Private Industry Council 1996/02/22 ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL
FEBRUARY 22, 1996
The PIC Chair, Paul Bostwick, called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Wally Rodriquez.
Present Absent Staff
Jill Bolton Charles Kurtz Ruben Aceves
Paul Bostwick Marie Moreno Anita Martin
Bob Cashman Don Natenstedt Al Parsons
Dick Clark Bob Nelson Marge Pritchard
Peggy Crawford Roy Odom Rita Slayton
Dianne Edwards George Williams
John Geisbauer Bob Zonitch
Tom Harris
Cheryl Holt
Frank Jacobson
Tom Kurtz
Mike Neben
Wally Rodriquez
Larry Slagle
Ray Torres
1. Scholarship funds donated by Disneyland were given to three youth to
continue their education and career goals. These individuals were asked
to read their compositions to the PIC.
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2. The PIC Chair presented Peggy Crawford with a plaque recognizing her
outstanding contributions on the Private Industry Council from February
1993 to March 1996.
The January 25, 1996 minutes were moved for approval by Wally Rodriquez and
seconded by Dianne Edwards. Tom Kurtz, Tom Harris, and Ray Torres
abstained. The motion passed. There was no discussion.
Action Item #1 - Recommendation to approve the comments regarding
governance and performance standards issues and forward them to the State
Council for consideration in their policy recommendations to the Governor.
Frank Jacobson moved for approval and Ray Torres seconded. The vote was
unanimous. The motion passed. There was no discussion.
Action Item #2 - Recommendation to approve the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) between EDD and PIC and authorize the SDA to enter
into this agreement with EDD to define roles and responsibilities for the
operation of the One Stop Career Center. Mike Neben moved for approval and
Larry Slagle seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There
was no discussion.
1. Unemployment Statistics - Peggy Crawford stated that the U.I. statistics
are going down. Ray Torres asked Peggy if anyone was tracking the
number of people that drop off unemployment roles because they cannot
find jobs. Peggy commented that no one tracks that number in her
organization. Ray asked Peggy what that number might be. Peggy
stated that maybe Elenor Jordan might have a speculation as to what that
number might be. Peggy commented that one of the phenomenon that
they are talked to her about in their training is that when the economy
starts to improve, people start to come back into the labor force and
actively seek work. She stated that then the numbers look
disproportionately high, so even when things are getting better the rates
look worse. She stated that she wasn't sure how these people get
counted back in; maybe through a population survey of households.
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Ray Torres asked Marge Pritchard if it would be possible to get that
number from Elenor Jordan. Marge stated that this is something that she
is interested in but have not seen any reports to track those out of the
system. She stated that she would ask Elenor Jordan if there might be
some report we could receive. Ray Torres asked if there might be any
agency in Orange County tracking a correlation between those that drop
off of the statistics of unemployment and those that are becoming
homeless or losing their homes. Dianne Edwards answered that no not
that she was aware of any such report. She asked Peggy Crawford if the
job growth is primarily in lower paying service sector jobs. Peggy stated
that was the case.
Wally Rodriquez asked Peggy Crawford if this figure was coming from a
survey or from people claiming unemployment benefits. Peggy stated in
addition to the number of people claiming unemployment benefits there is
also a statistical survey that is done each month but she wasn't sure
about how the formula works. She stated that the numbers that come out
at the end of the month are a projection. She stated that the State
Employment Services collect this information for the Federal Government
and different times during the month the figures are released. She stated
that there are at least two different surveys that you can't really equate
the numbers. Wally asked if the Federal and the State have different
numbers. Peggy stated that yes they would. She stated that it might be a
good idea if the PIC had some space on the agenda to bring in Elenor
Jordan to do a presentation for the PIC.
2. Training Contractors Performance Report - Ruben Aceves stated that
a cover sheet was added to the report to give more insight as to the
corrective action that was taken to the vendors not meeting placement
standards. He stated that four agencies have been put on administrative
action due to low placement rates. He stated that the rest of the report
had not changed.
Frank Jacobson asked Ruben if we are expecting a response back from
these vendors or just putting them on notice. Ruben stated that
depending on the level of administrative action that is imposed they are
required to provide us with some corrective action.
3. Monthly Fiscal Report - There was no discussion.
ByLaws - No report.
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Economic Development - No report.
Marketing - Bob Cashman commented that the Awards Breakfast was a
success. He reported that about 268 people attended making it the largest. He
stated that the committee will start working on the Annual Report for next year so
that it can be published earlier in 1996.
Membership - Larry Slagle stated that there were 3 vacancies in private sector
and 3 in public sector. He stated that a list of nominees were received from the
Chamber. He stated that these nominees would be contacted to see if they
would be interested so that this list can go before the City Council for approval.
Larry reported that because of the resignations of Peggy Crawford, Cynthia
Grennan, and Mike Sofia 3 openings exists. He stated that all PIC appointments
would go to City Council on March 12, 1996.
The Chairman stated that he is requesting that a PIC Orientation for new and old
members take place in late April or early May. He also stated he had suggested
an afternoon event that could be connected with a baseball game following the
Mentorship - No report.
Monitoring & Evaluation - Tom Kurtz stated that the committee met February
21, 1996. He stated that the committee decided that they needed performance
monitoring standards because the list of vendors is quite large and some of the
placements are low. He stated that there are three different levels of monitoring
which is shown in the Monitoring & Evaluation report that was distributed.
