Golf 1997/01/23 E ECEIVE0 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES FEB 28 o? '37 Thursday, January 23, 1997 1' OFFICE t� �,K 4:00 p.m. CITY CF ;,hAE;ci 4th Floor Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew Commissioner Jerry LeMar STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 4:00 p.m.. The minutes of the December 5, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner LeMar. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron highlighted an article in the Crittenden Golf Marketing Magazine which we receive monthly. The article speaks of Tom Mathieu and his approach to turf maintenance after the installation of the irrigation at the Hills. Negotiations with the County relative to Dad Miller are progressing. An offer has been made to the County based upon studies that have been done by economic consultants. A response will be received within ninety days . Staff is currently involved in budget preparation. Graphic designer, Judith Lastra, was selected for the development of new logos for both courses. Chairman Klein inquired on the water rate at Anaheim Hills. Jack Kudron explained the water utility rates were changed in 1993. The municipal water rate, which was the best possible rate available, is no longer available. The water rates are now computed with a new formula. Consumption is comparable to past years, but costs are rising and the water we are using is untreated. Mike Bell in the Utilities Department is looking into our concerns. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported 5 inches of rain this month during 10 out of the 23 days, and 17 inches year - to -date. The lobby has been freshly painted, with new floors installed in the mens restroom located in the clubhouse. Glass panels were also installed in the front entrance doors. All tees have been aerified, fertilized and seeded. Roger Bell is progressing on the lake project. The rain has slowed the project, but they are making progress. Rain gutters were installed on the top deck of the driving range. Work in range building is taking place including, installation of counters, lights, and a roll down security door. The EC levels are down to .5 to .8. Twenty trees were lost from the wind storms. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported 5.2 inches of rain on the course. The maintenance staff has trimmed the oleanders along Gilbert Street practice center to lower the level of vandalism, drained and cleaned the lake, and overseeded and top dressed the crowns. The cold weather has not allowed germination. As weather allows, the greens will be aerified. Staff will be spraying for broadleaf weeds in the fairways and will apply pre- emergent. Additional work will be done on the cart paths in February. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported on marketing promotions. Len Trosino is the Golf Marketing Coordinator working with the hotel concierges in promoting our golf courses. Len is also working on the "Destination Tour Groups." Representatives from these groups will visit The Hills for a luncheon and golf day on the February 26 to introduce them to our courses. November "Golf Appreciation Month" was a great success. During November and December the retail business doubled. In January, the "Solutions to Resolutions" promotion will begin. Both ranges did great business this past weekend, averaging $1,000 per range, per day. An ad ran in the Pennysaver and targeted residents in Villa Park, which is located up Imperial Highway, right over the hill from Anaheim Hills and the response has been good. A "Valentines Day" promotion will run the first two weeks of February. Bring your mate and receive $10 off A "St. Patrick's Day" promotion will include green beer, corn beef and cabbage, tournaments at each course, awards for the best dressed, and irish music. Bob Johns answered questions from the Commission. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. November/December Financial Report Jack Kudron reported on how the weather conditions have affected the numbers. Year -to- date numbers are only down 1,500 rounds for the last six months. Dad Miller is up 500 and Anaheim Hills is down 2,000. OLD BUSINESS: A. Anaheim Hills Community Clubhouse Status Jack Kudron updated the Commission on the progress of the clubhouse project. Because there is not a community recreation center located in the hills, a resident, Greg Grubba, is expressing to staff what we need up in the hills area is not a community clubhouse, but a recreation center for seniors and activities for the community at no cost. The concept for the community clubhouse was to meet the banquet, meeting room and clubhouse needs. Staff is looking into alternatives. Staff is also working on revenue bonds that will need to be sold to finance the clubhouse. Several meetings have taken place with the City's bond consultant and bond counsel. Staff is hoping to go to City Council for a recommendation within the next 30 days. There is an abundance of interest and support for the community clubhouse project. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. B. Anaheim Hills Hole #7 Enhancement Project Status Jack Kudron reported the contractor is on board. The rock has been delivered, which is the material to form the dam. The bridge demolition has taken place. The new bridge is on order. Plants will need to be planted, with bids due next Tuesday, January 28. The project will be complete by April 1. Staff will then work toward having the whole course in top condition for the City Championship Tournament. C. Dad Miller #15 Hole Reorientation Jack Kudron reported the project is progressing slowly due to weather conditions. D. City Tournament Status Jack Kudron reported a second meeting has taken place an another meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 27. Dick Fuller is the Chairman of the tournament. Ed Klein reported on progress. NEW BUSINESS: A. Dad Miller Entry Improvement Design Jack Kudron reported an architect has been hired from the City's Master Consultant List, who is Larry Ryan from RJM to provide design concepts for the street frontage and entrance to Dad Miller Golf Course. Currently, the view is chainlink fences and cinder block walls and asphalt. Staff is requesting ideas in fence and gate treatments, a monument sign, readerboard, awning over the entrance to the clubhouse, and landscaping behind the #5 Tee. Staff is requesting that the designs are provided in components. As the budget permits, projects can be completed. Staff will report back to the Commission at the March meeting with results. B. Revised Course Improvement Projects Janet Donovan reported on the status of projects at both courses and answered questions from the Commission. C. Upcoming Promotions Bob Johns reported on promotions taking place on both courses. Janet reported on a flyer that will be mailed to various local convention planners. Jack Kudron explained staff is thinking about producing a newsletter for each course monthly in order to reach the core golfer. An exit survey will take place at Dad Miller, asking the golfer if they would want to see a newsletter. Another promotion being discussed is the the "Frequent Golfer Program." An example on how the program would work is, within a 60 -day period, if you played 9 rounds you would get your tenth round free. D. Tournament Surcharge Waiver Policy Jack Kudron reported staff has been requested by various City Councilmembers to consider offering added benefits to citizens of Anaheim. As an example, to waive tournament surcharge for local charity tournaments. After consideration, staff has recommended some language for a policy statement back to the City Manager's Office. The language staff is proposing is "Any Anaheim -based non - profit group that uses one of our courses Monday through Thursday and whose tournament proceeds go for charitable purposes could request a waiver of the surcharge." Discussion ensued. Chairman Ed Klein indicated he will not be able to attend the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, February 27, 1997 in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room at 4:00 p.m.. 012397.cg