Thursday, February 21, 2013
6:30 p.m.
Ponderosa Family Resource Center
2100 Haster, Anaheim, CA 92802
Anthony Armas John Woodhead, Ex Officio Member
Bill Dalati, Vice Chair
David Diaz
Larry Larsen
Martin Lopez
Gloria Ma'ae
Vivian Pham, Chair
Vic Real
Peter Agarwal
Joseph Karaki
Greg Garcia, Deputy City Manager
Ted Reynolds, Assistant City Attorney
Caroline Morey, Recording Secretary
Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request.
1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and
Community Involvement (CAC) was called to order at Chair Pham.
2. Flag Salute
3. Approve CAC minutes of the January 10, 2013 and January 31, 2013 meetings
Action: Approve minutes.
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Vice Chair Dalati requested the January 10, 2013 minutes be amended on page 5 to reflect wording giving
an example and adding if to correctly reflect his comment. Commissioner Real motioned to approve
minutes with corrections and Commissioner Diaz seconded the motion.
Ayes — 8 (Armas, Dalati, Diaz, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 Absent -2 (Agarwal,
The motion passed.
4. Public Comments (Individual audience participation is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker)
Action: Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within the jurisdiction of
the Citizens Advisory Committee.
Duane Roberts, Anaheim resident who resides at 2276 Colchester. Mr. Roberts presented information
regarding voting in the last election in Anaheim. He stated that the current system is problematic.
Whether the change be districts or another system, he said a change is needed. He thanked Commissioner
Dalati for listening to his request to change the city council meeting start time. Mr. Roberts stated that the
time impacts the ability of citizens to attend the meeting. He recommends the City Council Meeting time
be changed from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. to improve participation.
Commissioner Dalati interjected by thanking him for the request and saying it would be considered. Mr.
Dalati thanked Mr. Roberts for his efforts.
Mariana Rivera, resident, supports districts. She said that she has been a community leader and for two
years they have been fighting and struggling in the community. For 2 years they have tried to get attention
in the community & it's very important. They have suffered for a long time. Ms. Rivera said that it's
important for people to understand how they feel in the community. She said that the committee said it is
important for people to come out to the meetings so they brought people to attend the meeting tonight.
She asked the committee what else they need from the citizens to improve representation. She said they
brought people out to vote at the last election. Most people who she has talked to support district
elections. She asked how much has been spent to deal with this matter. She asked if more deaths were
needed in the community, more people being run over before something is done or changes. She said the
city said they don't have funds and that it's taken too long to get things done.
Luz Rosales, lives on 146 Wilken Way for 18 years. She is here to give her opinion on district elections.
She has been working in the community more than one year. They need more resources like a new park
and resources for kids. Many people care about the community. It's hard to get something done with the
city. She said many people don't know how the city works. They tried to change parking sign petition
over 2 years with 750 signatures. Two years has passed to try to get something to slow traffic. They went
to city hall five times and nothing has been done. They need better access to the library. There may be
resources but it's hard to get to them. They need someone who will listen and understand the problems.
They need the kind of people who live in the community. There are hundreds of people who want to help
but they don't know how. Thank you.
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Marisol Ramirez, 21 year old student at Cypress College. She is also a part-time worker. She is pro -
districting. She said that she woke up to the conditions in the community and realized she needed to get
involved when she was 16 years old. When candidates were running for city council, they never came to
her neighborhood. She got involved because she grew up in a neighborhood much like Ponderosa.
People are interested in the betterment but there is frustration. The process of district elections would help
to hold the person accountable to all the neighborhoods that need help.
Marta Rivera stated that she is a member of the Ponderosa neighborhood. She would like more
representation and would like one representative from each community. To be aware of all the problems,
a representative from the community would help. It is unfortunate that these funds are being misspent.
These are funds that could be better spent on after school programs, camp for children and would help
reduce crime. It would help make healthier kids. The money could help the young folks motivating them,
allowing them to put drugs aside and not commit crimes. It is important for the future of these children.
She said she would like to leave the thought in your hearts to help these children. Thank you.
Jeanette Lister, long time resident, grew up in Anaheim on the west side and now resides on the east side.
She said she is Harry Lister's youngest daughter. She works at Honda Center as the shop steward. She is
also a member of UNITE HERE, Local 11. She is here to ask to please get districting. She is pro -
districting because Anaheim was a small town when she grew up here with 65,000 residents and has
grown to over 300,000 residents. That's 300,000 documented people, that doesn't touch on the
undocumented people. She only has three minutes and wants to focus on districting. She said it's time for
change. Districting, if divided up fairly would better represent the diverse community that Anaheim is
now. There is a need to present this fairness. The world comes here and looks at Anaheim. It's supposed
to be the happiest place on earth, but it didn't look that way with fires in the streets in June. The officials
don't listen. Districting would make the mayor and city council more accountable. She said there is a
problem with council city up on the hill and the people in the flats not being treated fairly. She said that
because of the divide /distance it makes it hard to properly police your community. She said that working
at Honda Center, she interfaces with a lot of police department and fire department when she works at
Honda and the Stadium. She said that she believes most of the Police want districting too as it would
make their job much easier. Districting would get more money to head off problem and help each of the
districts that have need. There is an issue with immigration but she stated she did not have time in her 3
minutes today to address it. Thank you for your time.
