Resolution-PC 2012-080RESOLUTION NO. PC2012 -080
(DEV2010- 00044)
WHEREAS, the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area includes 581 gross acres of the
1,078 -acre Anaheim Resort, located generally west of Interstate 5, south of Vermont Avenue, east of
Walnut Street and north of Chapman Avenue; and
WHEREAS, in 1989, the City of Anaheim initiated the Commercial Recreation Area
Enhancement Program and Transportation/Land Use Strategy Plan. The goal of the City's efforts was
to address the need for visual enhancement and infrastructure improvements in the Commercial
Recreation Area. Specifically, the Commercial Recreation Area Enhancement Program's goal was to
comprehensively address signage, landscaping, and other land use and site development issues. The
Transportation/Land Use Strategy's goal was to assess existing and future transportation conditions
and recommend improvements commensurate with land use intensification projections over the next
20 years. In 1990, in connection with these studies, the City Council adopted a revised C -R Zoning
Ordinance and established Design Guidelines for the area; and
WHEREAS, The Commercial Recreation Area has been renamed The Anaheim Resort
and encompasses approximately 1,078 acres designated on the Anaheim General Plan Land Use Plan
for Commercial Recreation land uses; and
WHEREAS, in 1993, the Anaheim City Council ( "City Council ") approved The
Disneyland Resort Specific Plan and EIR, a proposal for approximately 489.7 acres in The Anaheim
Resort to develop an international multi -day resort including a second theme park, hotel rooms,
internal transportation systems, public parking facilities, administrative offices and ongoing
modification of the existing Disneyland theme park. In 1994, the City Council subsequently approved
the Hotel Circle Specific Plan to provide for the development of up to 969 hotel rooms on
approximately 6.8 acres in the Anaheim Resort; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide a long range comprehensive plan for future
development for the remaining properties in The Anaheim Resort and to further implement the goals of
the above -noted studies, City staff began work in 1991 on the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan and
Master Environmental Impact Report ( "MEIR No. 313 "); and
WHEREAS, On September 20, 1994, the City Council adopted the Anaheim Resort
Specific Plan to provide a long -range comprehensive plan for future development of approximately
549.5 acres surrounding The Disneyland Resort and Hotel Circle. The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan
includes zoning and development standards, design guidelines, a streetscape program, and a public
facilities plan, intended to maximize the area's potential, guide future development, and ensure a
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balance between growth and infrastructure. The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan permits the
development of hotel, convention, retail, and other visitor - serving uses as well as the infrastructure
improvements that are needed to support future development; and
WHEREAS, On September 27, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 5453,
codifying the Zoning and Development Standards for the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan into the
Anaheim Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 5454 rezoning properties into the Anaheim Resort
Specific Plan (SP 92 -2) Zone. Conditions of approval were applied to these rezonings.
WHEREAS, Since the adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, proposed
modifications to the specific plan have included 13 amendments and 6 adjustments, which have
expanded the total acreage of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area to 581.3 acres; and,
WHEREAS, in conjunction with the approval of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan,
City Council also adopted The Anaheim Resort Identity and Public Realm Landscape Programs. The
Anaheim Resort Identity Program contains specific recommendations for the location and design of
gateways, directional signs, banners, light fixtures, and street furniture for The Anaheim Resort; this
program has been amended once since its approval. The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape
Program summarizes landscape concepts proposed for the public streets within The Anaheim Resort
and provides a general overview of the different landscape treatments that will help create a unifying
resort identity; this program has been amended four times since its approval; and,
WHEREAS, in support of the adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan and The
Anaheim Resort Identity and Public Realm Landscape Programs, City Council certified MEIR No.
