Golf 1995/11/30 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES r'• ,s Thursday, November 30, 1995 4:00 P.M. 4th Floor Conference Room ° ' L 3 3 of C EN CITY t,r MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Jerry LeMar STAFF, GUESTS & LIAISON: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns and Don Poff The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 4:05 p.m. Minutes of the November 2, 1995 meeting were approved on a motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Commissioner Martin. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron highlighted the special now offered at the Anaheim Hills Golf Course which is Monday through Thursday $11.00. Advertising is currently running in the Register and the L.A. Times. Play has been very stable while construction is taking place. Advertising is now visible at the Arrowhead Pond next to the auxiliary scoreboard. "Play Golf in Anaheim" consisting of two panels costing $2,800 for production, which would normally be valued at $10,000 of advertising, plus production costs. Most of the improvements at the Dad Miller Range are complete. All the crowns of the target greens have been sodded and the two practice bunkers are in. Staff is currently awaiting the installation of the fence. A second berm has been built behind the first berm down the channel to help during the rainy season. Projects still awaiting completion on the range are the improved lighting at the putting green, teaching area and the bunker practice area, which will happen within the 30 -60 days. ANAHEIM HILLS PRO'S REPORT: Don Poff reported the new flooring has been repaired in the Pro Shop. Don Poff also indicated that the special rate during the construction period was a great idea and has helped to bring golfers out. Don also did a quick review of November rounds with an additional 734 players. DAD MILLER PRO'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported the golf course is in magnificent condition due the diligence of the golf maintenance staff. Bob Johns also reported that rounds are up approximately 1,400 rounds from last November. The Keep Pace Program has been implemented and is showing very positive results. OCTOBER FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Jack Kudron reported that the revenues broke a five -year record. Driving ranges are slightly down. Four month year -to -date overall is up 5% and net operating income is up 11 %. OLD BUSINESS: A. A.H.G.C. Irrigation System Status Janet Donovan reported the official completion date is Friday, December 22, 1995 for the irrigation project. There will be a walk through at that time. Laterals need to be pulled on five holes, which will take the contract workers out of the line of play. Terry Hansen, Irrigation Project Coordinator, has done an excellent job in overseeing the project. B. Clubhouse Project Status Jack Kudron reported the financial analysis is still in progress. Staff will report back to the citizen's committee in mid - January and lay out the financial and staff work currently done to date. C. A.H.G.C. Range Improvements Status Jack Kudron reported the covering of the channel will go without a problem. The soil report shows that the second tier of the driving range project has approximately 45 feet of fill dirt. The architect is currently working on alternatives. D. Professional Services Contract Jack Kudron reported the new contract with Bob Johns was approved by City Council. Bob Johns, Janet Donovan and Jack Kudron are meeting regularly and have identified several transition tasks that must occur to make the transition on February 1, 1996. Forty-six applications were received for the head positions, ten of those applicants were interviewed. Commissioner Bartholomew and Chairman Klein were on the interview panel, along with representatives from the clubs at each course, Bob Johns and Jack Kudron. Bob Johns is currently checking references. A welcoming reception will be held to introduce the new pros to the golfing community, including mens clubs, ladies clubs, the media, etc. The new pros will start training the first of the new year. E. Credit/Debit Services Status Janet Donovan reported that City Council has approved the new Credit/Debit Services. City staff is currently working out some accounting detail procedures. Equipment will be delivered and ready within the next two weeks. Advertisements /Ads are going out explaining our new services. F. #12 Green Status Janet Donovan updated the Commission on the status of the #12 Green project. A geo- technical engineer has been out to the green four times supervising the project. The green will be approximately 6,500 square feet. The key element is that it is tiered forward and more visible. Janet Donovan and Jack Kudron explained to the commissioners the layout of the #12 Green. Discussion ensued. G. Tee Times Reservation System Commissioner Riley inquired on the starting time system (Tee Times). In the past, the starting time rolled over at 10:00 p.m. He asked if this system has changed. The Tee Times Reservation System has not been consistent. Janet Donovan indicated that the technology has improved but our system is very out dated. We are supposed to have received periodic upgrades. A meeting with the Xeta Reservation System (XRS) staff has been set up for a week from now with Mike Meriner, where he will demonstrate to staff the latest versions of both hardware and software currently offered. Xeta Reservation System (XRS) has been purchased by American Golf Corporation. NEW BUSINESS: A. City Tournament Jack Kudron reported that the City Tournament Committee has started up. Ed Klein will be the chairman once again. One meeting has been held, with an additional meeting set for December 14. COPES charity has been selected, which operates safe homes for abused children in Orange County. B. 95/96 Improvement Project Status Jack Kudron reported approximately 65% of the current improvement projects are complete. Janet Donovan highlighted projects in progress and scheduled for completion. Staff answered questions from the Commission. C. County Lease Negotiations Jack Kudron reported on the negotiation preparations with the County on the Dad Miller Golf Course lease. The city has been preparing for these negotiation discussions for nearly one year. The current lease will expire in 2002. The meeting will take place in one week with the County. Staff will keep the Commission informed as needed. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next Golf Commission meeting will be a January 25, 1995 at 4:00 p.m. 113095.cg