Sonoria Perez, lives on Topeka St. She came to Anaheim in 1978. Today, she is a citizen, homeowner, tax
payers. She does not feel she is represented in any way with city government. She said she and her
neighbors all feel that they need district representation. Thank you.
Unknown name, said that was his beautiful wife, referring to Sonoria Perez. He said that they vote at
every election, the little ones and even this summer, but money always beats our votes. He said he think
that districts would help the people to help us fight the big money. He really hopes that the committee's
recommendation will include district elections in your report. Thank you.
Claire Turner, Policy Analyst with OCCORD. She presented some additional handouts for the committee
at the last meeting and she has more handouts tonight regarding low voter turnout and reviewed the
details of the handouts stating information she researched about voting trends in Anaheim. She stated that
the committee can read it but she would read it out loud for anyone who doesn't have a copy. Today's
topic is voter turnout and we did a little bit of research with contextual facts for the committee to bear in
mind when they are considering the issue. Poverty, it's well known, that it correlates with low voter
participation. Researchers find different reasons as to why this is. But nearly all research on the topic,
from the academy, concludes that people with low to extremely low incomes are way less likely to vote if
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you hold all other variables constant. Latino voters are found to be less likely to vote but this tendency is
almost entirely explained by socioeconomic factor. Finally, residents of larger cities, tend to be less likely
to vote and less likely to respond to local campaigning than in smaller villages, towns or smaller cities.
The other half of their research is in direct response to a question Commissioner Diaz asked way back in
the process whether it can be seen that district elections improve or decrease voter turnout. It's difficult to
determine, the sample size that we have in California is too small to compare a California city before it
adopts district elections to after. But from the very, very limited information that we have it seems that
other factors are more likely to influence voter turnout like when you time an election, that sort of thing.
Modesto saw a very tiny increase in voter turnout after it had adopted district elections, but they have
seen much bigger fluctuations when they changed the year that they had elections, different cycles, etc.
Literature on district elections and participation does suggest that at -large districts may decrease potential
participation because they create distance between leaders and their constituencies. There has also been a
lot of studies that suggest that geographically clustered minorities tend to be hurt when they're at large
elections because they allow a white voting plurality to win all of the elections and decrease their
representation to a proportional amount. Then, finally, there is some evidence if you consider all
California cities, that district elections can decrease voter turnout. Researchers from PPIC, the Public
Policy Institute of California found that this was what they called, a statistical artifact, because the large
cities that have district elections also tend to have much lower levels of voter registration. If you control
for that variable, then there really isn't any distinct effect, that district elections have on voter turnout.
That concludes her presentation. She also mentioned as a personal editorial note, she stated that if
Anaheim really increases voter registration and move to districts, you could see a huge increase, but that
is just her personal opinion, not academic research. The handouts provided information from her research
on income, ethnicity and voter participation in Anaheim.
Commissioner Real had a question for Claire and asked that she return to the microphone. Mr. Real stated
obviously you have done a huge amount of research, are you a student working toward a degree?
Ms. Turner responded, no that she is not a student, but that she works for OCCORD. She just finished
getting her Master's Degree in City Planning last year.
Commissioner Real congratulated her and stated that he had a question. He said that she did a beautiful
job with the presentation. On the voter participation handout provided by OCCORD, there is only one
section that shows the very dark green that represents less than 40 %, is that Disneyland?
Ms. Turner replied if you see on the upper two maps, if you look at the top of the area that is cross
hatched that tract is Disneyland, that census tract, so it does correlate to part of that area that has very low
voter turnout which is Disneyland and a little bit to the neighborhood south of that.
Commissioner Real said if it's only part of Disneyland, the rest of that section is that this neighborhood
(referring to Ponderosa where meeting was held).
Ms. Turner replied that she thinks it would be a little further to the left on this map to the west.
Commissioner Real asked to the east?
She reiterated to the east. She said that one thing that she wanted to point out with this map is that the
bottom map shows data by precinct, so each of those tiny outlines that you can see is the data for those
sections, but within those sections, there is no precision to the data. It's not by data point it's for that
whole area it's not by precinct. It doesn't line up with census data, so in a general sense you can compare
the two but in a very small neighborhood level, it's difficult to use as data to compare.
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Mr. Real asked if the majority of that area was in the 65 -70% area?
Ms. Turner said she would guess so by looking at this map but if you wanted specific precint information
based on addresses she stated that she could pull that but she didn't have that information presently
Mr. Real said that he would be interested to know that information because many of the folks here have
expressed concern about not being represented. Obviously, they chose some of the wrong people to elect
to council to represent them. He said that he would like to see more information from this specific area,
and Ms. Turner, if she don't mind coming back next time.
Ms. Turner said she would be happy to come back and she would look into it
Commissioner Larsen had one last question for clarification for Ms. Turner regarding voter participation
in Anaheim. On 2012 voter info, are the percentages presented based on registration or on total
Ms. Turner said she spoke to the OC Registrar of Voters they don't count population by precinct. She said
what she did is take the total ballots cast, and then divided that by the total of registered voters that they
had per precinct. That should be the number of registered voters who turned out on election day to vote.
Mr. Larsen thanked her.