313. Since being certified in 1994, two validation reports have been prepared (1999 and 2004) to
evaluate the continued relevance and accuracy of MEIR No. 313; and
WHEREAS, in June 2008, City Council approved a contract with BonTerra Consulting
to prepare Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 2008 -00340 (EIR No. 2008 - 00340) to
reevaluate all of the environmental changes that had occurred in and around the Anaheim Resort
Specific Plan area since its adoption in 1994. In August 2008, the City Council authorized exclusive
negotiations with Sonnenblick Del Rio Development relating to a development project at the Anaheim
Convention Center. In order to analyze the environmental impacts of this development project, in
October 2008, City Council approved an amendment to the agreement with BonTerra Consulting to
include this development project into the analysis for EIR No. 2008 - 00340; and,
WHEREAS, the Proposed Project identified as Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim
Resort Specific Plan, would allow the maximum build -out of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan to
increase by up to 406,359 square feet of convention center space; 180,000 square feet of commercial
development; 900 hotel rooms; and, 40,000 square feet of hotel meeting/ballroom space. Additionally,
the Proposed Project would amend the following documents that govern and regulate development
within the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area: Anaheim General Plan, Anaheim Resort Specific Plan,
Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ordinance No. 5454, and The Anaheim Resort
Identity and Public Realm Landscape Programs. These amendments are intended to streamline
development standards, guidelines and requirements to reduce redundancy within and between these
documents; and, update the documents to reflect current conditions within The Anaheim Resort. The
- PC2012 -080
proposed amendments do not change the types of land uses permitted within the Anaheim Resort
Specific Plan area or significantly modify the associated development standards; and,
WHEREAS, the City is the lead agency for the preparation and consideration of
environmental documents for the Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan project, as
defined in the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended ( "CEQA ") and the State of
California Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA
Guidelines "); and
WHEREAS, a Notice of Preparation ( "NOP ") for EIR No. 2008 -00340 and the
project's initial study were distributed to the public on February 11, 2009. The public review period for
the initial study ended on March 13, 2009. The City held a public scoping meeting on February 25,
2009 to provide members of the public with an opportunity to learn about the project, ask questions
and provide comments about the scope and content of the information to be addressed in Draft EIR No.
2008- 00340; and,
WHEREAS, Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 was made available for a 45 -day public review
period from September 14, 2012 through October 29, 2012. The Notice of Availability ( "NOA "),
which also included noticing for the Planning Commission public hearing and a tentative date for the
City Council public hearing, was sent to a list of interested persons, agencies and organizations, as well
as property owners in the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area and within a 300 -foot radius of the
Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area. The Notice of Completion ( "NOC ") was sent to the State
Clearinghouse in Sacramento for distribution to public agencies. The NOA was posted at the Orange
County Clerk- Recorder's office on September 14, 2012. Copies of Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 were
made available for public review at the City of Anaheim Planning Department and at the Anaheim
Central Library. Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 was also made available for download via the City's
website; and,
WHEREAS, in conformance with the requirements of CEQA and the CEQA
Guidelines, the City will prepare, or cause to be prepared prior to the City Council Public Hearing,
tentatively scheduled for December 18, 2012, Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations
and Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 85C relating to EIR No. 2008 - 00340; and
WHEREAS, in conformance with Sections 15132 and 15362(b) of the CEQA
Guidelines, Final EIR No. 2008 -00340 shall consist of Draft EIR No. 2008 - 00340; comments and
recommendations received on Draft SEIR No. 340 either verbatim or in summary; a list of persons,
organizations and public agencies that submitted comments on Draft EIR No. 2008 - 00340; and the
responses of the City, as Lead Agency, to significant points raised in the review and consultation
process; and Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 85C; and
WHEREAS, on November 5, 2012, the Anaheim City Planning Commission
(hereinafter referred to as "Planning Commission ") did hold a public hearing, notice of said public
hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the
Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.60, to hear and consider evidence for and against EIR No. 2008-
00340 and to investigate and make findings in connection therewith; and
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WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the Planning Commission did receive evidence and
reports, including all written and verbal comments received during the 45 -day public review period,
concerning the contents and sufficiency of Draft EIR No. 2008 - 00340; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, based on the information and evidence received
concerning EIR No. 2008- 00340, does hereby find and determine as follows:
Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 has been presented to and independently reviewed and
considered by the Planning Commission;
Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Planning
Commission; and
Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 has been processed and completed in compliance with the
requirements of CEQA, and all applicable CEQA Guidelines.
