Thursday, November 8, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Katella High School, Crown Royal Theater
2200 E. Wagner Ave., Anaheim, CA 92806
1. Call meeting to order
2. Flag Salute
3. Chair and Vice Chair (continued from October 18, 2012 meeting)
Nominate and appoint a Chair and Vice Chair.
4. Public Comments
Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within
Please note:
the jurisdiction of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Individual
audience participation is limited to three minutes per speaker.
5. Receive and file a report on Community Outreach efforts and minutes of the October
18, 2012 CAC meeting
Motion to receive and file.
6. Overview and Discussion of election systems
Presentation by Justin A. Tucker, Ph.D. Director of Center for Public
Policy, California State University Fullerton
7. Agenda setting and Committee meeting calendar
Discuss and set an agenda for the next regular meeting and consider
future meeting dates through May 31, 2013.
8. Committee Procedures
Approve Procedures.
9. Committee Communications
Closing comments.
10. Adjournment
Agenda related writings or documents provided to the CAC_Elections are available for public
inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, at, and in the binder
located in the meeting room while the Committee is in session. Any writings or documents
provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda (other than writings
legally exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Office
of the City Clerk, located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 2 Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805, during regular
business hours.
Any person who requires a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary
aids or services, in order to participate in the public meeting may request such modification,
accommodation, aid or service by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at 200 South Anaheim
Boulevard, Anaheim, California, or by telephone at (714) 765-5166, no later than 10:00 AM on
the day preceding the scheduled meeting. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in
appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
POSTING STATEMENT: On November 5, 2012, a true and correct copy of this agenda was
posted on the kiosk outside City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Internet Access to the City’s CAC
agendas and related material is available prior to CAC Meetings at
NOVEMBER 8, 2012
Receive and file this report relating to community outreach efforts for the meetings of the
Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC).
At the October 18, 2012 meeting, CAC members expressed interest in increasing the level of
community outreach and awareness for all meetings, while remaining sensitive to those who may
not have access to the internet. A responsibility of this committee, as outlined in Resolution No.
2012-090, is to “identify and engage community groups that can assist the City with encouraging
resident participation.” To ensure that all members of the public are fully informed about future
meetings and discussion, the City is pursuing efforts to partner with a Community Outreach
consultant to further enhance public awareness.
Since the CACs last meeting, the following community outreach efforts have been launched:
Placement of two (2) banners at Katella High School from November 5-8 (student
parking lot and student pick-up/drop-off parking lot; east and west lots)
Placement of one (1) banner at South Junior High School from November 5-8 (front of
school next to the marquee)
Information slide on the Anaheim local access channel, ACTV Channel 3.
Flyers placed throughout city hall public counters and all city libraries
Attended local community group meetings to share meeting date/location and purpose
Pursued utility inserts which is scheduled to go out with the next billing cycle
Anaheim magazine, Fall Edition, will include a half-page advertisement to build
awareness about the CACs efforts; CAC future meeting dates will be included in the
calendar section (distribution of 116,000 by mid-November)
Facebook postings (approximately 3,400 followers)
Press Releases distributed to more than 3,000 contacts as well as 10,000+ e-subscribers.
Twitter (approximately 500 followers)
Identified and partnered with community partners to further communicate CAC efforts
and meetings
Anaheim Chamber and Anaheim/Orange County Visitors and Convention Bureau
will forward to their members and partners
In coordination with Community Services, CAC information was forwarded to
community groups including but not limited to the Anaheim Religious
Community Council and Neighborhood Councils.
In addition to pre-meeting outreach, a webpage has been dedicated to the CAC to provide access
to recorded meetings, agendas and all CAC related materials and press releases
( Residents may also view all CAC meetings on ACTV
Channel 3, 7 days/week (M/W/F/SU at 7pm and T/TH/SA at 12pm). As previously mentioned,
the city will continue to pursue greater outreach efforts throughout Anaheim by pursuing
partnership with a skilled consultant.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
6:00 p.m.