Steve Perez, greeted the committee and said it was a tough act to follow Ms. Turner. He was glad to be
back at another meeting in a beautiful part of our city. He said that he wanted to share some words
regarding the task of promoting the full participation of all racial and ethnic groups in city elections. At
the last meeting, we were treated to a presentation by Dr. Steve Chessin on alternative election systems.
Although it was enlightening and at some points some of those alternate electoral systems seem to hold
themselves up on their own merit, when he reflected upon the instructions given to you by the City
Council it became abundantly clear that none of those systems that Dr. Chessin advocated for meet the
threshold of enabling full participation and adequate representation. None of those systems, whether
ranked choice voting, instant run off voting or cumulative voting, lower the barrier to entry anymore than
our current system does. None of them help stop the influence of private interest money in our system.
None of them give the community the chance to pick their own leaders geographically with a member
elected solely in the district would be able to.
He said his purpose in speaking was a refudiation of Steve Chessin's presentation. He supports districting.
Maurice Turner, lives in downtown Anaheim. He said he really appreciates having the meetings and
unfortunately it's the first meeting he's been able to attend in person. It's interesting to hear the comments
from the public in attendance. He observed hearing a general need which raised the question of how do
you get people to feel better represented. There were some very specific questions like how do I get a
speed bump, how do I get streets painted, and he would like to offer a suggestion to the audience and
committee. He said that Neighborhood Councils are an excellent way to get involved by attending their
area's neighborhood council meeting. It would help achieve these goals, and give people a voice. The
Neighborhood Council Meeting is different from the main City Council meeting which is primarily about
conducting business and does not provide as much opportunity to be heard. There is a period for public
comment at the start of the City Council meeting but not much other opportunity to be heard.
Neighborhood Council Meetings are very different. They let residents be heard, get involved and dialogue
on how to best get things done in your immediate neighborhood. Staff is there and helps to get things
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done. He said if you have any question about how you get things done in your neighborhood, the
neighborhood council meetings have been well attended by city staff from various city departments and
they are the ones that actually get the work done. It's not the representatives at the council level, its
individuals in the departments who actually help make these things happen. They address, how, when and
where to get those particular items put in place if the funding is possible. Mr. Turner asked that the
committee look more closely at the Neighborhood Council Meetings and possibly recommend they hold
them more often. Now they are quarterly but maybe hold them monthly. He also recommended a stronger
focus on more voter participation especially in the next upcoming meetings. This would allow people to
be heard and feel more involved in the process and perhaps actually strengthen the Neighborhood Council
Meeting System possibly with more of a direct reporting to City Council Members. This would allow for
a clear line of communication between what is said at the neighborhood council meetings and how to get
that transmitted up to the City Council Members specifically.
Ron Bengochea, Anaheim resident, born and raised. He is against districting. He said that if there is a way
to get things more attuned with the communities of Anaheim because it's important. He said that it seems
some people don't understand that districting is not a cure all and will not necessarily allot funds to a
certain neighborhood once council is in place, whatever method is chosen to be elected. City Council
representatives should be good representatives of all neighborhoods. It should not matter where they live;
it's what's in their heart that makes them a good representative and good leader. Where you live doesn't
make you better or worse than anyone else. It's also important to understand how the City's General Fund
works. There seems to be a misconception. The city only has so much money in the General Fund. If you
have districts and you get your representative in there, he's not going to be able to pull the rabbit out of
the hat and get your funding on all these items being requested if it's not available in the budget. It seems
that there is a misconception that comes along with districting. The speaker who spoke before regarding
addressing Neighborhood Councils are a good place where you can get more done. It filters up to the City
Council. There are ways to get there and he understands there are many people who don't understand the
process and that it's hard to get down to a meeting. In a city comparable to Anaheim, that had 8 wards,
he used to be a labor business representative; he said that he found a lot of resistance within the councils
with the wards and the districts, because there seem to be just as much in house fighting, as what's going
on with the present at large system. He said it's important to:
1. Register to vote
2. Once registered, the make sure they come out to vote
He said the Anaheim turnout was between 24 -29 %. Once those votes get dispersed 13 candidates,
those votes get watered down.
Funding is something that needs to be understood. It's why the $158 million needed to go to the general
fund. That's the libraries. That's the community services. That's the parks. Those are the things that are
important to every community.
Thank you and your efforts are appreciated.
Commissioner Dalati extended his thanks to Mr. Bengochea for regularly attending meeting and
expressing his viewpoint with such sincerity. Mr. Dalati said if we had more citizens who participated like
Mr. Bengochea it would make a difference in the city. Mr. Dalati thanked and saluted Mr. Bengochea.
Mr. Bengochea replied by saying that he did love this place (Anaheim) and he wants everyone to feel
Arturo Ferreras introduced himself and stated that he's an immigrant. He came to Anaheim in 2006 at the
height of the mortgage collapse. He likes staying here because he likes the vision of the city. Right now
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he serves as the chair of the S. District Neighborhood Council. He said that people in the south district are
very actively involved and bring important participation in trying to bring about improvements in our
community. He said it's important to stress participation, civil awareness thanks to the help of some of the
counselors who have taken an interest in the neighborhood and people in it. He said that they have seen
that their petitions have had to go through a lot of pressures. Sometimes it really requires that they rally
the rest of the people. He said that they fall short of doing a protest, in order that someone up there might
hear them. It's a good thing that it fell on good ears and some council, what if one of us from this district
would represent us there and really would be accountable to this sector of the community. He said it
would help in passing through red tape. It's a good thing that there is a good mayor right now and some
council who are supporting us now. He doesn't like protesting, but there needs to be a better way of
asking for basic things the community should really have. He feels there need to be more participation in
the policy making process for this city. He reiterated: The only way if we can have a representative there
elected by us, and he or she will be accountable to us. In California, many cities who have a certain
amount of residents have adopted the district process not the at large. He questions what the hesitation is.