Dianne Edwards commented that one of the advantages of these standards is
that the vendor knows up front what the expectations are. Frank Jacobson
suggested that if a vendor is also included in the Pan Project, there is an
additional notification process. He felt that if we make this part of our policy it
would get the vendors concerned and take corrective action.
Marge Pritchard stated that we need to connect it or certainly coordinate our
monitoring activities because the Pan Project is a huge aerospace project which
Anaheim is one part of and SouthBay is the fiscal agent. She stated that Pan
stands for the Private Industry Council Aerospace Project which installed a
computerized system called IWIN that tracks all the vendors. She also stated
that Anaheim is connected to this IWIN system. Marge stated that the Pan and
Anaheim are two different procurement systems which requires dual monitoring
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Ruben Aceves stated that they do share with other SDAs including Pan but it is
up to their discretion as to how they want to use the information. Peggy
Crawford asked if there was a way to identify certain occupations that might be
on hold for one school and maybe not all of the occupations. Tom Kurtz stated
that the labor market needs can change dramatically. Ruben stated that the
corrective action will require that the vendors include some kind of labor market
analysis to show that there is a demand for employment so once they are
finished training there is a market out there for them.
Ray Torres asked if the other SDAs have similar standards for their PICs.
Ruben Aceves stated that the Pan Project has a similar type of guidelines that
they use. Peggy Crawford asked if these were the newly developed guidelines
or just updated. Tom Kurtz stated that these guidelines were new.
Ray Torres asked for a copy of the monitoring policy. Staff would have a copy
for him at the next meeting.
Tom Kurtz stated that a copy of the monitoring report was also in the packet. He
stated that the response from the PIC was very good.
Larry Slagle stated that Healthstaff is on the monitoring schedule but not on the
monitoring report. Ruben Aceves stated that they were new with a couple of
enrollments and that it was just an oversight. They would be added to the
monitoring report.
One Stop Career Center - Marge Pritchard stated that there is a lot of
information in the packet and she did not attend the last meeting but that Rita
Slayton staffed the meeting and is getting great support from all the members.
Marge stated that the center usage is going up. Rita introduced a new staff
member Carol Mattson who will be working on the center. Dianne Edwards
stated that her staff was very complimentary and impressed with the work that
Rita has done on the center.
Planning & Analysis - No report.
School -To- Career - No report.
Marge Pritchard stated that there was no new legislation as yet. She stated that
the two bills in both the Senate and House have now been joined and one is
considered an amendment of the other but she stated that there has still been no
action because the budget crisis has overrode any other issues. She stated that
she and Bob Cashman would be going to Washington DC next week and maybe
find out more information to bring back to the PIC.
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Marge stated that one of the things that she is concerned about is the budget
with the continuing resolution that the President signed into effect. She stated
that it allocates money to different departments (Department of Labor,
Department of Education); however, is no allocation for summer. Marge stated
that it looks like we would be funded at approximately 75% of the last years
level. That translates to a 17% cut to the adult programs and 35% cut to the
dislocated workers program if no other cuts occur.
Marge stated that she had just finished the City's budget planning process and
planned for a 25 -30% reduction from last year, since all is unknown at this time.
She stated that she hopes that it doesn't go below that because then she will
have to address what programs will stay and which ones will have to go.
Marge stated that at the State level, governance issues are moving along. She
stated that she recently attended a State Job Training Coordinating Council
(SJTCC) meeting in Newport Beach and distributed some information received
from that meeting. She stated that the SJTCC is about to put together the final
report due to the Governor on April 1, 1996 on their governance
recommendation. She stated that the State Council did a recap at the meeting
and went over all the work that was done over the year and came up with some
guiding principles which they have in place. She stated that they came up with
five models of what a state structure could like for employment and training,
however, only three will be considered.
Marge stated that the committee spoke about the public input process which had
the following breakdowns: 11% represented community colleges, 11% public
education (outside of community colleges), 11% business industry, 36% PICs
and SDAs, 35% service providers, 5% economic development groups, and 2%
federal government. She stated that there are two major themes regarding the
composition of a workforce development board which will be recommended to
the Governor. The first is that it should be an even split by one - third; State
officials, private sector, and education respectively. The second is that it should
be a business majority led group that is connected to economic development.
She stated that of the 3 models, the umbrella model and the private sector are
the ones considered most seriously.
Marge stated that the other handout is a side by side comparison of what the
governance committee is looking at and what block grants might factor into those
pieces of legislation.
Marge stated that the comments on governance which the PIC approved today
will be faxed to the SJTCC.
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Paul Bostwick reported that Marge Pritchard and Bob Cashman would be
attending the National Association of Private Industry Council (NAPIC)
conference in Washington DC next week. He stated that maybe they will come
back with legislative news.
Paul Bostwick asked Dianne Edwards to give a report at the next meeting on the
Welfare Reform. Dianne stated that she would do that.
Frank Jacobson stated that he attended the governance conference in San
Diego with Chuck Emanuele, California Career Schools, and Bill Brown,
Brownson. He stated that all three testified. Frank commented that Chuck and
Bill complimented the PIC as to what a great job they were doing.
Dick Clark stated that the Chamber of Commerce is putting on a Stakeholders
Luncheon on February 29, 1996 at 11:30 am for all stakeholders in the City with
keynote speaker of Joel Slutsky, Odetics, and also a presentation from the
Mayor. The price is $35.00 and anyone wanting a ticket can purchase it at the
Chamber. Paul Bostwick stated that the PIC will be represented with a booth
showing the CD ROM presentation and the job developers will be available to
answer employer questions.
The audience introduced themselves to the PIC.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
sue ,'
Anita Martin, Secretary
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