WHEREAS, to the extent authorized by law, the City desires and intends to use EIR
No. 2008 -00340 as the environmental documentation required by CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines for
the Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Project; and
WHEREAS, the California Legislature enacted Senate Bill 610 (Water Code Section
10910) which mandates that the retail water utility must prepare a Water Supply Assessment ( "WSA ")
for any development project that (i) is subject to CEQA and (ii) exceeds 500 residential units, or
equivalent water demand for shopping centers, business establishments, and commercial
developments; and
WHEREAS, the Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Project is
subject to CEQA and consists of over 500 residential units, or equivalent water demand for shopping
centers, business establishments, and commercial developments; and
WHEREAS, Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 includes, as Appendix J, a WSA, dated
November 2009, prepared for the Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Project in
accordance with applicable sections of the Public Resources Code and California Water Code as
referenced in Senate Bill 610. This document is supplemented with a Water Facilities Assessment
dated November 4, 2009 and a Water Demand and Regional Supply Update Memo dated November
29, 2010, both of which are included in Appendix J of Draft EIR No. 2008 - 00340; and
WHEREAS, In June 2011, the City Council adopted Anaheim's 2010 Urban Water
Management Plan; and
WHEREAS, Exhibit "A" attached to this resolution, is a memo dated July 21, 2011,
that documents the consistency of the conclusions regarding water supply reliability presented in the
documents in Appendix J of Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 and Anaheim's 2010 Urban Water
Management Plan adopted by City Council in June 2011; and
WHEREAS, collectively Appendix J of Draft EIR No. 2008 - 00340, Anaheim's 2010
Urban Water Management Plan, and Exhibit "A" conclude that a sufficient water supply and reliability
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to the City, now and into the future, including a sufficient water supply for the Amendment No. 14 to
the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Project; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission has reviewed
and considered the environmental information contained in Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 and does
hereby recommend that the City Council certify EIR No. 2008- 00340, including adoption of Findings
and a Statement of Overriding Consideration and Mitigation Monitoring Program 85C, and determine
that EIR No. 2008 -00340 fully complies with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, and is adequate to
serve as the environmental documentation for the Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific
Plan Project.
BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED that the WSA, and the supporting documents in
Appendix J of Draft EIR No. 2008 -00340 and Exhibit "A" attached to this resolution, be approved and
adopted by the City Council and ordered filed with the City Clerk.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting
of November 5, 2012. Said resolution is subject to the appeal provisions set forth in Chapter 18.60
"Procedures" of the Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to appeal procedures.
Acak cu
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) ss.
I, Grace Medina, Senior Secretary of the Anaheim Planning Commission, do hereby
certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Planning
Commission held on November 5, 2012, by the following vote of the members thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 5 day of November, 2012.
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Dear Mr. Shaikh:
Mr. Al Shaikh, P.E.
Principal Civil Engineer
City of Anaheim
201 South Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 601
Anaheim, CA 92805
Exhibit "A"
Consideration of the City of Anaheim's Resort Specific Plan on Current
and Projected Water Demands
July 21, 2011
The purpose of this memorandum is to document the consistency of
the conclusions regarding water supply reliability presented in the City
of Anaheim's (Anaheim) Resort Specific Plan (ARSP) Water Supply
Assessment (VISA). prepared in November 2009 and supplemented
with a Water Demand and Regional Supply Update memo dated
November 29, 2010 as part of the ARSP Environmental Impact Report.
and Anaheim's 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (2010 UWMP),
adopted by the Anaheim City Council in June 2011. The findings of
this analysis include the following:
• The projected demands detailed in the 2010 UWMP include: (1)
Anaheim's estimated water demands for existing customers; and
(2) projected water demands associated with the development
project identified as part of the ARSP WSA.
• The 2010 UWMP demonstrates that the projected water supplies
available to Anaheim through 2035 are sufficient to meet the
existing and projected water demands, incluaing those demands
associated with the proposed developments identified in the ARSP
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Michael B. Hurley
(213) 270 -5305
-7- PC2012 -080
ARCAD1S It' - _ Al Shaikh, P.E.
July 21, 2011
ARSP WSA Projected Demands
The ARSP project area is divided into two development areas: the
Commercial- Recreaton District (CR District), and the Public-
Recreation District (PR District). Pr the development within the
561 acres of the, proect area consists of the Anaheim Convention
Center and a rn.x of hotels. retail stores, r and other visitor -
serving uses_ There are also small industrial and office uses, mobile
home parks, an elementary school, as well as and used for
agricL'tural purposes. The projected water demands associated with
the existing development was included in the pro T ota City
Demands identified in the ARSP WSA.