Brookhurst Community Center
2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim
1. Call Meeting to Order
– The meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and
Community Involvement (CAC) was called to order at 6:03 p.m.
Peter Agarwal John Woodhead, Ex Officio Member
Anthony Armas
Bill Dalati
David Diaz
Joseph Karaki
Larry Larsen
Martin Lopez
Gloria Ma’ae
Vivian Pham
Vic Real
Robert J. Tyson, Deputy City Attorney
Caroline Morey, Administrative Assistant
2. Introductions
- Self-Introductions of Committee Members
3. Public Comments
- Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within
Please note:
the jurisdiction of the Citizen Advisory Committee. Individual comments
are limited to three minutes per speaker.
Mr. Woodhead provided general housekeeping rules and procedures relating to public
comments and advised that anyone wishing to address the CAC may complete a speaker card
and their name would be added to an interest list to receive information about upcoming
meetings relevant to the CAC. Mr. Woodhead opened public comments.
Grant Henninger, resident, expressed appreciation to CAC members and provided his
disagreement with the first meeting date being held on the same night as a neighborhood
council meeting.
Don Baldwin, 25 year resident, encouraged the CAC to reject the idea of district voting.
Ron Bengochea, resident, shared his opposition to districting.
Receiving no further comments, Mr. Woodhead closed public comments and moved to the next
agenda item.
4. Introduction/Overview/Obligations -
Presentation of committee charge and scope.
Mr. Woodhead provided an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the CAC as outlined in
Council Resolution No. 2012-090.
5. Ralph M. Brown Act
- Presentation of the Brown Act
Deputy City Attorney, Robert J. Tyson, presented an overview of the Ralph M. Brown Act.
In response to Member Lopez’s concern of low public attendance at this evening’s meeting, Mr.
Woodhead advised that the meeting was publicized through press releases and fliers, as well as
postings on Facebook and Twitter. The meeting was also announced at the last City Council
meeting. In addition, Mr. Woodhead noted that meeting agendas are posted three days prior to
any meeting.
6. Meeting Dates, Policies and Procedures, and Suggested Topics
– Schedule meeting
dates, time, and locations of future Committee meetings; discuss policies and procedures
pertaining to Committee meetings; discuss and set tentative agenda for next regular meeting of
the Committee.
Committee Member Armas moved to schedule the next CAC meeting to Thursday, November 8,
2012 at 7 p.m., seconded by Committee Member Pham. Motion carried: 9 ayes; 1 abstention
(Committee Member Agarwal abstained).
Committee Member Diaz moved to schedule the December CAC meeting to Thursday,
December 13, 2012 at 7 p.m., seconded by Committee Member Armas. Motion carried: 10
ayes; 0 nays.
Committee Member Dalati moved to conduct the November 8, 2012 meeting in east Anaheim,
seconded by Committee Member Armas. Motion carried: 9 ayes; 1 nay (Committee Member
Diaz opposed).
The CAC directed staff to select a facility in east Anaheim for the November 8, 2012 meeting.
Staff indicated that a list and map of potential facilities will be presented to the CAC at its next
Member Karaki inquired about the legality of districts and at-large systems, any legal
ramifications, considering the geographic size and demographics, and if there were any legal
requirements that the City was not adhering. Mr. Woodhead advised that current litigation
against the city would not be discussed during CAC meetings.
Subject matters for the November 8, 2012 meeting were discussed and Member Agarwal
requested information about election systems in other cities. Staff provided that an expert could
also provide an overview of the different election systems.
7. Chair and Vice Chair
- Nominate and appoint a Chair and Vice Chair
Committee Member Dalati moved to continue the nomination and appointment of Chair and
Vice Chair to the next meeting, seconded by Committee Member Armas. Without objection, the
nomination and appointment of Chair and Vice Chair was continued to the November 8, 2012
8. Committee Communications
- Closing comments
Member Armas explored the idea of having CAC meetings advertised via utility bill and
encouraged all residents to attend and participate in the CAC meetings.
