Golf 1996/09/26 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, September 26, 1996 4:00 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Jerry LeMar STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 4:01 p.m.. The minutes of the August 22, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Commissioner Bartholomew and seconded by Commissioner Martin. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron reported on marketing strategies implemented to date. Len Trosino is currently researching better ways to promote our courses and Janet Donovan is working with the Visitors and Convention Bureau. Jack Kudron asked if there were any comments regarding the Annual Golf Report distributed to the Commission at the August meeting. Chairman Klein was very pleased with the report. The "Adopt -a- Green" program has begun to help combat unrepaired ball marks. Chairman Klein indicated that the crows have been a real problem damaging the greens. Discussion ensued. Staff answered questions from the Commission. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported problems with his greens. The EC levels are too high (salt content in the soil). The highest EC rating should be .7. The lowest EC on any of the greens is currently showing a 1.08 rating and sometimes as high as 2.2, which is extremely high. Staff is watering more to leech the salts out and bring the EC levels down. Staff is working to switch to domestic water, which has a rating of .9 to 1.0, which would be a substantial improvement. A protection fence is being installed behind the #11 Tee. Staff is painting the restrooms and trimming all trees along Nohl Ranch Road to make the golf course more visible. Jack Kudron reported on the defective indoor /outdoor carpeting on the new range structure. These materials are all guaranteed and the contractor has assured staff that it will be replaced. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported trees have been planted on #7, a target green at the range has been constructed, with the additional target being installed at the 150 yard marker. Sod on the #1 Green has been placed. The #5 and #13 Tees have been re- sodded. Staff has drained and cleaned the lake and also cleaned out the storm channel. The maintenance staff is currently sodding the bare areas along the cart paths. Along #1 Fairway, some protective fencing will be installed and also along the parking lot and on #15 and #8. Deep tine aerification of the greens will be taking place, which was part of the USGA recommendation. The EC rating at Dad Miller is .3, which is excellent. Staff does experience problems with algae particles in the water from the lake obstructing irrigation heads. The new booster pump will eliminate this problem and allow more opportunity to try new things, namely, repair work on the lake bottom. The new green will open Saturday, October 12. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported status on tournament contracts. Approximately 250 -300 tournament contracts have been confirmed for both courses for 1997. Janet Donovan, Roger Teel, Scott Stubbs, and Bob Johns will meet to develop a program and promotion calendar. Business has been terrific. The driving ranges continue to improve. The largest revenue day for either range was at Anaheim Hills on September 22. The ranges are projected to generate approximately $40,000 this month. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. August Financial Report Jack Kudron reported merchandise and restaurants are doing very well. Rounds were down 1,400 at Anaheim Hills for July and August. Range revenue is improving. $16,000 in range revenue was generated during the first full month of operation for the Anaheim Hills driving range. B. Fiscal Year 95/96 Year End Report Jack Kudron reported Fiscal Year 95/96 has been the best so far since Golf Operations has joined the Community Services Department. A 9% increase in overall operating revenue, 12% increase in greens fees, 14% increase in cart revenue, and a 27% increase in the food and beverage operation. Expenses were up due to one time expenditures, such as the marketing study, some added materials bought for the Anaheim Hills irrigation project, and some of the projects were held up due to the bankruptcy, which was carried over but will level out this year. All in all, Golf Operations has had a very favorable year. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: A. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Status Jack reported the project is now complete. The new green will be open October 12. B. Golf Commission Restructuring Jack Kudron noted there is nothing new to report regarding the restructuring of the Golf Commission. Staff is waiting for direction. NEW BUSINESS: A. U.S.G.A. Turf Advisory Report Report is included in Golf Commission packet. The superintendents will develop an action item program as a result of the report and will report monthly to Jack on what has been implemented relative to meeting the recommendations included in the USGA report. B. Anaheim Hills Community Clubhouse Status Staff has met with City Council members to discuss funding strategies for the proposed clubhouse and reviewing the floor plan and model of the facility. There is a lot of interest in this project. A Citizen's Advisory Committee meeting has been scheduled. Staff will update the Committee as needed. If approved, the project could be completed in approximately 27 months from the date started. This would allow one and one -half years for design, and one year for construction. The cost for temporary facilities could be as much as $200,000. Staff will report back to the Commission as information develops. C. Anaheim Hills Mitigation Project Status Jack reported the project is currently out to bid. A pre -bid meeting is scheduled for October 7. Project will be awarded by November 1, with construction through 12/30/96. Discussion ensued. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, October 24, 1996 in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room at 4:00 p.m.. 092696.CG