Public Utilities 2012/11/14CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES November 14, 2012 The agenda having been posted on Thursday, November 8, 2012, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chairperson Jordan Brandman at 5:01 p.m. on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, in the 11' Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: J. Brandman, D. Morgan, P. Carroll, B. Hernandez, S.E. Faessel Board Members Absent: J. Machiaverna, C. Peltzer Staff Present: M. Edwards, D. Calkins, D. Lee, S. Sciortino, E. Zacherl, A. Kott J. Lehman, G. Bowen, L. Quiambao, P. Oviedo Guest(s) Present: D. Wain, Resident & Chairperson of the East District Neighborhood Council; S. Faessel, Chairperson of the Undergrounding Subcommittee, AGENDA ITEM M. Edwards read the following Proclamation presented by the Department into the record: Anaheim Public Utilities Board recognizes and honors Jordan Brandman for dedicated service to the Anaheim residents and businesses as a Public Utilities Board member from July 2007 to December 2012, having also served nearly two years as Chairperson of the Board; for providing experienced guidance as how to best serve the Anaheim community, resulting from many years of experience as the President of the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees, the Director of Workforce Development for the Orange County Business Council, the policy advisor for the Governor's Office of the Secretary of Education, and as legislative support to Assembly member Tom Umberg; for supporting investments in rehabilitation and replacement of the water Utilities' infrastructure to ensure a reliable water system, including the establishment of new wells, the replacement of the Linda Vista Reservoir, the refurbishment of the Walnut Canyon Reservoir, and the upgrade of the Nohl Canyon Storage Tank; for tireless commitment to improving the overall service reliability of the Electric Utility, as well as enhancing the community aesthetically, through programs such as the Underground Conversion, the construction of the Vermont and Anaheim Substations, the upgrade of Lewis Substation, and the development of Canyon Power Plant; for commitment to educating the public on the benefits of solar energy to Anaheim schools by ACTION TAKEN 59 championing Solar Flag installations at eight elementary schools, and enthusiastic support of the Solar Cup competition that has encouraged our youth to embrace sustainable technologies; Therefore on this 14' Day of November 2012, on behalf of all Anaheim Public Utilities employees, the City of Anaheim, and the ratepayers of our community, Anaheim Public Utilities proudly recognizes and honors the counsel and accomplishments of Chairperson Jordan Brandman, as he concludes his service on the Anaheim Public Utilities Board. J. Brandman responded by sharing that it has been an honor and privilege to serve with everyone. He shared that this was the first community post to which he had been appointed to, and how much he has learned about the City of Anaheim. He continued by stating that good work on behalf of the community is not done, and expressed that he looked forward to working with everyone in his new capacity. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. J. Brandman closed the public comments portion of D. Wain congratulated J. Brandman on his electoral success and looks the meeting. forward to working closely with him. S. Faessel acknowledged the achievement of J. Brandman and provided words of encouragement. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC S.E. Faessel moved approval UTILITIES BOARD MEETING OF OCTOBER 24, 201.2. * of the October 24, 2012, Public Utilities Board Minutes. D. Morgan seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 5 -0 ABSTAINED: 0 ABSENT: 2 (C. Peltzer, J. Machiaverna) 3. ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED 2013 PUBLIC UTILITIES D. Morgan moved approval BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE. ** of the Adoption of the Proposed 2013 Public Utilities Board Meetings Schedule. B. Hernandez second the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 5 -0 ABSTAINED: 0 ABSENT: 2 (C. Peltzer, J. Machiaverna) 4. PRESENTATION ON OLINDA LANDFILL GAS TO G. Bowen will research and RENEWABLE ENERGY FACILITY UPDATE. report to the Board: where the closest hazardous landfill G. Bowen, Integrated Resources Manager, presented an update on the site is to Anaheim; and what Olinda Landfill Gas to Renewable Facility. the long term plan is after this facility closes in 2021. W 5. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AND RESTATED TRANSMISSION CONTROL AGREEMENT AMONG THE CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR CORPORATION AND TRANSMISSION OWNERS, INCLUDING THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. * The written, publicly available staff report detailing the item was verbally summarized by M. Edwards. One aspect of this item was the additional request by staff that M. Edwards be granted limited City Council authority to sign later versions of this Agreement without bringing it to City Council, only when the changes were in Anaheim's overall best interests and with the concurrence of the Utilities Attorney. A Board member asked what checks and balances existed to manage this delegation of authority. M. Edwards stated that when staff requests a delegation of City Council authority, it is typically a narrow request. Further, that the Utilities Attorney, A. Kott, ensures that everything is done consistently with the parameters included in the request prior to signing any subsequent amendments as approved as to form. Finally, it should be noted that the request to delegate limited signature authority is most typically used to limit bureaucratic paperwork, not exercise greater control. The majority of requests for delegated authority have wording that the delegation is requested for those changes which the Utilities Attorney deems administrative or ministerial. A Board member referenced a previous discussion regarding empowering staff to be nimble and able to make decisions in a timely fashion, adding that this is an example of granting greater flexibility, but that it must also be balanced with the Board's interest and ability to verify information. This Board member agreed that it made sense to give Anaheim Public Utilities (APU) authority, but more information should be provided to the Board during the amendment process. M. Edwards agreed and further described the inherent checks and balances process that occurs within