CITIZENS ADVISORY 2013/01/31 CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MINUTES Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:30 p.m. Orangeview Junior High School 3715 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92804 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: John Woodhead, Ex Officio Member Anthony Armas Bill Dalati, Vice Chair Larry Larsen Martin Lopez Vivian Pham, Chair Vic Real COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Peter Agarwal David Diaz Joseph Karaki Gloria Ma'ae STAFF PRESENT: Greg Garcia, Deputy City Manager Robert J. Tyson, Deputy City Attorney Caroline Morey, Recording Secretary Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request. 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC) was called to order at 6:37p.m.by Chair Pham. Chair Pham announced that the committee would need to wait for the 6 member to arrive in order to have a quorum so they could proceed with the meeting. Vice Chair Dalati arrived and the meeting commenced at 6:45p.m. 2. Flag Salute Page 1 of 5 3. Approve CAC minutes of the December 13, 2012 meeting Action: Approve minutes. Commissioner Real motioned to approve minutes and Commissioner Lopez seconded the motion. Ayes — 6 (Arenas, Dalati, Larsen, Lopez, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 Absent -4 (Agarwal, Diaz, Karaki, Ma'ae) 4. Public Comments (Individual audience participation is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker) Action: Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Duane Roberts, 46 year Anaheim resident recommended a change in the City Council Meeting time to improve participation. Jorge Iniestra, 15 year resident lives at 1412 S. Knott stated he is pro- districting. He said that candidates should live in the district from which they are elected. He has shown his children the importance of civic involvement by acting as PTA President for Hansen Elementary. He thinks it's important to model civic engagement & educate them. While acting as PTA President he learned that the majority of residents were Spanish speakers and that the way the system was set up was primarily in English which alienated many. He encouraged bilingual and translation at meetings including council to improve participation. He feels his side of the city is under - represented which is unfair in a city this big. He recommends 8 districts that would be fairly selected, not by politicians. Vanessa Gonzales, 10 year resident is pro- districting. She said that when an unknown individual broke into home involved in drugs and other activities, they called the Anaheim Police Department. The police responded late or not at all. She believes someone from her own neighborhood could represent her and her family better. She said that they could better relate to working family and youth in Anaheim. She attended her first city council meeting and when they discussed Martin Hernandez who was gunned down, she watched the mayor show disinterest. She said this is unacceptable. Clara Turner works as a policy analyst with OCCORD- provided handouts to committee members. She has attended most of these meetings and has noticed that either the committee or the public has a question, and the expert is not prepared to answer the question at that time. She has done a little research on the questions asked (see handouts) and she would like to provide to distribute to the committee and staff regarding her comment. How Anaheim's compares to other similarly sized California cities and system used to elect officials /ratio population. There is a handout that provides an overview of polarized voting. She provides definitions and additional demographics. The source is cited in the documents. She addressed a question Commissioner Lopez had about geographic polarization. She has contact information on the bottom of the handouts. Commissioner Real said to Ms. Turner, you suggested 7 districts, how would you recommend dividing these districts. Page 2 of 5 Commissioner Real asked Ms. how she would recommend dividing districts. Commissioner Real asked if she recommended 7 districts. She said she would actually recommend 8 districts plus + mayor which would put Anaheim above other districts but would factor in anticipated growth. Commissioner Real then reiterated the questions, assuming 9 districts how would you divide the city. She said she would require more data to better determine the best way to draw districts based on race, ethnicity, age and other characteristics. Commissioner Real thanked her for her response. Janet Taylor. This is the 3` meeting she has attended. She has 4 suggestions. She is against districting because she does not think it will help solve the problem of representation. She stated that it may have the opposite effect of dissolution of the votes if there are 9 people running for 2 seats. She stated that Anaheim may want to consider using the primary to limit the field for the final election outcome. She said you could limit the field 5 months and have a preliminary vote. She stated that there is still a problem with voter apathy, high cost for candidates to run that has a discouraging effect. She stated it is difficult to find detailed info on candidates and feels that the city hosting a meet the candidate event would improve the process. She said more information on the website would be helpful as well as utilizing email and social media. The internet is an inexpensive means for outreach and could continue to be better utilized. Ms. Taylor also recommended that the committee have an online and in person suggestion box because some people may not be present or may not be comfortable with public speaking but would like to be heard. Kenia Carpintero is a West Anaheim