The proposed project within the ARSP project area discussed in the
WSA included the bui'd -cut of deve'opmentwithin the CR District, and
the expans on cf the Anaheim Convention Center within the PR
District_ The total projected water demand associated with the
proposed increase in land use intensification within the ARSP project
area was 981.7 acre -feet AF) per year (see November 29. 2010,
Water Demand and Re4ona1 Supply Update memo
UWMP Projectecl Demands and Supplies
Over the last yea - , Anaheim has updated its 2010 U"WI4'.P. 2010
IJ MP documents the City's: (1) estimated current and projected
water demands, through 2035; and (2) protected water suppl:e::,
available to Anaheim to meet these projected demands.
A hey consideration in the deve'opment of future water demand
projections was population growth within the service area. The 2010
UWMP protects that Anaheim's population will increase from 36.4.921
currently to 432,949 in 2035, with much of the growth attributed to
higher populaton densities throughoii Anaheim. The anticf.pated
higher population densities are attributed to development protec
includng the Platinum Triangle and Mountain Park, as well as vario
other development and redevelopment pre ects. As a resL't, the 2010
UWMP protects that Anaheim's water demand tin :I increase from
66,929 in 2010 to 77.700 in 2035.
2 ; 4
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The current and prc;ected water demands edentfied in the 2010
U'vVMP are s griicantly less than the dernar.ds projected for Anaheim
as pat of the ARSP WSA_ For FY 2009-1D, the total water demand for
retail customers served by Anaheim was approximately 67.000 AF
annual :y or 10.000 AF less than the 77,77D AF protected for 2010 in
the ARSP V'.'SA. As noted above, Anaheim is now not projected to
meet that level of demand until 2035.
There are a number of factors contributing to this lower level of
consumption including cooler weather, the economy, and conservation
efforts in re`,ponse to the recent drought and regulatory restrictions on
imported water supp'ies.
It is recognized that perhaps not all of the current conservation within
Anaheim is 'oemianent and is due in some measure to
implementation of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California's (Metropolitan) Water Shortage Allocation Plan, which went
into effect in 2009. However, it is highly likely that a s'gnificant porton
of this conservation wi :i become pem anent as hard'Na-e such as low
and ultra-!ow flush toi'ets has been insta'led, landscape has lien
altered and irrigation systems retrofitted. Lifestyles a'so been
altered due to the heightened awarer ess to conserve water as we:l.
Therefore, the demand projections included in the'.' /SA should now be
considered conservative, making the conclusion of a re iable water
supply even more positive.
This conclusion is reflected in the 2010 UWMP. which projects that
Anaheim will have sufficient water supplies from local groundwater,
imported water purchased from Metropc`itan, and future recycled water
supplies to meet projected water demands through 2035, including
those associated with the proposed projects included in the ARSP
: ^JS.A. Current and protected water demands and supply sources
identified in the 2010 UWMP are provided below.
IV Al Shaikh, P.E.
July 21. 2011
-9- PC2012 -080
2010 UWMP Current and Projected
Water Supplies and Demands (AFY)
Consistency of 2010 UWrk1P and ARSP WSA Conclusions
The 2010 UWMP cecurnents that Anaheim has sufficient water
supplies from local grcundwater. recycled supj 'ies, and imported
water purchased from Metropo'itan to sheet the pro= ected increase in
arival demands of approximately 11,000 AF between 201D and 2035.
Given the lower revised demand prcject ons contained in the 2010
UWMP, the plan's ccnciusions regarding sufficiency of water suppi:
to meet projected demands are consistent with the WSA.
Mchael B. !Hurley
Serior Water Resoirces Specialist
h' -. Al Shaikh, P.E.
July 21. 201 . 1
-10- PC2012 -080
Fiscal Year Ending
Projected Demands
Recyc_d W ter
Total Supplies
2010 UWMP Current and Projected
Water Supplies and Demands (AFY)
Consistency of 2010 UWrk1P and ARSP WSA Conclusions
The 2010 UWMP cecurnents that Anaheim has sufficient water
supplies from local grcundwater. recycled supj 'ies, and imported
water purchased from Metropo'itan to sheet the pro= ected increase in
arival demands of approximately 11,000 AF between 201D and 2035.
Given the lower revised demand prcject ons contained in the 2010
UWMP, the plan's ccnciusions regarding sufficiency of water suppi:
to meet projected demands are consistent with the WSA.
Mchael B. !Hurley
Serior Water Resoirces Specialist
h' -. Al Shaikh, P.E.
July 21. 201 . 1
-10- PC2012 -080