Private Industry Council 1996/10/24 R cf f,r ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL ED CITY OF ANAHEIM J41 30 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. 4 58 PM OF ► 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER � O ail { ' , ANA H 4,4 Eh OCTOBER 24, 1996 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The PIC Chair, Paul Bostwick, called the meeting to order at 3:55 p.m. after pictures were taken of the full PIC for the Annual Report. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Tom Brown. ROLL CALL Present Absent Staff Jan Billings Marie Moreno Dick Clark Ruben Aceves Jill Bolton Sheila Mosey Tom Kurtz Anita Martin Paul Bostwick Mike Neben Don Natenstedt Marge Pritchard Tom Brown Roy Odom Bob Nelson Rita Slayton Bob Cashman Joanna Rodgers Bob Zonitch John Geisbauer Wally Rodriguez Tom Harris Larry Slagle Frank Jacobson Ray Torres PRESENTATION A presentation of the 1995 -96 Summer Youth Program was given by Ruben Aceves and Don Baumeister, AUHSD. Beth Chiaro, NOCROP, gave a presentation on the CDBG Limited Internship Program. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The June 27, 1996 minutes were moved for approval by Bob Cashman and seconded by Tom Brown. Abstentions came from Jill Bolton, Tom Harris, Frank Jacobson, Larry Slagle, and Ray Torres. The motion passed. There was no discussion. 4 l F:\DOCS \JTPA\MINUTE S\AMN6A28A. DOC CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 -5 Frank Jacobson pulled Action Item #3 for further discussion. Action Item #1 - Ratification of three PIC appointments to the Anaheim Private Industry Council. The Chair pulled this item to be voted on separately so that the PIC could approve the new members, Linda Newby, Gallery Travel, Geoff Wilson, Junior Achievement, and Jerry Dunn, Orange County Social Services, and have them to join the full board. The motion was moved by Mike Neben and seconded by Tom Harris. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no discussion. Action Item #2 - Approval of Additional Training Vendors for FY1996 -97; Action Item #4 - Ratification of a PIC Member to serve on the City's Community Development Block Grant Advisory Board; Action Item #5 - Approval of PIC Monitoring & Evaluation Procedures. A motion for approval of the Consent Calendar Action Items #2,4,& 5 was made by Tom Harris and seconded by Ray Torres. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no further discussion. Action Item #3 - Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the SDA/PIC and Department of Rehabilitation. Frank Jacobson stated that he was concerned with the way page two Section B #1 read "The SDA will assure " He felt that there could be a financial commitment involved and he had concerns. He stated that he would be more comfortable if it read "that the SDA would make its best efforts to make its services accessible" rather than "the SDA will assure" making it a definite commitment. Ray Torres stated that maybe a definition or reading on this might help since he got a different reading from this statement. Mr. Torres asked Marge or Ruben to explain further. Marge Pritchard stated that on Item B, Accessibility, there is clearly no latitude for us not to be accessible to persons with disabilities which is stated in the regulations and with the exceptance of any federal grant. She stated that maybe the services needs to be more defined and at this time she hoped this MOU for use of the One Stop Center would bring in additional services for people with disabilities. F:\DOCS\J PA\MINUTES\AMN6A28A.DOC Marge stated that as far as monetary commitment, at this time, we are following all of the procedures that we would need to have in place and addressing the additional services we are thinking of putting in. Marge stated that this MOU was put together hoping that John Geisbauer's staff at the Department of Rehabilitation could provide some services for the Center. Frank Jacobson stated that he concurred with what we are trying to achieve, but what ran up a red flag for him was when it said "computer software which permits a person who is blind to access a computer ". He stated that there are many disabilities and if we are to assure that every type of a person with a disability would be seen, then there is a monetary cost associated with that. He asked if we could look at that cost and say no that is too costly to implement or are we by this MOU forced to implement this. John Geisbauer stated that Title II and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act says the requirements of the agencies that receive federal funds or provide services in the public domain relate to the operations of the One Stop Career Center. He felt that there could be some financial encumbrances by the PIC through one funding source or another to provide the accessibility to the technology. He stated for example, some software for the hearing impaired or someone in a wheelchair. John Geisbauer stated that the MOU is just talking about the Department of Rehabilitation providing consultation so there is no need to change any of the wording. Frank Jacobson asked Marge Pritchard if she felt comfortable that we can accomplish this within our budget without getting off track with the other programs. Marge Pritchard stated that since she does not know all the costs involved, she could not answer this with affirmative or negative. She felt that we could still move forward with this because we could accommodate these individuals with special appointments as needed. Marge asked John Geisbauer if this would sufficient. He agreed that it would. The motion to move for approval was made by Frank Jacobson and seconded by Jan Billings. