Parks and Recreation 2013/02/27PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California February 27, 2013MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:Chairman Crawford and Vice Chair Manes CommissionersBrennanandHuitt COMMISSIONER EXCUSED:CommissionerVadodaria,Navarro, and Lappin STAFF PRESENT:Lynn Smith –Community Services Manager, Larry Pasco –Parks Manager, Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner, Wendy Solorio –Community Services Supervisor, Eleanor Granflor –Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER–Chairman Crawford called the meeting to order at 5:38p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE–Chairman Crawfordled the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS A.Written Communication –None B.Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public –None APPROVAL OF MINUTES–Chairman Crawford presented the January 23, 2013Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. There being none, Chairman Crawford accepted the minutes as presented. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Recreation and Human Services Activity Report –December 2012/January 2013–Lynn Smith presented the report. B.Recreation and Human Services Park Ranger Report –January–Lynn Smith presented the reportand answered questions regarding the Downtown Anaheim Community Center, La Palma Park, and Trident Athletic Field. C.Parks Capital Project Progress Report–Pamela Galera presented the report, provided updates, and answered questions on the following projects: Five Coves–A community meeting will be held on March 14at Rio Vista Elementary School to discuss the th extension of Anaheim Coves, north of Lincoln Avenueto Frontera Street. City has received letters of support from the three property owners (Orange County Water District, Orange County Flood Control District, and Southern California Edison) for an Urban Greening (State of California, Proposition 84) grant application that will submitted in early April. Anaheim Outdoors–City Council Workshop is scheduled for March 26th. A presentation will be given and is open to the public. Approval of the Master Plan will be requested from City Council in April. Dog Park at Olive Hills Park –A dog use area will be designed and a preliminary Master Plan will be presented at a community meeting in early April. Schweitzer ParkRestroom–Construction bids were received for the replacement of the restrooms. A grant was received to replace the restrooms. Schweitzer Park Playground –The City received a KaBOOM! grant to replace the playground. KaBOOM! along with the Walt DisneyCompany and Anaheim Family YMCA are sponsoring the event. Prep Day is scheduled for Friday, March 1and Build Day on Monday, March 4. stth Manzanita Community Center –The building will be repaired with insurance funds received after the fire. The original architect of the project will be hired for this project. Lincoln Park and School–A final closeout for the project will be completed between the park and the school. 1 Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes February 27, 2013 New park north of Nohl Ranch Road –A community meeting was held and very well attended. The community is requesting trails, bike paths, etc. –very passive uses. City staff met with Library staff and the Library Board –they are requesting an amphitheater and improvements to the parking lot. Input was received from Friends of the Library. There is currently no funding for this project. Chairman Crawford questioned the status of Bike Nation. Pamela Galera stated it is a pilot program and kiosks have been setup throughout theCity. Larry Pasco clarifiedthis program is not run by the Community Services Department. Commissioner Huitt requested a map that includes all the City parks. Pamela Galera stated there is a printable map on the City Parks website. Lynn Smith stated amap is also available in the Anaheim Activity Guide. Vice Chairman Manes questioned who trims parkway trees. Larry Pasco stated Public Works trims the parkway trees. Commissioner Huitt commented on ajob well done of tree trimming in her residential area. Larry Pasco stated Public Works was successful in receiving additional tree trimming funds. Commissioner Brennan questioned if applying for grants will affect the budget. Pamela Galera stated the budget will not be affected. Larry Pasco stated we may not have grant opportunities in the future. Lynn Smith stated collateral damage may affect the City due to the impact on the agencies. D.Senior Citizen Sub-Committee Report–Commissioner Huitt reported the following: Health & Nutrition Committeehad a speaker on diabetes present at the last meeting and shared information on diabetes, the best protein and 20 minutes of exercise can be done during TV commercials of a one hour show. 6Annual South County Summitwas held and it has been found thatseniorcenters throughout Orange County th have become resource centers. Veterans Resource Directorywill be provided to senior centers. Veteran services will be available at the Council on Aging office. NEW BUSINESS –None INFORMATIONAL ITEMS–Chairman Crawfordreported the Volunteer Recognition Lunch will be held on March 20. th Commissioner Brennan reported the Convention Center will be hosting the CIF Championship games. Vice Chairman Manes reported Founders’ Park has an Open House every first Saturday of the month. Pamela Galera reported the historic Car Show will also be held on March 2at Founders’ Park. nd Commissioner Huitt inquired about an article written in the OC Register regarding a free market event that washeld at La Palma Park. Lynn Smith stated this event wasnot scheduled with the City. ADJOURNMENT–Chairman Crawfordadjourned the meeting at 6:23p.m. 2