Member Pham stated that she believed the CAC was tasked with a decision on a fair and just
system based on research.
Member Real spoke about increasing participation by taking in consideration the fact that
people do not have access to the internet and/or read the paper anymore.
Member Dalati expressed his interest in learning and doing what would be best for the people of
Anaheim and receiving input from residents.
Member Agarwal shared that he would attend meetings with an open mind and believed that the
CAC was a conduit for the public and encouraged greater participation from residents.
Member Diaz, central Anaheim resident, referenced an Orange County Register article that
provided information on each Committee Member, as well as whom they were appointed by.
He further encouraged citizens to participate and spoke about the challenges in getting
participation at the central neighborhood council meetings sharing that greater outreach could
improve attendance at CAC meetings.
Member Karaki, 24 year Anaheim resident, spoke about the importance of the current issue and
encouraged residents to provide input to assist the CAC with their recommendations. He further
shared his commitment to research the issues presented to the CAC.
Member Ma’ae, 34 year Anaheim resident, expressed her interest in learning more about the
topic through workshops and experts. She also encouraged residents to tell their neighbors
about meetings.
Member Lopez, 7 year Anaheim resident, shared his past work for the census, and advised that
he was serving with an open mind and encouraged community members to attend meetings to
ensure the CAC makes the best decision for Anaheim.
Member Larsen, spoke about his community involvement and believed that the CAC should
receive as much education as possible as the recommendations made by the CAC would be far
reaching and impact generations. He encouraged residents to attend meetings and provide
input to assist with the decisions of the CAC.
9. Adjournment
Mr. Woodhead adjourned the CAC meeting to November 8, 2012 at 7:42 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Caroline Morey
Recording Secretary
NOVEMBER 8, 2012
Consider agenda topics for future meetings of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), consider
selecting future meeting dates through May 31, 2013, and consider meeting locations for such
The Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC), established
by City Council Resolution 2012-90, is charged with examining methods to promote the full
participation of residents, neighborhoods, community groups, and ethnic groups relating to the
City’s electoral system and to present its findings and recommendations to the City Council by
May 31, 2013. Section 7 of the resolution requires the CAC to hold monthly public meetings, at
a minimum, throughout different areas of the City. At the October 18, 2012 CAC meeting, the
CAC set two meeting dates, November 8 and December 13, 2012 and requested city staff select
the meeting locations for such meetings. The CAC further agreed that future meetings could be
set on the second Thursday of each month.
Agenda Setting: Based on the charge of the CAC, the CAC may wish to set or identify agenda
topics for its future meetings to ensure the members receive the information needed and
necessary to understand the depth of elections in order to provide its findings and report to the
City Council by May 31, 2013. At such time, the CAC may wish to consider the number of
meetings the CAC may need to hold in order to achieve its outlined goals. The CAC has the
authority to schedule additional meetings to achieve its goals, at any time, in a manner provided
by law.
Meeting Dates/Times: Attached is a meeting calendar through May 31, 2013. At the request of
the CAC, the calendar highlights City Council meetings, Neighborhood Council meetings, as
well as other significant dates. Previously, the CAC discussed meetings to be held on the second
Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The CAC may wish to consider its agenda topics while
preparing its meeting calendar, as well as consider the length of each meeting should meetings
commence at 7:00 p.m. and consider moving meetings to an earlier time.
Meeting Locations: Attached is a map listing the available facilities throughout Anaheim. The
CAC may select meeting locations and request that staff verify the availability of interested
facilities and secure such locations accordingly.