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. NON - CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 Action Item #1 - Approval of CDBG Funding Request for FY1996 -97. Ray Torres moved for approval that the PIC request a maximum amount of $500,000 due to the increase of the minimum wage. Larry Slagle seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. F.\DOCSUTPA\MINUTE S \AMN6A28A.DOC INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Unemployment Statistics - Marge Pritchard stated that the 5% UI statistics for Anaheim in the paper were incorrect according to the Labor Market Analyst, Ellie Jordan. Marge stated that the figures in the packet were correct. Ruben Aceves stated that the UI Stats for Anaheim in September was 4.8 %, 4.1 % Orange County, and 6.7% for the State. 2. Training Contractors Performance Report - No discussion 3. Performance Standards - No discussion 4. Monthly Fiscal Report - No discussion COMMITTEE REPORTS By -Laws - No report. Economic Development - Marge Pritchard stated that the committee will be meeting on November 14th. She also stated that Linda Newby will be joining the committee. There was no further discussion. Marketing - Jill Bolton stated that the report was in the packet. She also mentioned that the Awards Ceremony is underway with keynote speaker, Tom McKernon which will be held at the Marriott. Membership - Larry Slagle stated that the PIC ratified the three new members. Paul Bostwick stated that a letter of resignation was received from Nicole Lorenz and a phone call from the Los Angeles Urban League stating that George Williams has left the City. A motion for approval of the letter of resignation from Nicole and resignation by default from George was made by John Geisbauer and seconded by Joanna Rodgers. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. Monitoring & Evaluation - Tom Brown stated that the report was in the packet and he also encouraged everyone to sign up for the monitoring visits. He stated that there will be a training session on November 8th. Tom Harris asked if there was a quota and if PIC members needed to sign up for more than one visit. Tom stated that it was two. Marge Pritchard stated that Jerry Dunn will be joining the committee. F: \DOC SUTPA \MINUPES\AMN6A28A. DOC Planning & Analysis - Wally Rodriguez stated that the action items were on the consent calendar and passed. One Stop - Rita Slayton stated that the center file server has been installed in the building and is linked by the City's communication network. She stated that she is waiting for the City to move their Internet page before she can connect the center to the Internet and receive the resources for the customers and enable the employers to dial into the file server. She stated that they serve approximately 600 people a month. Marge Pritchard stated that the One Stop Advisory Task Force is continuing to meet with a meeting next Wednesday. School -to- Career - Mike Neben stated that the Steering Committee met in September and received the recommendations from the three Imperative Groups. He stated that the next Steering Committee is tentatively schedule for December 10th, from 5 -7pm in the Gordon Hoyt Center. Mike Neben stated that there was a meeting on October 1, 1996 at the Anaheim City School District hosted by Superintendent Roberta Thompson with the assistance of UCI Graduate School of Education to put together a collaborative to create programs for schools of the 21st century. He stated that he was invited along with Dave Morgan, Asst. City Manager, Jill Bolton, Disneyland. He stated that UCI wants to make their services available to the City School District to help them review some of the problems of overcrowding and school facilities. Mike stated that he and Marge Pritchard have met with UCI and are moving forward to make them an integral part of what Anaheim is doing and not create another • collaborative that will go out to the same people. Mike stated that Anaheim was invited by the JC Penny Leadership Institute on school improvement to host a teleconference on November 15th with the subject of "Enhancing Principals' Management Skills with Business Support ". He stated that Anaheim has agreed to participate with assistance of their new partners at UCI to host this in the Gordon Hoyt Conference Center at 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Mike Neben stated that on November 26th, the next meeting of the City School District, UCI, and Anaheim Collaborative will meet at the UCI campus. He stated that the Anaheim Collaborative is recognized as having a leadership role. JTPA MANAGER'S REPORT Marge Pritchard gave a presentation on the One Stop Career Center System's major features /issues, concerns, and recommendations. She asked the PIC to look over the booklet and to get back to her with any questions or concerns so that we can respond back to the State with our concerns. F: \DOC SUTPA \MINUTES\AMN6A28A.DOC CHAIRMAN'S REPORT The Chair stated that the proposal for the Block Grant funding was made and public testimony will need to be made. He stated that there might need to be another PIC meeting in the early part of December for the approval. He also stated that he would give the new members a chance to introduce themselves at the January meeting. COMMENTS FROM PIC Jan Billings commented that the JTPA Summer Youth Program was a joy to behold. She spoke of one student who was very shy and frighten when she first began her job as receptionist but blossomed into a most confident, delightful and with wonderful phone communication skills. She stated that the kids are too valuable not to nurture that way. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Anita Martin, Secretary F:\DOCSU iPA\MINUTES\AMN6A28A.DOC