grant process next year, and that also it will be posted on the website.
Additionally, the review panel is interested in seeing what involvement ASCC has
with the communities here, and also in Mito (i.e. the sister city display in the Mito
Museum, the student exchange program, etc.). They would also like to see letters
of endorsement from the Mayors of both Anaheim and Mito.
Chairman Nguyen reminded everyone about the upcoming Sister Cities Regional
Conference at the Mission Inn, in Riverside, on September 30, and October 1.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:47 p.m. to
September 23, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. at the City of Anaheim, City Manager's Office.