APU. A. Kott further shared that, to narrow the parameters of M. Edwards authorization in this instance, there is an analysis process through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for approval of this Agreement as well. The process involves the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which consists of many different groups that are involved in the Agreement, and then it goes to FERC, adding that at any time along the way, people can intervene and object to the Agreement. The Agreement is transparent and very well vetted. Other Board members commented that it is an ongoing struggle to avoid unneeded bureaucracy, yet insure items get an appropriate review. Trying to balance common sense with getting things done, along with having an adequate review process, makes it hard to determine where to draw the line without knowing every detail of the Agreement and of the surrounding market environment. However, it seems that all the CAISO members are interested in not getting gamed by a potential new member. Therefore, this Board member believed that a good middle ground would be to report to the Board when a change is made, but to allow the delegation of authority. P. Carroll moved approval of Amended and Restated Transmission control agreement among the California independent system operator's corporation and Transmission owners, including the City of Anaheim. S.E. Faessel second the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 5 -0 ABSTAINED: 0 ABSENT: 2 (C. Peltzer, J. Machiaverna) 61 Additionally, the Board was reminded that the Utilities Attorney, A. Kott, works for the City Attorney, not the Utilities General Manager. Ms. Kott's structure and orders are set through the City Attorney's office and the City Council, as far as her oversight of the Utility Department. Board members indicated that they were comfortable with supporting approval in this instance, because of the added review taking place by other agencies, as well as the City Attorney's Office. One Board member shared that the City Manager has certain signing authority and the amount of authority he held was an issue at one point. He continued in sharing that wisdom maybe in the preference to not have so much authority. Further sharing that the City Manager kept a log of everything signed through the year, and presented it to City Council once a year. This provides City Council the ability to see what is being signed through the year and also stands as a public document. Ms. Edwards will be happy to structure a review of documents she signs at whatever frequency the Board would prefer. The Board ultimately determined to support bringing forward this item to Anaheim City Council with their recommendations to approve. 6. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. D. Calkins, AGM of Water Services, shared that Councilmember Kris Murray was today's featured speaker at the monthly Orange County Water Association (OCWA) meeting, which is an association of Water Professional from throughout Orange County. K. Murray was asked to speak — as an Anaheim councilmember and the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Director. Her topic was Partnerships, both Public / Private partnerships and Public / Public partnerships. She spoke about the Canyon Power Plant, the Water Recycling Demonstration Plant, and associated "Water Sustainability Campus ", and our partnership with the Community Services Departments where Public Utilities installed a centralized irrigation controller to reduce water use and maintenance costs for the Parks, in exchange for five well sites in selected Parks. M. Edwards highlighted two recent events where one of the Public Utility's Water Field troubleshooters, Ernie Escobedo, exhibited excellent judgment under pressure and great customer service skills. When a water main break occurred on Miller Street near Mira Loma Avenue a few days ago. E. Escobedo was the first to arrive, at which time he took the initiative to close this major street to traffic due to uncertain conditions. His early action may very well have prevented cars from entering a sinkhole, since the main break caused significant undermining of the street asphalt. E. Escobedo didn't wait for direction from management; he used good judgment by making the decision and then advising management. E. Escobedo is the same troubleshooter that was the subject of a recent commendation letter in which the customer congratulated him, on his ability to turn an angry customer to a utility supporter, due to his caring and personal approach. The Department will congratulate and recognize E. Escobedo on behalf of management and the Board. 62 7. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. D. Lee, AGM of Electric Services, provided an update on the crew that was sent to assist Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), whose customers experienced significant outages as a result of Superstorm Sandy. At the time that contact was made with LIPA, approximately 600,000 of their 1.1 million customers still did not have power. Anaheim's five person crew and vehicles were airlifted in a military C5 transport into John F. Kennedy Airport, and spent nearly two weeks installing poles and wires in mostly residential areas of Long Island. M. Edwards shared that the Department is in the process of reviewing its own emergency planning, disaster response efforts, and customer communications, based on lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy and other regional events. 8. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. E. Zacherl, AGM of Finance and Administrative Services, shared with the Board that due to the timing of the City's monthly accounting close process for the month of October, and its close proximity to the date of the November Board meeting, a Financial Dashboard was not currently available, but would be distributed to the members of the Board as soon as it is. He was able to share with the Board some preliminary retail sales information. Electric retail revenue for October was $4.6 M or 16.3% over budget. Water retail revenue for October was $724,000 or 15% over budget. E. Zacherl continued to share that this was a continuation of the positive impact driven by weather, but cautioned that although very positive for the month, the results did not offset the revenue shortfalls, for the past four years. Careful monitoring of expenses will continue with the goal of slowly replenishing reserves. E. Zacherl also reported to the Board that the annual citywide audit was still in progress and to date had not identified any findings of deficiencies. At the Board's request, he will provide access to the final stand -alone audited financial statements for the Utility Department a summary of the audit process in January, after the audit is complete. 