20130314_Public_Comment (2)How much does it cost to run for City Council in Anaheim? Candidates'Expenditures (Funds Raised for Campaign and/or Personal Wealth) $350,000 C •c $300,000 C . v $250,000 c $200,000 c ai v' $150,000 N L o $100,000 o � $50,000 - - - - - - - -- -- - _ _ $o 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 Votes Won • 2006 Candidates • 2008 Candidates • 2010 Candidates * Winning Candidates 1 Contact: range ounty communities 'rganized for esponsible evelopment info @occord.org (714) 621 -0919 Candidates'Expenditures and Independent Expenditures (Political Action Committees) $400,000 - $350,000 -- _ - - - - - -- - - - c Cn .a $300,000 j �+ $250,000 -- c � 0 c $200,000 ai a `n $150,000 _.. — - - - - -- fQ c $100,000 • $50,000 0 O O $0 •" so 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 Votes Won • 2006 Candidates • 2008 Candidates • 2010 Candidates Winning Candidates METHODOLOGY: These campaign finance totals were compiled using Fair Political Practices Commission forms 460 and 501. Data from 2012 was not compiled for this graph as some candidates and committees had not filed their final forms. "Expenditures" were counted, rather than funds received, and in cases in which expenditures from month -to -month forms did not reconcile, the year -to -date expenditures on the filing through December 31 of that year were considered the most accurate total. Expenditures that were categorized as refunds of campaign money (RFD) to donors, and expenditures that were categorized as civic donations (CVC) that occurred after the election took place, were not counted toward the total. All other expenditures were. Contact: range ounty ommunities rganized for esponsible evelopment 2 info @occord.org (714) 621 -0919