Golf 1996/08/22 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES t:a C - CI Thursday, August 22, 1996 -t , 4:00 p.m. , N 4th Floor Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: al Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, Al Morris, Tom Mathieu, and Cathy Godoy. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 4:00 p.m.. Jack Kudron introduced the two new Golf Course Maintenance Supervisors, Al Moms and Tom Mathieu. Al Moms has been promoted from Golf Course Maintenance Leadworker. Tom Mathieu reviewed his background for the Golf Commission. Al Morris will continue at Dad Miller Golf Course and Tom Mathieu will be working at the Anaheim Hills Golf Course. The minutes of the July 25, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Commissioner LeMar. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron distributed a complimentary letter received from the ladies club at Anaheim Hills complimenting Scott Stubbs and his staff. The 1995 -96 Annual Golf Report, prepared by Janet Donovan, was distributed to everyone present. The report will also be presented to the City Manager and City Council, various professional organizations, the mens and ladies clubs, and various consultants. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported the drain valve in the lake is in, plastic is down, fountain is operating, the lake is filled and the project is complete. A protection screen will be installed behind the #11 Tee to protect the turnaround area. Don explained various procedures with the irrigation system and answered questions from the Commission. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported the golf crew has, on a daily basis, been continually plucking and picking the crabgrass. Drainlines have been added to areas along the cart paths at the end of 17 and 15. The parking lot was restriped and the emergency exit has been enlarged. A new turnaround was installed at the #5 Tee. The #8 Tee will be opened Friday, August 23rd. The #7 Green has been topdressed and fertilized on a weekly basis. Gary explained that hay has been placed in the lake, in hopes of eliminating the use of some chemical application. The concept behind this, is the hay will absorb the energy and nutrients that it takes to produce the algae. It must be removed within approximately 7 days before the hay breaks down and the nutrients are re- released back into the water. This procedure was recommended in the U.S.G.A. Report. The first week the lake was showing significant improvement, but some chemical application will still be necessary. The backup booster pump system will be complete by September 11 and installed by the week of September 16. This back up system will allow staff the option of working on the lake bed. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported the Anaheim Hills pro shop was burglarized on Tuesday morning. Approximately $4,000 worth of golf clubs, approximately 60 pieces, and various golf equipment was stolen. Other local golf shops have experienced similar problems with burglaries. One of the main goals Bob Johns will be focusing on is to refine the driving range operation at Anaheim Hills. Business is good, approximately $500 per day, $15,000 per month and continues to grow. There is a concern with the loss of golf balls. The use of a new fairway gang mower and new picking unit will enable staff to have access to more golf balls. The underbrush, right of the channel area and south of #11 Green, will be cleaned out. The second priority will be arranging and scheduling as many golf events as possible for next year. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. July Financial Report Jack Kudron reported that the year end financial report normally available to the Commission at the August meeting was not available, because financial reports were not available to staff this early in the month. These reports will be available next month. Golf Operations contributed $1.8 million to the General Fund and profited $1.7 million. July revenue was good and was comparable to last year. Due to the change in the pro services contract, some new charts have been developed by staff. The previous combined revenue chart was no longer accurate now that Bob Johns is sharing in the gross revenue. Jack reviewed the financial charts and answered questions from the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: A. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Status Jack reported on the status of the 7/8 at Dad Miller. Several trees will be planted to develop a screening between the tee and the green. Gary Wimberly and Al Morris are now evaluating the plans to determine where the mainlines and heads are located. This will be complete prior to the opening of the green, which will be approximately October 1. The green has been walk mowed and will be done this way for at least six months, prior to bringing heavy mowing equipment in. B. Golf Commission Restructuring Jack Kudron reported that all staff work is complete and has been forwarded to the City Manager's office. Staff will report back to the Commission as the process moves forward. NEW BUSINESS: A. Tournament Booking Statistics As requested by Chairman Klein, Jack Kudron provided the Commission with a report over the last three years outlining information on tournament bookings per month, per course, indicating if the $10 tournament surcharge has affected tournament bookings. The numbers do not reflect any decline in tournament bookings or revenue. During January to June 1995, Anaheim Hills collected $31,500 and Dad Miller $16,296; July 1995 to June 1996, Anaheim Hills collected $68,600 and Dad Miller $33,900. B. Part -Time Golf Marketing Coordinator Recruitment Status Jack Kudron reported that the new Part-Time Golf Marketing Coordinator has been hired. His name is Leonard (Len) Trosino, and his assignments will be projects such as developing inroads to the hotel business. He will be working with the various hotel concierges and researching the larger companies in this area that have Fridays off or some type of flexible work week for "company golf days ". Len's background consists of marketing in the manufacturing industry and he also teaches marketing at the University of LaVerne. C. U.S.G.A. REPORT Jack reported the U.S.G.A. visited both courses on July 16. The report was just received but was not available for this month's meeting. The report will be available to the Commission next month. Overall, the report indicated very good ratings. Chairman Klein inquired about the ball marks. Jack Kudron explained a "A Ball Mark Repair Program" was being discussed. As part of the #1 Tee Starter program, every group that leaves the tee, gets a green assigned to them. The first group that tees off, would be assigned the #18 Green. The program would also work in reverse. The next group would get #17 Green, the next #16, and so on. Staff answered questions from the Commission. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, September 26, 1996 in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room at 4:00 p.m.. 082296.CG