He questioned if it's fear by the people who have power. He would like to see districts and see real
democracy in action. We have been pressuring the city for our demands and I thank the mayor for that as
it's one of his priorities for this year. It's not enough to be active but there's a lot of petition falling to
deaf ears. He is in favor of districting.
Commissioner Real congratulated Mr. Ferreras for being chairman because it is a great deal of
responsibility that goes with the role and it's an important job. Mr. Real said it is sad to hear they are
quarterly not monthly. He was chair for 6 years of his district. He suggested that Mr. Ferreras attend a
council meeting. Mr. Ferreras said he watches them online. He said he has not been able to thank Council
members Brandman and Kring for their support with districts. Mr. Ferreras does email Council Member
Kring. Mr. Ferreras reiterated that someone up there (on council) should represent their interests.
Commissioner Real asked that he go and attend the meeting. Mr. Ferreras thanked all the volunteer
committee members for their efforts.
Commissioner Real said that the reason he asked, is being the chairman, you have a tremendous amount
of power to make change due to perseverance and civic engagement. By being at City Council, you can
get up and speak to the council as you are speaking to us today. They listen to you. There were a lot of
changes in the west district.
Jerry O'Keefe, said that he, too, is an immigrant from Ireland. His parents brought him to Anaheim as a
child and attended I" grade at St. Boniface. They lived in the county area that was known as Euclid and
Lincoln in the 1800 block. He said that Anaheim is a great town, good all the way around. He's really
please to see Mr. Vic Real on the committee. He is a fine guy. He said he has a lot of confidence in the
committee because he knows what a fine guy Mr. Real is having served with him on the Magnolia Manor
at LaPalma and Magnolia. They served together a long time there. Good work was done there. Mr.
O'Keefe agrees that the Neighborhood Council meetings could be better utilized, whether it's the
proportional ones or like what Vic and he did, at an actual area with 701 homes. Mr. Real said it was 831.
Mr. Keefe quoted Rodney King by saying Let's just all get along. A lot has happened. We're in a great
place. He thanks God that his parents brought him here, which he did say at the City Council meeting on
Tuesday. He closed by saying God bless you all.
Arthur Castillo, long time resident who worked for the city. He actually used to work at Ponderosa Park
when he was 13 years old and he said it's a lot better today. He worked for the city for 12 years. He has
gotten involved with the community and seen the changes. He is in favor of districts because for over 35
years he has always helped the Hispanic community to understand what the city was wanting to do by
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taking time, talking to them, the housing issues, ticketing issues, the produce truck vendors. He said he
supported the produce truck vendors. He supported them and spoke for them in other cities besides
Anaheim. So I never really saw them come up here to tell you, the representation was zero. It was very
hard. It was a long battle. He hates to bring up negative stuff. He doesn't usually like to come up and
speak, but things are changing. People are asking, coming out. He's been going to city council meetings
since he was in his teens and participating in school board meetings. He said he has tried everything to see
the reputation of the Hispanic community. When the African community came to Anaheim, they were
chased out. He said he'd made friends right away and he would ask why are you leaving? He said because
there were people putting swastikas on things and burning stakes on their lawns. Some of us do know
those past histories. He said as a long time resident here, he lived in this neighborhood for 7 years,
worked here, lived in Romneya in the Paseo Village, and the Jeffrey Lynn Hermosa area. He got involved
with helping these people. He said that everyone just seemed to turn a blind eye from people he grew up
with and people he worked with. He is happy that the committee is here and coming out. The people here
do need representation because it seems like they are not being represented right now. Thank you very
Commissioner Pham said she really appreciated all the comments from the community members. It was
really impactful for the committee.
Public comments concluded at 7:20p.m.
5. Receive and file the report on Community Outreach efforts
Action: Receive and file community outreach report, upon presentation of outreach
Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia introduced Ed Velasquez, outreach consultant, who provided an
overview of the city's outreach efforts highlight on the flyer provided. Please see website below.
The city has increased its outreach efforts and made information for the meetings available in both
Spanish and English. Mr. Velasquez reviewed the slide with outreach details. The meeting informational
flyer is also now available in four languages: Spanish, English, Vietnamese and Farsi. They have let the
Neighborhood Council Meeting know about the CAC Meetings and invited people to attend. He has
focused on outreach to community groups and personal invitations. An interest list is being formed for all
who attend meetings, and he reminded speakers to complete speaker cards upon sign -in or sign -in on the
sheet at the back to get email information. He said that you may also request additional information
through the CAC page on the website. Mr. Velasquez has attended community neighborhood meetings
and meetings of the community group, Los Amigos. The four language flyer is being posted at all public
counters at City Hall, on the web and on signs at major intersections. Mr. Velasquez announced that there
is a sign -in sheet by the entry and to please be sure and provide your name and email so that you can be
updated on future CAC meeting updates and information. He also mentioned that translation services
were available and that they have been utilized at recent meetings. He said that they are open to
suggestion if there are other venues /meetings that they should attend.
