Golf 1996/02/29 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, February 29, 1996 4:00 P.M. k3 4th Floor Conference Room � t 4 1 `' ;.E MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Jerry LeMar MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Howard Bartholomew STAFF, GUESTS & LIAISON: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Bob Johns, Janet Donovan, Cathy Godoy, and representatives from Communications Links, Mike Petty and Robert Meyer. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 3:57 p.m. Minutes of the January 25, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Bill Martin. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron reported on the January Activity Report highlighting the XRS agreement will go to City Council for approval on March 12. This approval will allow the Tee Times Reservation System necessary software upgrades and amendment of the lease. Staff will lease new hardware to support the upgraded version. Anaheim Hills Range Improvement project went out to bid February 28th, with construction anticipated to begin April 29. The final plans on the #7 & #8 reconfiguration project is under staff review. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported the irrigation project is now complete. The old system removal is approximately 50% complete. The #12 Hole has been reseeded, and refertilized twice and is progressing well. All trees have been trimmed on the back side. In March staff will aerify the greens, reseed and fertilize to prepare for spring and the City Championship Tournament. The entire course has been fertilized including all tees, greens and fairways, roughs, and application of herbicide for crabgrass control. Video Tech is repairing the camera on #6. All directional signs will be redone throughout the course. Terry Hansen is training staff to maintain the new irrigation system. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported activities at the course. There has been an increase in vandalism, with flags, pins, ball washers, and tee markers thrown around. There has been four inches of rain to date, which tested the new pump and it proved to work very well. The range berms did hold the water runoff from the flood control channel. The City is currently evaluating the possibility of purchasing an additional pump. An additional sod nursery is being developed on the old driving range to assist with greens. Jack Kudron reported Terry Hansen has evaluated the current course irrigation system and has made recommendations for moving irrigation heads for better coverage and making the system work more efficiently. Gary answered questions from the Commission. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns reported the new golf professionals have been in place for 45 days now and are working hard to make the operation run better. The transition with Don Poff is complete. The new Senior Anaheim Golf Association is in place with 36 members. The first event will take place on March 19. The credit card usage status is currently 5% ATM and 95% credit cards. Jack Kudron commended both Bob Johns and Janet Donovan, who made the golf professional transition a very smooth and successful one. Comments from golfers have all been very positive. Bob answered questions from the Commission. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. January Financial Summary Jack Kudron reported on the month of January and compared the revenues to 1994, which was a record year. January was very good. The fee increases went in place on January 1. B. 2nd Quarter Financial Summary The quarterly report reflected the combined revenues are up 6 %. Net operating income is up 7 %. Dad Miller range revenue is showing signs of improvement. OLD BUSINESS: A. City Tournament Status Ed Klein reported on the status of the City Tournament. There are 155 -160 entries to date. The fundraising has been a little more difficult this year. Tournament is progressing well with the next tournament committee meeting scheduled for March 7. Janet Donovan reported the banners from the prior year were not in good condition to reuse, so new ones have been ordered. They will go up the 14th of March through the 1st of April. Cable television will be running billboards and public service announcements on a regular basis. Ads will be running in the LA Times in the special golf section. Five hundred bag tags have been ordered. NEW BUSINESS: A. Marketing Plan Discussion Jack Kudron introduced Michael Petty and Robert Meyer from Communication Links. Communication Links was hired to provide a marketing study, which is the first step in developing a marketing plan for each course. Michael Petty gave a presentation on the marketing analysis. An extensive discussion ensued. Michael Petty and Jack Kudron addressed questions from the Commission. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be March 28, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. 022996.cg