Golf 1996/07/25 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, July 25, 1996 5:00 P.M. Anaheim Stadium Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Ed Klein STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, Scott Stubbs, Roger Teel, and Cathy Godoy The meeting was called to order by Vice - Chairman Riley at 5:05 p.m. The minutes of the June 27, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Commission Martin and seconded by Commissioner Bartholomew. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron highlighted items such as the hiring of the new Golf Marketing Coordinator, Leonard Trosino. He will be starting this week. The staff from the USGA visited recently, reviewing the turf conditions. The reports will be available next month. Staff answered questions from the Commission. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported that the range is now open. The #11 Tee is complete and coming along very well. Lake shut -off valve is being replaced. The #11 Tee is scheduled to be open around the first of August. Don reviewed various projects in progress and answered questions from the Commission. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported that spiking and overseeding the greens has been taking place. There are minimal signs of crabgrass, which the maintenance staff is working diligently to control and eliminate entirely. The distances on #7 and #8 were relasered and remeasured from the monuments, and the distance signs will be adjusted accordingly. The #8 Tee has been mowed and topdressed for the first time. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported that the Anaheim Hills range is now open. Commissioner LeMar, Commissioner Martin and Vice - Chairman Riley all attended the Grand Re- Opening. The XRS computer system upgrade has been installed. The retail business at both golf shops continues to improve. Vice - Chairman Riley inquired how we can bring the golfers back to our ranges. Bob Johns indicated the Anaheim Hills range is doing much better since the reopening. The biggest competition for Dad Miller is the Buena Park Teaching Center. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. June Financial Report Jack Kudron reported that rounds were higher than 93/94, which has proven to be the benchmark year. Gross revenue figures were at $5,265,000. Range revenue decreased due to the Anaheim Hills range closure, and neighboring golf center competition. OLD BUSINESS: A. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Status Jack reviewed a status report on the 7/8 Project. Cart path is complete. The tee will be open to the public approximately September 1st. The green will be open to the public around October 1st. The project has been a success and the main contributing factor is due to the selection of a very good contractor. B. Anaheim Hills Driving Range Improvement Project Status Jack Kudron reported that the contractor was outstanding. Staff is very pleased with the outcome of this project. C. Golf Course Maintenance Supervisor Recruitment Status Jack Kudron reported that the recruitment is still in progress. There were two rounds of interviews; the first being a technical interview with an outside panel. The second interview panel consisted of Golf Operations Management Staff with four finalists. The two new maintenance supervisors will start the middle of August. NEW BUSINESS: No new business. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, August 22, 1996 in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room at 4:00 p.m.. 072596.CG