Outreach information made available during the meeting and online at /CACelections
Commissioner Real requested that more detailed info be provided about what actually occurs at meetings.
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Mr. Garcia stated that a press release goes out before the meeting and said more details regarding the
work of the committee could be added. Some media outlets have written articles but the primary purpose
of the press releases has been to get interest in the meetings as they are occurring.
Commissioner Real requested that more detailed info from the speakers be included in the press release
about the content of the CAC meetings and how individuals can participate.
Commissioner Dalati addressed Claire Turner in the audience and asked if she would consider
volunteering for another item. He would like to hear suggestions from her regarding low voter turnout.
She agreed to
Commissioner Lopez motioned to receive and file
Commissioner Ma'ae seconded.
Ayes — 8 ( Armas, Dalati, Diaz, Larsen, Lopez, Ma'ae, Pham, Real) Noes — 0 Absent -2 (Agarwal,
The motion passed.
6. Overview and presentation of Voter Participation and Outreach
Action: Presentations by Neal Kelley, Orange County Registrar of Voters and Linda
Andal, City Clerk, City of Anaheim.
Presentation slides made available during the meeting and online at /CACelections
Mr. Kelley and Ms. Andal each provided presentations on the process and outcomes of recent Orange
County and Anaheim elections. The full video of their presentations is available online at the address
noted above.
Following Mr. Kelley's presentation, the Chair provided time for the committee members to ask
Commissioner Armas asked about inactive voter roll that you are talking about, are those people that
could have moved? How do you figure out what the circumstances are why they're not voting? Is there a
postcard and they don't respond and the registrar still keeps the voter name on there?
Mr. Kelley said that is correct a lot of the people on the inactive voter roll have moved. They do not
realize when they move they have to re- register. He stated many people think it's automatic, however,
they fall off of the registered voting rolls in that case. Half of those inactive voters are people who have
moved. The OC Registrar has done studies, Orange County is a pretty transient population with people
moving around a lot. There were 100,000 voters who had moved over 8 times in a 10 year period which is
significant. The post card will forward as long as they have a forwarding address on there.
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Commissioner Armas asked that every time you move, you need to re- register?
Mr. Kelley said that every time you move you need to re- register. It is a registration form that you are
using to update your registration. You can now do that online. Online registration was not available prior
to September 2012. You may also go to a library and get a paper form to fill out.
Commissioner Armas said it is pretty easy.
Mr. Kelley confirmed, yes, it is easy.
Commissioner Dalati asked if they vote somewhere else, and they are not on the registered roll. What
Mr. Kelley replied if they are not on the active list, the poll worker says we will give you a provisional
ballot. The OC Registrar will then match up the provisional ballot cast with the new address and then the
Registrar will update it for you. So, that is a good point. If you don't re- register and you go to the poll to
vote, fill out a provisional ballot.
Commissioner Armas had a question regarding the process of educating the public for Mr. Kelley. The
services that the OC Registrar provides are free of charge? They can be solicited by any of the community
groups and you could send a representative?
Mr. Kelley responded yes, sir that is how it works. In fact you could call the OC Registrar's Office and
request that or fill out a speaker request form.
Mr. Armas clarified that would be separate from contacting the City, just contact the OC Registrar?
Mr. Kelley replied yes.
Commissioner Armas said that is pretty easy to do?
Mr. Kelley, said yes, you could do it tonight and they respond right away.
He also wanted to discuss The My Ballot program, which is very important to us and we get a lot of
feedback about which is done through the high schools. There is a lot of data out there that young
individuals who register to vote and start voting will tend to stick with it. The problem is a lot of young
individuals register to vote and then they don't stick with it and vote. We want to engage people
throughout the community. The OC Registrar has a good strong website. There's also the election
academy that explains how ballots are produced and counted. It's a good program. We have have street
team at many local events here in Anaheim as well as a lot of community events especially in the 90 day
cycle in Anaheim.
Mr. Kelley discussed the My Ballot program in detail which engaged the high school in voter education
in Anaheim.
Mr. Kelley also went on to explain the language requirements. English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese
and Korean are the required languages in Orange County for the ballot. From the 2010 census, if you have
10,000 individuals who speak English less than very well, it is a requirement to be added. He expected
they would add Tagalog, but it did not happen.
Mr. Kelley addressed voting by mail which is the fastest growing segment in Orange County.
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Commissioner Real asked if the Latino voting trend with voting by mail for OC could be encouraged?
Commissioner Armas said it seems like we should encourage voting by mail.
Mr. Kelley said it does give people a 29 day window to vote and return their ballot, which may be
especially helpful for certain people who may not be able to travel, are older or have difficulty getting to a
voting place. Mr. Kelley also stated that the mail in ballots are among the first ballots that are counted.