Citizens Advisory Committee on
Elections andCommuniity Involvement
Meeting Calendar
December (2012)January
deleniates CAC meeting date
deleniates City Council meeting date
deleniates holiday
delineates Neighborhood Council meetings
West-1/16, 4/17; East-1/17, 4/18
Central 1/23, 4/24; South 1/24, 4/25
Citizens AdvisoryCommitee on Elections and Community Involvement
are held throughout different ares of the City of Anaheim
* Meeting dates and times are subject to change
* Agendasand information can be found at
NOVEMBER 8, 2012
Consider and approve meeting procedures for the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and
Community Involvement (CAC).
The intent of the procedural rules is to assist in guiding the conduct of the CACs public meetings
to fulfill its mission. Anaheim City Council Resolution No. 2012-090 establishes and outlines the
purpose and function and general rules of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and
Community Involvement (“CAC”). Pursuant to this Resolution, the CAC consists of ten (10)
voting members, and one ex-officio member for a total of eleven (11) members. The Committee
is charged with providing recommendations to the City Council by May 13, 2013 on promoting
the full participation of all ethnic and racial groups in local elections.
Procedural Rules
Section 1: General
1.1 Anaheim City Council Resolution No. 2012-090 establishes and outlines the purpose and
function of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement
(“CAC”). Pursuant to this Resolution, the CAC consists of ten (10) voting members, and one ex-
officio member for a total of eleven (11) members. The Committee is charged with providing
recommendations to the City Council by May 13, 2013 on promoting the full participation of all
ethnic and racial groups in local elections. The CAC adopts these procedural rules to guide the
conduct of its public meetings while attempting to fulfill its mission.
Section 2: Officers
2.1 The officers of the CAC shall be a Chair and Vice Chair.
2.2 Officers shall be elected by the voting members of the CAC. A voting member may
nominate any voting member, including him/herself, for an officer position. No second is
necessary. A nominee receiving a majority of votes of the present members has been elected. If
no nominee receives a majority, the CAC may vote upon the two nominees receiving the most
votes until one is elected.
2.3 The Chair shall preside at meetings of the CAC. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice
Chair shall preside. If both officers are absent from the same meeting, and a quorum is present,
the remaining CAC members may select a Chair Pro Tem to preside over that meeting.
Section 3: Meetings
3.1 At least one regular meeting shall be held each month at such times and places,
throughout different areas of the city of Anaheim, to be selected by the CAC, or by staff as
directed by the CAC.
3.2 Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by a majority of the CAC, which would
be at least six members.
3.3 Emergency meetings may be held by the CAC, if any, only in the time, place and manner
and for the specified purposes allowed by law, including but not limited to Government Code
Section 54956.5, or any successor provision thereto.
3.4 Meeting notices, agendas, and other matters required to be publicly posted pursuant to
any applicable provision of law for regular, special and emergency meetings shall be posted for
each meeting as required by law.
3.5 Six voting members of the CAC shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting
CAC business.
3.6 Except as specifically provided by law, all meetings of the CAC shall be open and public.
Section 4: Rules of Order
4.1 Report: If an agenda item calls for a report or presentation to the CAC, the Chair shall
initiate such item by calling for the appropriate presentation.
4.2 Public Comment:Every agenda shall provide an opportunity for public comment on
issues noticed on the agenda or within the subject matter jurisdiction of the CAC. Unless
extended by the CAC, the amount of time for each individual speaker during public comment
shall not exceed three minutes.
4.3 Obtaining the Floor: Following presentation, if any, the Chair may initiate or invite
discussion amongst the CAC. Any member of the CAC wishing to speak must first obtain the
floor by being recognized by the Chair. The Chair must recognize any CAC member who seeks
the floor when appropriately entitled to do so.
4.4 Motions: The Chair or any voting member of the CAC may make a motion for action.
Before a motion may be considered or debated, it must be seconded by another voting member.
Once a motion has been made and seconded, the Chair shall open the motion up for debate
among the CAC, offering the first opportunity for debate to the moving member, and thereafter
to any member properly recognized by the Chair. Once the matter has been fully debated and the
Chair calls for a vote, no further debate will be allowed, provided however, CAC members will
be briefly allowed to explain their vote.
