Library 2013/01/14ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME Central Library Monday, January 14, 2013 500 W. Broadway 6:30 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER - The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on January 8, 2013, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Vice Chair Baeza at 6:35 p.m. PRESENT: Dr. Roberto Baeza Lana Petrullo Carolyn Bryant ABSENT: Laurie Crawford Linell Mathisen STAFF: Audrey A. Lujan, City Librarian, Jennifer Foxx, PT Sr. Secretary GUESTS: Helen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, Bruce Brown, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A.FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: Helen shared that Helma Nagamatsu, book chairman for the Friends passed away. Helma volunteered for the Anaheim Public Library for 37 years and will be greatly missed. The Friends have purchased a table for the Anaheim Public Library Foundation’s Mystery Authors Luncheon. Helen acknowledged Rick Brown for his assistance at their December book sale, which raised nearly $500. B.FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT: Bruce invited the Library Board to the Friends of the Canyon Hills Library Meeting on January 17, 2013. The Friends will be considering a request to contribute toward the installation of new glass study walls to create a quiet study space for the Canyon Hills Library. The Friends have purchased two tables for the Anaheim Public Library Foundation’s Mystery Authors Luncheon. Book sales and silent auction items have been moderate. Sales have been decreasing since the loss of Saturday hours at the Canyon Hills Library. C.ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: The Foundation’s Annual Mystery Authors Luncheon will be March 17, 2013 at the Sheraton Park Hotel. The Foundation will consider requests to add the Ponderosa Joint-Use Library to their Change for Changes program and to fund $5,715 for the installation of new glass study walls to create a quiet study space for the Canyon Hills Library at their next meeting. D.UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: None. E.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: None. II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 10, 2012 MEETING: The minutes of the December 10, 2012 meeting were carried over for approval due to lack of voting eligible Board Members. III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. IV.NEW BUSINESS: A.AD IN ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION’S MYSTERY AUTHORS LUNCHEON PROGRAM: The Library Board agreed to personally sponsor the inside cover of the Anaheim Public Library Foundation Mystery Author’s Luncheon Program. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting January 14, 2013 Page 2 V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: The Ebell Club of Anaheim held a fundraiser and raised $5,715 for the installation of glass walls to create a quiet study space at the Canyon Hills Library. The Library has requested a matching donation from the Anaheim Public Library Foundation and a $9,000 donation from the Friends of the Canyon Hills Library to pay the remainder of the costs associated with the project. Karen Gerth submitted a grant proposal to the State Library for the Pitch an Idea grant cycle. The Idea pitched was to develop and install interactive media kiosks which use touch screens, videos, and on screen forms to guide patrons through the steps necessary to register for a library card. This would allow patrons to see and hear instructions in their preferred language, regardless of staff availability, enable them to enter necessary information independently, and facilitate a more efficient registration process. A “News Know-How” grant proposal was submitted to the American Library Association by Joe Purtell. This grant involves mentoring teenagers to be more involved in the media and hopefully become advocates for libraries in the future. Joe Purtell has been working with students from UCI’s Social Ecology Department on a GIS project. The students took our patron database (addresses only) and mapped out city-wide where library cardholders are by type (youth, young adult, and adult). This information is extremely important to Audrey’s segmented marketing initiative. Karen Gerth, Kathy Garcia, and Guadalupe Gomez came up with an idea to streamline the work flow process at the Ponderosa Joint-Use Library by downloading the information from our computer system into the school’s system, rather than having to enter the information into the two different systems. The budget process has begun and the number one request for the Library Division is to restore Saturday hours at the Canyon Hills Library and opening one hour earlier at the Central Library. Joe Purtell has offered to take on several other projects, including beta testing “Career Cruising” an Internet based job seeking website for students and Job Scout a job seeking website recommended for everyone. Audrey shared information on fundraising opportunities for the Friends groups. B.PUBLICITY: None. C.LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: The Governor’s budget allows money for Literacy. The Anaheim Public Library will be receiving an additional $3,000 for Literacy supplies. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.CENTRAL ADULT & YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS: Included in packet. B.OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES: Included in packet. C.BRANCH SERVICES: Included in packet. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting January 14, 2013 Page 3 VII.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: The Board recognized Marcie Edwards for spearheading and expediting fiber connections at the Sunkist and Euclid Branch Libraries. VIII.BOARD ITEMS LANA PETRULLO – None. CAROLYN BRYANT – Gave her condolences to the family of Helma Nagamatsu and the Friends of the Anaheim Public Library. Helma was very dedicated and fun to be around, she will be missed. Carolyn was very happy to hear that restoring hours was the Library’s number one budget request. Carolyn donated $100.00 to the Anaheim Public Library Foundation for Ponderosa’s Change for Changes fund and challenged members of the City Council to also make a donation. DR. ROBERTO BAEZA, VICE CHAIR – Attended the Grand Opening of the Convention Center Plaza. Roberto told Audrey that he really appreciates her positive attitude and support of her staff. As a Principal who has a staff, he knows how important that is. Audrey is a real cheerleader for the Library and her staff, and he really appreciates the positive tone she sets. He is really happy that Audrey was named the City Librarian. IX.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Monday, February 11, 2013 at the Sunkist Library. B. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chair Baeza adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m. Vice Chair Secretary