Commissioner Armas asked do you have any statistics on how many mail ballots are sent out and then
Mr. Kelley said they had reams of data and there would be happy to provide the committee with more
data. He said the return rate depends upon the election. In a special election, you get about 70% return
rate on vote by mail. That is typical. That is countywide. As a comparison for a countywide election you
get about a 55% return rate for a vote by mail. If there are 25 or more language requests, this
measurement will trigger a bi- lingual poll worker in that polling place. For Korean and Chinese the
Registrar uses birthplace as a determining factor for a bilingual poll worker because for those languages
they don't have as many requests. About 500 bilingual poll workers are needed for every county wide
election. Out of Anaheim High School, they had a tremendous response as a result of the My Ballot
Mr. Kelley showed a map and provided information that outlined the Bounty System, explaining that
organizations are paid $3 -5 per voter registration card that is completed. The funding is provided by
private funds.
Commissioner Armas asked who funds this and is it party- driven?
Mr. Kelley said you will find some of this is party driven by both sides. You also see a lot of large
campaigns who mobilize to register voters. If you need Voter Registration Cards, the Registrar provides
those. If you check out 50 or more we track where those go.
Commissioner Armas asked who pays that fee?
Mr. Kelley said the $3 -5 comes from private funds, not tax -payer money.
Commissioner Armas asked if they were actually working for a group?
Mr. Kelley said yes.
Mr. Kelley said that voter education is key to getting voter turnout. Having a media component,
community election working groups, dedicated bilingual groups are very important. They do see spikes in
turnout when they are acting directly with the language communities.
Commissioner Dalati asked for an explanation of voter fraud.
Mr. Kelley replied with examples especially regarding registration. Paid registrations may be registering
individuals who don't exist or may be deceased. All data is compared with Social Security and your
driver's license for verification purposes.
Commissioner Dalati asked if you could tell if people were qualified or citizens.
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Mr. Kelley said there is no citizenship check. When you sign that voter registration, you are affirming that
you are a US Citizen under penalty of perjury.
Commissioner Ma'ae asked if there's no verification through any point in the process?
Mr. Kelley replied, no. That is state and federal law.
Commissioner Armas asked if there was no penalty.
Mr. Kelley said there is a penalty. It is a felony if you sign the card and you are not a US Citizen. Yes,
there is a violation.
Commissioner Armas said how do you drop someone deceased off the role?
The Registrar uses a company called Lorton Data that uses national death data. When you have situations
where people may go out of the county and then they pass away in another location, that information is
not collected by the county. So those individuals could still be receiving voting materials. Mr. Kelley
recommended they continue scrubbing these lists including the county health department, the state, Social
Security as well as mortuaries. Mr. Kelley confirmed that if someone passes away outside the county, the
national list from Lorton would pick up that information. There have been thousands of individuals in
Arizona or Florida where they have passed away unfortunately and the OC Registrar would get that info
from the national lists.
Commissioner Armas asked if it was getting more up to date.
Mr. Kelley confirmed that due to the national lists it is getting much more up to date.
He said as of the last couple years, it's probably one of the cleanest in the state.
Commissioner Dalati asked if you have to have a Social Security number to vote.
Mr. Kelley said that the law required that you put down either your driver's license number or the last
four digits of your social security number. One of those two is required. So, the answer is yes.
Commissioner Armas asked if there is any cross referencing.
Mr. Kelley said it does directly check the Social Security database. So there is a cross check.
Chair Pham interjected that there are still two more presentations and while this is fascinating
information, she would like to ensure they get to both of the other speakers tonight. She thanked Mr.
He closed by stating it is an honor to be with the Registrar and thanked them for the opportunity.
Presentation by Linda Andal, City Clerk, City of Anaheim
Ms. Andal provided detailed information about the My Ballot program in Anaheim at Anaheim High
School and Loara High School.
Commissioner Real and Chair Pham asked about having seen a voter increase after the program.
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Ms. Andal said there was an increase but she did not have exact numbers. She has not looked at the data
specifically but from Mr. Kelley's data that was presented, there seems to have been an increase.
Commissioner Dalati asked if there was a budget for outreach?
Ms. Andal said there was a set budget allocated to run the elections and that is shared with the county.
Mr. Dalati said he was asking specifically about outreach.
Mr. Andal stated she understood and said that the outreach she discussed thus far is included in their
current budget. If the city decides to pursue additional outreach, it would be at an additional cost and it
would be a figure we would have to pull together at a later date. There would be an impact on the budget.
Commissioner Dalati asked if there was a certain budget.
Ms. Andal said it fluctuates and is based on the election. This last election, there were two vacant seats,
with no measures on the ballot. So, it was a little less than the previous election where there were 3 vacant
seats. In the election prior to that, there were two vacant seats but there were measures as well. Again, it is
also dependent upon how many cities are consolidated, how many measures are on the ballot and that
would be split between the participating cities.
Commissioner Real asked about the numbers in particular for the south.
Ms. Andal said she would give the population in all areas from the 2010 census data:
West 99,670
Central 127,151
South 41,172
East 68,271
Commissioner Real said that is a good indication that we need to do some work in the South to register to
increase the numbers.
Chair Pham said it seems every area but the east needs to increase numbers. It's about 55% in all so it
needs to be increased as low turnout.
There was discussion about Ms. Andal's chart, map and details.
Commissioner Diaz raised a question, how many of those people are able to vote. Are they of age, are
they registered? Are they legal?
Ms. Andal said that is correct and those are the percentages that she provided earlier. Every area with the
exception of East Anaheim fell under 50 %.