4.5 Voting: If voting is by voice vote or visual display, the Chair shall declare the result and
the number of aye or no votes. The CAC may also vote by roll call. Only those members
present at the meeting may vote. Votes cast at previous meetings are not counted. Proxy voting
is not permitted. The results of the ayes and noes shall be clearly set forth in the minutes.
4.6 Voting results: A motion shall carry only if a majority of voting members present at the
meeting vote in favor. A tie vote results in the failure of the motion.
4.7 Matter Not On The Agenda: No formal action shall be taken on any matter not appearing
on the posted agenda, except as otherwise permitted by law.
4.8 Procedures During Consideration of Motions: Once a main motion is properly placed on
the floor, several subsidiary motions may be employed in addressing this main motion. A
second, competing motion, other than an amendment, subsidiary motion, or motion of order or
convenience as discussed below, is out of order any may not be considered while the main
motion is still on the floor.
: The CAC may make procedural motions in order to
4.9 Motions of Order or Convenience
insure orderly conduct of the meeting, or for the convenience of CCC members. Procedural
motions are listed below in descending order of precedence.
4.9.1 Recess: Any CAC member may move for a temporary recess. The motion must
be seconded and then passed by a majority vote.
4.9.2 Division of Motion: Any CAC member may move to divide the subject matter of
a motion made up of several parts in order to vote separately on each part. The motion to divide
must be seconded and then passed by a majority vote.
4.9.3 Point of Order: Any CAC member may require the Chair to enforce the rules of
the CAC by raising a point of order. The point shall be ruled upon by the Chair.
4.10 Subsidiary Motions: Subsidiary motions take precedence over the main motion, and if
properly made and seconded, must be disposed of before the main motion can be acted upon.
Even where the main motion under consideration requires a super majority vote for adoption, a
subsidiary vote requires only a majority vote for adoption. The following motions may be made
by any voting member at any appropriate time during the discussion of the main motion.
Subsidiary motions are listed below in descending order of precedence.
4.10.1 Table: A member may move to table a motion or an issue being discussed. If
seconded and passed by majority vote, it suspends any further discussion.In order to bring the
question back before the CAC at the same meeting at which it was tabled, a voting member must
move to take it back from the table, which must be seconded and passed by majority vote. Any
issue tabled at one meeting may be raised at a subsequent meeting if noticed on the agenda.
4.10.2 Amend: A voting CAC member may move to amend the main motion or a
pending amendment to the main motion. More than two amendments to the main motion are not
permitted. Before the main motion, or earlier amendment, may be acted upon, the most recent
amendment must first be acted upon. A motion to amend must be seconded to be considered and
requires a majority vote to pass. An amendment must be related to the main motion or
amendment to which it is directed. A motion which would substitute a new motion rather than
simply amend the pending main motion may be declared out of order by the Chair.
4.10.3 Move Previous Motion: Any voting member recognized by the Chair may move
to immediately bring the motion being debated by the CAC to a vote, suspending further debate.
If seconded and passed by two thirds of the voting members present, further debate should cease
and the Chair will call for an immediate vote on the pending motion.
Section 5: Applicability of Rules
5.1 In the event of any conflict between the rules, procedures, and other provisions specified
herein and any law or other legal requirement applicable to the conduct of any business before
the CAC, the provisions of any such law, other legal requirement, or Resolution No. 2012-090
shall supersede and take precedence over conflicting provisions of these rules.
5.2 The rules, procedures and other provisions specified herein shall be deemed directory and
not mandatory. Failure of the CAC to comply with any rule, procedure, or other provision
specified herein shall not affect the validity of any action taken by the CAC, nor be a basis for
contesting the validity of the CAC’s actions, findings, or final report.
5.3 The procedures of the CAC may be amended at any noticed meeting of the CAC by a
majority vote. Such amendments shall become effective upon approval by the CAC.