Cultural and Heritage 2012/06/21 MINUTES CULTURAL AND HERITAGE COMMISSION MEETING LOCATION TIME Downtown Anaheim Community Center; 250 E. Center St., Anaheim, CA Thursday, June 21, 2012; 6:30 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Alone Larsen, Chair Janis Heckel, Community Services Superintendent Erin Benedict Jane Newell, Heritage Services Manager Kelly Castillo Jan Branich, Community Services Supervisor Al Jabbar Beth Lapkowski, Senior Secretary Gus Roditis COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Chris Maya, Vice-Chair Andrew Deneau (Excused) A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Cultural and Heritage Commission was called to order by Chair Larsen at 6:47 p.m. 2. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. CORRESPONDENCE: None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Jabbar made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 17, 2012 meeting; Commissioner Castillo made a second and the motion passed. 6. GALLERIES SUBCOMMITTEE: Chair Larsen reported that she sent applications to two people; one is a photographer who will do a one-person show, and the other is a woman who is a quilt maker. Chair Larsen is waiting to see if she will agree to do the November show. She would like to combine the show with a man who wrote a book about the ghosts in Anaheim, and thought it would be neat for him to do readings from his book during the opening. Jan stated that the next install in the gallery is slated for July 31and Chair Larsen confirmed an artist for that date yet. Jan Branich noted that Commissioners Maya and Benedict had mentioned that they would like to have the reception on a different date than the Art Crawl, which will be August 11, so the focus can be more on the Gallery artist. 7. EVENTS SUB-COMMITTTEE: No discussion. 8. ART FACILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE: Chair Larsen reported that she and Commissioner Deneau have now met with all of the City Council Members and will be meeting with City Manager Bob Wingenroth and Acting Executive Director of Community Development John Woodhead tomorrow. So far everyone has been very receptive. 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: A. Commissioner Benedict: No report. B. Commissioner Castillo: Commissioner Castillo reported that the California Art Walk, which was going to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center, has been cancelled. Also, the next Art Crawl will be held Saturday, August 11, C. Commissioner Deneau: Absent. Cultural and Heritage Commission Minutes of the Meeting of June 21, 2012 Page 2 A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N D. Commissioner Jabbar: Commissioner Jabbar reported that he enjoyed attending the artist reception and speaking with the artist and his family. He also reported that the first Refugee Day held yesterday at Pearson Park attracted 620 people and was a great success. E. Chair Larsen: Chair Larsen reported that Commissioner Roditis sent her information on Grants.gov and it seems that it may be a funding source for additional Art in Public Places in Anaheim. She wondered what the next steps would be for that, and Janis Heckel said she actually has a meeting tomorrow that will address that issue. Commissioner Jabbar suggested that one option could be to check with students for their class. Chair Larsen noted that Commissioner Castillo had turned in four season tickets to the symphony that were gifted to the Commission and wondered what should be done with them. Chair Larsen attended the inaugural ceremony for the cultural museum at the Horace Mann Elementary School; Commissioner Jabbar noted that the event was featured on the Sri Lanka Embassy website because they had a table there as well. She attended the Anaheim Union High School District Color & Promenade. She has a friend who does cabinetry and has suggested some fluid view strip lights for the display cases at the Gallery. She will get more information on pricing and bring it back to the Commission. Chair Larsen noted that she would like to have the Commission put a sign in front of the Center Gallery on the pole on Center Street so it is visible from the street to draw people to the Gallery. Chair Larsen has been attending the meetings for art in the ARTIC station, and she reported that they have hired an artist; the theme is a moving diorama of California from sunrise to sunset. The first Home, Garden and Brewery was held, and Bike Nation participated so people could ride bikes between the locations. Everybody had a great time. F. Vice-Chair Maya: Absent. G. Commissioner Roditis: Commissioner Roditis reported he is looking into grant opportunities from the National Endowment of the Arts H. Staff: Janis Heckel introduced herself as the Community Services Superintendent replacing Cathy Glasgow as the staff liaison with the Commission and provided some background information. She noted that Commissioner Maya was reappointed by City Council on Tuesday evening. Following up on a request from Commissioner Maya at the last meeting to have Channel 3 advertise for the Gallery, she reported that she spoke with the City Managers Office and has received the Anaheim Community Television Slide Request form. In addition, they have offered to do a video in the future that can be run for a general overview of the Gallery, and then slides for individual shows can be showcased as well. Jane Newell reported that June was a busy month for Heritage Services. There was a Council presentation for a donation from the Hirahara on Monday to thank the teachers who participated in growing seedlings for the community garden, and Commissioner Deneau was in attendance. Also on Monday there was a ceremony held at Anaheim Cemetery to honor the only veteran of the War of 1812 buried in Orange County. She also reported that a historic tour of La Palma Park will be held tomorrow in conjunction with the American Library Association Convention being held at the Anaheim Convention Center this weekend. Jan Branich reported that Pearson Park Theatre will hold their Family Night opening tomorrow night with the Mad Scientist performing. 10. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 19, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center, 250 E. Center Street, Anaheim. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Larsen adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m.