Commissioner Armas said those population numbers are inclusive of kids and everyone so the numbers
are a little deceiving.
Ms. Andal said that is correct that includes everyone such as children who were counted on the census.
Commissioner Armas said that of those numbers, they are not all able to vote. There may be a heavy
population of minors who cannot vote. Commissioner Armas said that is deceiving.
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Ms. Andal said that is correct. She did take that into account but it would be challenging to break it down.
She said it may be impossible. Under 18 population is about 27 %, according to an unofficial estimate.
Ms. Andal said it could be and we can see if we can find access to that data somewhere. She said it may
be hard to determine.
Commissioner Diaz asked if Anaheim Magazine reaches every household in the city.
Mr. Garcia stated that yes, it does, both homeowners and renters.
Commissioner Armas stated we're trying to determine a better way to do things. He liked the idea of the
17` birthday card to send to youth. Could you get a free milkshake with registrations?
Ms. Andal agreed it's a great idea. She said the challenge is having the school district release those
addresses to us.
Commissioner Armas asked if the Clerk's Office would secure the sponsorships of local businesses,
making it personal and be known for something other than Disneyland.
Ms. Andal said they could look into that. She said we have departments who are good at that and we have
business in the community who do support efforts. So it could be looked considered.
Commissioner Lopez said he has been regularly driving to LA for business and that they are about to have
an election. They have a big screen at the Coliseum with voter info. Every day every driver sees there is
an election. They see info about early voting. Does Anaheim have the same type of ability to partner with
businesses here? Could we do the same thing at the Convention Center. He lives near there and he sees
the signage. Could there be a reminder at the convention center, Disney, Honda Center, etc.?
Ms. Andal said that they can definitely explore that. The Executive Director is very helpful and can
certainly explore it.
Chair Pham said there are some great ideas for the subcommittees.
She also called a five minute recess before the last speaker.
7. Overview and presentation of City of Vista Community Outreach Communities
Action: Presentations by Aly Zimmermann, Assistant City Manager, City of Vista
Presentation slides made available during the meeting and online at /CACclections
Mr. Garcia provided the background on the ad hoc committee that was formed in Vista. Ms.
Zimmermann staffed the community outreach program that was created as a result of the CAC in
Vista to increase participation. The committee was created in 2004 with a three year sunset with two
main charges:
1. Increase voter participation through education and registration efforts
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2. General increases to community involvement not just with voting but volunteering on boards
and commissions, for non - profits, the school district, the Boys and Girls' clubs. Engaging
people more in the community and understanding the resources that the community had to
Question and Answer period followed.
Commissioner Dalati asked if there was a lawsuit against the City of Vista.
Ms. Zimmerman indicated as Mr. Dernetz told you a couple of months ago that there was a
Department of Justice investigation that began. It was a potential violation of section 2. Section 2 is
the one that where you have to show shows a statistical analysis that show the that your community
voting pattern represent a distinct minority population voting pattern if there were to make up a
precinct or district if we were to be a district city. On top of that analysis, it would also have to show
that the other voting populations are voting in such a way that they would support candidates that are
in that district are out voted. However, that was not proven. The investigation ended at that point.
Commissioner Diaz asked if there was someone complaining about not having a say in the voting
Ms. Zimmermann said it was an anonymous complaint. She does not believe they ever found out
where it came from.
Commissioner Diaz asked who selected the committee.
Ms. Zimmermann said the committee was selected the same way all committees are selected. They
opened up a citywide application process. The mayor and one or two council members interview
them all and then the mayor makes recommendations at the city council meeting. The council will
approve the selection.
Commissioner Diaz asked how many members were selected.
It was a 7 member committee with 1 -2 alternates and one youth delegate.
Commissioner Diaz asked if everyone in the city felt as though they were fairly represented was
there a feeling that the ethnic makeup satisfied the community.
Ms. Zimmermann said that based on surnames, she would say the make -up was majority Latino.
Commissioner Diaz asked what was the feeling of the community once they made the three
recommendations, as far as the at large election system being retained, for the council and the mayor.
For the problem, that you had reached through expanded efforts and increased voter registrations
were reached. When those recommendations were broadcast, what was the feeling in the community?
Was it a response of one's listening and you're doing the same thing or was it accepted easily. Tell us
about what happened.
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Ms. Zimmermann said that it was ten years ago. So, to the best of her recollection it was accepted
fairly easily. To our knowledge the complaint didn't come from the community. There was not a
large up swell of issues where we had a feeling that the community was disenfranchised. The council
chose not to focus on that but on the way to increase outreach and provide more services and
engagement in the entire city focusing on the Hispanic community.
Commissioner Dalati asked again what the finding was.
Ms. Zimmermann reiterated that there was no finding because they did not have enough information.
The case was dropped.
Chair Pham asked what the population of Vista was.
Ms. Zimmermann stated just under 90,000, about 89,000 plus change at the time. Now they are over
Commissioner Real clarified he sees two committees CAC committee that met for 7 months and
came up with 3 recommendations and then the COC which met for 3 years. Would you explain the
difference between the CAC and COC.
Ms. Zimmermann said in this scenario your committee would be the equivalent of the CAC in Vista.
