Private Industry Council 1996/05/23 ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL / CITY OF ANAHEIM 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. I , e +? 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER r < } , MAY 23, 1996 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The PIC Chair, Paul Bostwick, called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mike Neben. Roll Call Present Absent Staff Jan Billings Tom Harris Ruben Aceves Jill Bolton Cheryl Holt Anita Martin Paul Bostwick Charles Kurtz Al Parsons Tom Brown Nicole Lorenz Marge Pritchard Bob Cashman Marie Moreno Rita Slayton Dick Clark Bob Nelson Dianne Edwards Ray Torres John Geisbauer Bob Zonitch Frank Jacobson Tom Kurtz Sheila Mosey Don Natenstedt Mike Neben Roy Odom Joanna Rodgers Wally Rodriquez Larry Slagle George Williams PRESENTATION Joanna Rodgers, EDD, made a presentation to the PIC for receiving the California Chapter of the International Association of Personnel In Employment Security (LAPES) group citation award in recognition of its "outstanding efforts and teamwork ". Eleanor Jordan, EDD, gave a presentation on the Nuts & Bolts of the Ul Statistics. 1 A:\amn6604a.doc APPROVAL OF MINUTES The April 25, 1996 minutes were moved for approval by Bob Cashman and seconded by Tom Brown. Larry Slagle abstained. The motion passed. There was no discussion. NON - CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 &2 Action Item #1 - Approval of the FY1996 -97 8 % -30% Request for Application prioritization recommendations for submittal to the California State of Department of Education. Ruben Aceves stated that the PIC authorized the release of the State request for application for School -To- Career Projects which were due May 10th. He stated that they received a total of three proposals; NOCCCD, NOCROP, AUHSD. He stated that the P&A Committee in conjunction with the School -To- Career Steering Committee were involved in the review and evaluation process. He stated that there were a total of 6 readers on the panel and at the last P &A meeting, the recommendations were to assign priority #1 to NOCCCD, priority #2 to AUHSD, and priority #3 to NOCROP. The applications are due to the State on May 29, 1996. Ruben stated that on page two of the item is a timeline showing the dates. Larry Slagle asked if there was any reason to believe that we would receive funding for priority 2 &3 and what was the point spread. Ruben stated that the committee and staff felt that all three applications were well written and served a valuable need and in consideration of that, a support letter would also be submitted to the State for their funding if additional funds are available. He also stated that this was a degree of difference between the applications and the committee was comfortable making the priority assignments. There was about a 30 point difference between the three applications. Dianne Edwards asked if we were required to prioritize and if not did we make them less competitive by prioritizing rather than submitting them without prioritization. Ruben stated that it was not a requirement to prioritize but an option. The PIC elected to adopt that option at the last PIC meeting to give local control to the PIC in terms of what our community needs are instead of leaving it up to the State to decide. Don Natenstedt moved for approval and Bob Cashman seconded. Tom Kurtz and Jan Billings abstained. The motion passed. 2 A \amn6604a.doc Action Item #2 - Nominations for the offices of Chair and Vice - Chair. Marge Pritchard pulled Item #2 since there was no confirmation of names from the Nominating Committee at this time. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Unemployment Statistics - There was no further questions. 2. Training Contractors Performance Report - Ruben Aceves stated that the report stayed the same from last month and no administrative actions taken. 3. Monthly Fiscal Report - There was no further questions. COMMITTEE REPORTS ByLaws - No report. Economic Development - Don Natenstedt stated that the committee met on May 9, 1996 and meets four times during the year as planned. He stated that Gay Forbes, Economic Development Manager, gave a presentation on Economic Development and provided a handout of the "Anaheim Works for Business ". He stated that the committee discussed the electronic connectivity at the One Stop Career Center and discussed the four industry task forces. Marketing - Bob Cashman stated that the committee discussed the overview of next year and he stated that a new newsletter was handed out. He also stated that Dave Mendoza, Administrative Intern for Marketing, will be going to Nortre Dame in August. Membership - No report. Monitoring & Evaluation - No report Planning & Analysis - The items were approved on the agenda. No further report. One Stop Career Center - Rita Slayton stated that the Center officially opened on May 16th but it has been operational since October. She stated that they were able to demonstrate the electronic infrastructure and that the people from Resumex, San Jose, CA, conducted an on -site demonstration for everyone during the open house. There were approximately 150 in attendance. 3 A:1amn6604a.doc Paul Bostwick stated that during the One Stop dedication proclamations from Senator Hurtt and Assemblyman Morissey's office were received. He also stated that Councilman Feldhouse and City Manager Jim Ruth were in attendance. He felt it was a great turnout and thanked everyone for their support. School -To- Career - Mike Neben stated that a complete report was in the packet. He also stated that the May 6th Community Forum was a success. Mike stated that the keynote speaker, Joel Slutsky, Odetics Inc. and Mayor Daly both stated that they would have to leave after their presentation but ended up staying for the whole meeting. Mike stated that the response for the Imperative Groups was very good and all meetings will be held at the Gordon Hoyt Center. JTPA MANAGER'S REPORT 1. Legislative Update - Marge Pritchard stated that she had a call into one of the elective official's Legislative Analyst with information from Washington but the call was not received before the meeting. She stated that the Conference Committee is meeting and there is supposed to be some version of a Workforce Development Bill by late tonight. She stated that if we don't hear something soon, it will probably be after the November elections. Marge stated that this doesn't sound good because the appropriations are being chopped away but we are still held to all the mandates of the existing programs and asked to fold in Welfare to Work and School -to- Career. She stated that she told the representative from Senator Feinstein's office who attended the One Stop dedication that we needed legislation to move us forward and to know what direction we are going to start planning for next year. Bob Cashman stated that he had talked to Congressman Kim who understood that the vouchers was deadlocked and didn't see any movement in that area. 2. 1996 Allocations - Marge Pritchard handed out the allocation chart showing figures received from the State EDD office and stated that there is the possibility that these funds could increase because of carryover funds or reallocations when the State recaptures from those service delivery areas or private industry councils who have not spent up to the mandated percentage rate. She stated that this chart shows where we are to date and what we are planning to work with next year. She stated that this is the JTPA Budget that will be going to City Council for approval on June 11, 1996. 4 A:\amn6604a.doc 3. Welfare to Work - Marge Pritchard stated that this item was going to be on the consent calendar requesting a support letter from the PIC to apply for the 40% funds that are being reserved for the welfare work program originally due this week; however, she received a letter from the State extending the deadline an extra 30 days. She stated that she would be bringing this back to the Executive Committee and full PIC at the June meeting. She stated that we would be doing two things; we will be part of a collaborative grant and in support of one of the three SDAs to be the grant recipient. She stated that these funds are discretionary Governor funds and represented 40% of the 100% allocated for dislocated workers. She stated that $3.5 million has been reserved for this and a piece of that is what we are looking at for funding here. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Paul Bostwick stated that on June 13, 1996 will be the Vendor's Fair in the Gordon Hoyt Conference Center. He stated that the PIC Orientation will be on May 31, 1996 at the Stadium. COMMENTS FROM THE PIC Dianne Edwards stated that she had given Paul Bostwick and Marge Pritchard a letter of resignation from the PIC to be effective at the end of June. She has accepted a position of Director of Human Services in Sonoma County and will be starting July 16, 1996. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Paul Bostwick asked the audience to introduce themselves to the PIC. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted: A i r 0 , ,/ .----- nita Martin, Secretary 5 A:\amn6604a.doc