resident for over 20 years. She stated that they need better local representation. She is supports local district elections. Marisol Ramirez is a student and citizen. She encourages a later start time for council at 7pm to promote better turnout. She is pro - districting. She feels that someone from her local area would better represent her and her family. She said money stands in the way of competing as a candidate. Maria Ruiz (Spanish speaking with translator) She works and lives in Anaheim. She is in favor of districtis. She said that the people who are the working class and work for the city spend their money in the city and are not represented. She will attend every meeting until the city has district elections. Ron Bengochea, West Anaheim resident, born and raised here. He is against districting. He said it's what is in your heart that makes you a good leader, not where you live. Regarding the individual who said we don't have adequate representation, Mr. Bengochea disagrees. He stated it's each citizen's responsibility to participate, to show up at meetings and to be heard. He believes in limiting campaign contributions in order to equalize the candidacy. The translation services are improving communications with all residents. He stated that some issues residents raise may not be fixable by council but require citizen involvement in their community. Public comments concluded at 7:1Op.m. 5. Receive and file the report on Community Outreach efforts Page 3 of 5 Action: Receive and file community outreach report, upon presentation of outreach efforts. Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia introduced Ed Velasquez, outreach consultant, who provided an overview of the city's outreach efforts highlight on the flyer provided. Please see website below. The city has increased its outreach efforts and made information for the meetings available in both Spanish and English. The meeting informational flyer is also now available in four languages: Spanish, English, Vietnamese and Farsi. An interested list is being formed for all who attend meetings, complete speaker cards, sign -in. You may also request additional information through the CAC page on the website. Mr. Velasquez has also attended community neighborhood meetings and meetings of the community group, Los Amigos. Flyers are being posted at all public counters at City Hall, on the web and on signs at major intersections. Outreach information made available during the meeting and online at www.anaheim.net /CACelections Vice Chair Dalati asked if the change of time suggested in public comments may be added to the committee's recommendation. Mr. Garcia suggested that it can be included in the staff report or the committee's recommendations if they wish to include the suggestion. Vice Chair Dalati motioned to receive and file the outreach report and Commissioner Armas seconded the motion. Ayes — 6 ( Armas, Dalati, Larsen, Lopez, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 Absent -4 (Agarwal, Diaz, Karaki, Ma' ae) 6. Overview and presentation of alternative electoral systems Action: Presentations by David C. Kimball, Ph.D., Professor, University of Missouri -St. Louis and Steve Chessin, President, Californians for Electoral Reform. Presentation slides made available during the meeting and online at www.anaheim.net /CACelections Dr. Kimball and Mr. Chessin each provided presentations on the Cumulative and Ranked Choice Voting and Electoral Reform. Both presentations provided a great deal of information about the electoral process, various methodologies for voting and the possible outcomes as well as potential results from those outcomes. The full video of their presentations is available online at the address noted above. A question and answer period followed the presentations. 7. Committee Communications Action: Closing comments. Page 4 of 5 Commissioner Larsen thanked the speakers and staff. Commissioner Lopez also thanked both presenters. He said it was very educational and he has his own conclusions which will be discussed among the committee. Commissioner Lopez requested staff obtain info from OC Registrar of Voters office on voter registration with regard to recent elections in order to work on increasing voter registration. Mr. Lopez also indicated various labor groups assist with voter outreach. Mr. Garcia shared information regarding the February 21 which will provide information on voter participation and voter outreach. Commissioner Real thanked the guest speakers and the audience due to improved turnout. He encouraged everyone to continue listen to meetings. It is important to hear the audience comments. He said that comments and feedback will be used to base the committee's recommendations. He also encouraged more people from West Anaheim neighborhood to get involved and take an active role in this process. He said there are many neighborhood organizations especially in West Anaheim where you can get involved. There is a forum for them and you can get involved. Vice Chair Dalati stated that there was great attendance at tonight's meeting with a full room. It shows you care. He thanked the staff for their work and the citizens for their attendance and participation. Great information was provided. Commissioner Armas also thanked staff and said it was great to continue learning more about the various voting systems, many of which he didn't even consider before. He encouraged everyone to keep an open mind as we move forward. As we explore every option available, showing that the committee and community are not locked in, improvements can be made. Chair Pham thanked staff. 8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Chair Pham at 9:07 p.m. Caroline Morey Recording Secr( Page 5 of 5