Golf 1997/03/27 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES '= Thursday, March 27, 1997'. p.m. ,_ I di 4:00 m. <. 4th Floor Conference Room 61 _ MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew Commissioner Jerry LeMar STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy. The minutes of the February 27, 1997 meeting were approved on a motion by Commissioner Bartholomew and seconded by Commissioner Martin. GUESTS PRESENT: Manual Ontiveros, Guest Mr. Ontiveros presented to the Golf Commission a possible liability issue as it relates to Savanna High School. Golf balls are hit over into the parking lot from the #10 tee at Dad Miller Golf Course. Mr. Ontiveros presented an article dated February 22, 1994 in Mission Viejo about a person being hit by a golf ball and who also won a lawsuit. He expressed his concern about an individual possibly getting hit and a possibility of a lawsuit for the school district and the City. Staff agreed to investigate and report back to the Golf Commission next month. Christine Peterson, Anaheim Bulletin, was present to observe the meeting. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron reported customer service surveys will go out to both the mens and ladies clubs and the general public to get a baseline on services. A second survey has taken place at Dad Miller asking the golfer if they would be interested in seeing a quarterly newsletter and a frequent golfer program. The survey results were very positive and a lot of interest in a newsletter. Staff is now working on a possible quarterly newsletter, and determining what information should be included. Eventually, newsletters will be produced for both courses, but staff is starting with Dad Miller. A time survey at Anaheim Hills has been completed and the numbers show that the "Keep Pace" program is still working very well and the numbers keep improving. Staff would like to keep the average time at Anaheim Hills at 4.5 hours and 4 hours at Dad Miller. The Dad Miller time survey is still being completed and will be shared with the Commission at the next meeting. A customer service training program "Above and Beyond" is being prepared, which is a video tape training program for golf courses. Janet Donovan is tailoring the program to the "Anaheim Way." The new program will be called "Above and Beyond the Anaheim Way." The Marshals will begin the training during the month of April and will eventually all personnel in a service capacity will go through the training. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commissioners. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported maintenance activities currently in progress at the course. Landscape West has completed the planting for the mitigation area on #7. No rain reported in February and March. Staff aerified the greens and topdressed and applied crabgrass control to all fairways and roughs. The EC's on the greens are still below 1, which is good. The maintenance staff has completed fertilizing wall to wall. Some trees have been trimmed, including the large oak on #7. All collars have been aerified. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported maintenance activities currently in progress at the course. Fairways have been sprayed for English daisy and fertilized. Trees on the driving range have been trimmed. Doors in the golf shop have been repaired. New trees have been planted on #15. Gary Wimberly answered questions from the Commissioners. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported a very successful St. Patrick's Day Tournament with corn beef and cabbage and 58 participants. Golf staff is now focusing on the City Championship Tournament. The Junior Program at the Hills has begun. Spring golf clinics will begin at Dad Miller throughout the month. The golf shops and ranges are doing very well. Overall, both courses are producing good rounds and revenue. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. February Financial Report Jack Kudron reported that revenue was very good, up 2,200 rounds from last year. All categories are up. Both ranges are doing very well, even with the neighboring competition. The double decking of the Hills driving range has proven to be very successful. The Commission was very pleased with the February Financial Report. OLD BUSINESS: A. Anaheim Hills Community Clubhouse Status Jack Kudron reported on the status of the clubhouse. City staff is analyzing the overall concept and City needs. A government center concept is being analyzed for a police substation, branch library, and community center. The entire Anaheim Hills Community Clubhouse project has been suspended until a decision is made. Staff is waiting for direction from the City Manager's Office. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. B. Anaheim Hills Hole #7 Enhancement Project Status Jack Kudron reported the planting phase is complete. A letter to the Department of Fish and Game will be sent, notifying them of the completion of the project. Staff is working on the fluctuation of the water level in the lake. The lake might possibly need to be lined in order to hold the water. Discussion ensued. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. C. Dad Miller #15 Hole Reorientation Jack Kudron reported the neighbor seems to be happy about the #15 reorientation project. The ladies' tee might possibly be moved up. After the City Golf Tournament, staff will look at the possibility of reorienting the cart path and opening up the tee and moving it slightly to the right. New Ficus nitida trees were planted as part of this project. D. City Tournament Status Bob Johns reported 280 entries have been received to date, slightly ahead of schedule. Supplies, tee prizes and shirts are on order. The committee is still looking for additional financing for the tournament and working on selling tee signs in order to raise funds. The committee is hoping to sell 36 tee signs, with 14 currently sold. The major sponsor is Jacobson E -Z -Go. Hillbilly, a golf cart manufacturer, might possibly be an additional sponsor. Next meeting will be held Thursday, April 3rd. NEW BUSINESS: A. Commission Status Jack Kudron updated the Commission on the status of the Golf Course Advisory Commission. The discussions so far with the Mayor, City Council and City Manager's Office has been on term limits for individuals serving on various commissions. Staff will keep the Commission informed as information is provided. Chairman Klein inquired on the status of the new logos. Jack Kudron updated the Commission that the Dad Miller logo was the one staff is having difficulty with design and selection. There is agreement with the Anaheim Hills logo. B. Course Improvement Ideas for Next Year Jack Kudron reported staff budgets $100,000 per course per year for general improvements. Improvements have not been identified yet. Jack Kudron asked the Commission for improvement suggestions. If the clubhouse project were to be approved, the $200,000 for course improvements will go toward the temporary facilities. Staff will be working on the City's list and asking for recommendations from the Commission at the next meeting. The budget books were handed out to each Golf Commissioner and discussion will take place at the next Commission meeting. The City Manager's review has taken place. Staff is asking for concurrence from the Golf Commission at next month's meeting. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, April 24, 1997 in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room at 4:00 p.m.. 032797.cg