9. UPDATE ON JOINT SERVICES ISSUES. S. Sciortino, AGM of Joint Services, shared with the Board that the first auction under the Cap and Trade regulation of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) took place on November 14th. He recapped that the Department was not participating in the auction at this time, and included that, the CARB allowed a delay in participation by Anaheim and the other publicly -owned utilities who are members of the California Independent System Operator ( CAISO) Agency, pending language changes in the CAISO tariff, that would exclude energy from POU's tax - exempt generating resources used to meet load requirements from being deemed "sales" to the CAISO. This exclusionary language would permit Anaheim and others to use allocated Greenhouse Gas (GHG) allowances used for meeting retail loads, to be placed in a compliance account, rather than being At the Board's request, the crew members that assisted Long Island Power Authority after Superstorm Sandy will be invited to be recognized by the Board at a PUB meeting. At the Board's request, E. Zacherl will insure that the Board member have access to the audit report. 63 required to submit those same allowances into the auction process. While the Department has a variety of mechanisms in place to mitigate any financial risks that may occur as a result of the auction process, having Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) accept the tariff change would reduce Anaheim's participation in the auction process dramatically. S. Sciortino indicated that the FERC may rule on the acceptance of the tariff change by the end of the year. 10. UPDATE ON ENERGY RISK & LEGISLATIVE / At the Board's request, J. REGULATORY AFFAIRS ISSUES. Lehman will provide the Board with an update J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, shared a short update on the regarding financial Department's compliance, risk and legislative /regulatory related certification, liabilities, and activities. exemptions according to the Dodd Frank Act. She invited the Board's attention to the quarterly report on the Wholesale Energy Risk Management (ERM) Program at their place settings, and shared that all transactions were within the ERM Program requirements, and the Department was in full compliance with all aspects of the ERM Program. J. Lehman reported that as the Chair of the Southern California Public Power Authority's (SCPPA) Risk Managers' Committee, she arranged a well- attended joint meeting with all interested SCPPA members on the implementation requirements of the Dodd -Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The purpose of this effort was to provide an information sharing forum, ensure all interested members have a common understanding of the fundamental requirements known to date (the regulations are still under development though implementation dates are in effect), and to identify areas where resource sharing may be effective. Lastly, she shared information regarding the power plants stating, there had been no further issues relating to the South Coast Air Quality Management District permits. 11. AGENDA ITEM(S) FOR THE NEXT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING ON DECEMBER 19,2012: • Renewable Portfolio Standard Annual Procurement Plan • Utility Related Regulatory Relief Measures * • Firm and Non -Firm Point -to -Point Transmission Service Agreement with Various Transmission Service Providers • Reimbursement Agreement with Irvine Company for Annexation of Mountain Park into Orange County Water District * 12. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. In response to the Board's request to be briefed on the Anaheim Rapid Connection (ARC) alternatives, Public Work's staff plan to attend the February 20, 2013 Board meeting to make a presentation. M. Edwards shared that the City Council approved the hiring of Paul Emery as the Assistant City Manager. Hi experience includes 12 years in Santa Ana as the Public Works Director; he should begin the second week in December. 64 M. Edwards also shared that John Woodhead is now the permanent Community Development Director and Greg Garcia, who was the Deputy City Manager Administration, is now the Deputy City Manager. 13. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. P. Carroll congratulated J. Brandman on his appointment on the City Council, indicating that it's been a pleasure working with him on the Board. He further indicated that he has done a great job as Chair and is confident he'll lead Anaheim forward as a Councilmember. He also thanked G. Bowen for updating the Board on the opening of the Olinda Landfill Gas site. S.E. Faessel extended her congratulations to J. Brandman on his new elected position. She also thanked the General Manager and staff for the joint effort in keeping the best interest of Anaheim, and for keeping the balance and counterbalance in making day to day decisions. She complimented Ernie Escobedo and the crew in going the next step and taking a risk to do what needs to be done. D. Morgan congratulated J. Brandman and gave him words of encouragement on being an elected official. He also commented on watching J. Brandman as he became involved in the community and working his way up, and said that it is appreciated how J. Brandman paid his dues and earned his position. B. Hernandez congratulated J. Brandman and wished him luck and expressed that he will be missed on the Board. J. Brandman thanked everyone for their well wishes and indicated that he looks forward to working with everyone in his new capacity. He also expressed his gratitude about the relationships he has built with everyone. 14. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE REGULAR MEETING ON DECEMBER 19, 2012 AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 11` FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). Respectfully submitted, r Marcie L. Edwards Secretary, Public Utilities Board D. Morgan moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:50 p.m. to the Board's next meeting date of December 19, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. B. Hernandez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 5 -0 ABSTAINED: 0 ABSENT: 2 (C. Peltzer, J. Machiaverna) * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. ** Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 65