You are the ad hoc committee in Vista for what the causes were for this potential investigation,
looking at some of the demographics, how were voting patterns looking, how were registration
patterns looking, where were our minority and ethnicities within the community. She did not staff
that CAC committee. She was not as involved. That committee addresses the fact that this issue
arose. What they recommended was the three recommendations. From that, Council created the COC
and they were charged with the voter registration and community outreach tasks. She restated that the
COC last 3 years. There were 7 members, 2 alternates and a youth member.
Commissioner Lopez, he asked in your recollection, since you were there, were you here earlier for
this meeting?
Ms. Zimmermann said she was here.
Commissioner Lopez stated that you saw we had a lot of people coming forward saying there are
these issues in the community, we need representation, issues are not being handled. Did you see
more or less people come out in Vista with these type of concerns.
Ms. Zimmermann said she could not speak to that because she was not present for that part of the ad
hoc CAC committee. She could look back at the minutes to see if that information was available.
Mr. Garcia said that just to remind the committee, we heard Mr. Dernetz already on the CAC and the
findings and we're asking Ms. Zimmermann to specifically discuss the efforts of the COC which was
a separately created committee.
Commissioner Lopez said he wanted to be sure they compared apples to apples.
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Mr. Garcia said that Ms. Zimmermann's participation and presentation on the COC was separate
from what we saw before and she is not necessarily able to address districts or not districts. Today
the topic is outreach.
Commissioner Lopez said the decision of the Vista CAC made 3 major recommendations.
Mr. Garcia said that is correct but she did not staff the CAC and today we're focused on the outreach
Commissioner Armas after they made their recommendations is somewhat irrelevant to what we're
going to do here. After you made these changes, did you have some positive feedback and outcomes
in the community? Do you feel it was worthwhile do all of this.
Ms. Zimmermann said she thought it was worthwhile. She said they found new avenues through
which they could provide services to their community. They spent more time working with some the
community. There were people back in 2004 that began participating and continue to be active in the
community and involved in various committees. They are working in different places in the school
district or Chamber of Commerce within the city. It was a great opportunity to open doors.
Commissioner Armas said it's still growing.
Ms. Zimmermann clarified though the committee is no longer meeting, many benefits have occurred
as a result of the increased participation and outreach. It has been a challenging time because many
of the social services have decreased incrementally over time. So staff has not spent as much time up
keeping the program. They continue to update their resource directories. They are no longer doing
the big voter registration drives at this time. The community picked up some of the slack, and the
Vista Adult School helped.
Commissioner Armas said did you feel the community engage?
Ms. Zimmermann said yes. There was engagement when they went out into the community.
However, on a day to day basis, she did not feel like Vista had as many residents participate as what
she saw tonight in Anaheim.
Commissioner Dalati an investigation was triggered, and the outcome was outreach. Was that
sufficient, in your opinion?
Ms. Zimmermann said, of course, you can always do more. However, given the fiscal constraints of
the committee; they had a very small budget the first year about $11,000 in cost and about $11,000
for a consultant. With that budget they put some good programs and practices in place: making voter
registration forms and guides available as a government in making information available to our
Commissioner Dalati asked about districting. He asked if districting was discussed.
Chair Pham stated there was so districting in Vista.
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Ms. Zimmermann said no, it did not. They continue to have 4 council members elected at large and a
directly elected mayor. It was discussed by the ad hoc committee, but they made the recommendation
that the at large system was working in Vista.
Commissioner Real on page 3 of the chart, you have comparative numbers today on the increase in
Ms. Zimmermann said no, she did not.
Commissioner Real asked to rephrase the question. He asked if Ms. Zimmerman felt that the City of
Vista was a success today because of the COC activity. Do you have better turnout and a mix of
Ms. Zimmerman stated she thinks so. They have a diverse council. They live in all parts of the city.
They are all very community minded so that Vista is who they represent not a certain neighborhood.
The city council has been like that as long as she has been there. There has been good leadership and
long tenures even during the investigation. It's hard for her to say that it's better because the council
has always been engaged with voters and the entire community.
Commissioner Armas, after the committee was abandoned. With Anaheim being a larger city do you
think it would be beneficial to keep it going and possibly piggy back in on to another department?
Ms. Zimmermann replied since they didn't have an election every year there wasn't constant need for
the commission and they didn't need to have the commissioner meet in off election years. They don't
feel it's beneficial to have a committee meet just for the sake of meeting. It's important to have a
charge and be engaged. She does not know Anaheim well enough to give a qualified answer. She is
sure your staff could make a recommendation on that.
Chair Pham stated normally she would open the floor to questions but the two earlier presenters have
left at this time.
Steve Perez asked if public comments could be made. Just a few important points from the two
earlier presentations: the chair already pointed out that the chair already pointed out that Vista has a
1/3 of Anaheim's population. It's an important consideration. They have about .9 of a person more.
Their society is a bit more heterogeneous. They have 63% white population. Anaheim's white
population is ten percent lower. Mr. Kelley pointed out that the community is transient in the city in
the last decade. Voter outreach would be highly ineffectual due to the high transiency rate. You'd be
attracting voters to come in and then they'd leave to any outreach efforts would have to be
continuous. The only way you'd make changes is to make systematic changes that way. Thank you.
Duane Roberts, again. He mentioned a valuable service the city could offer that Ms. Andal did not
discuss that might enhance voter outreach and participation. If she mentioned it, he stands correct as
he left to speak with Mr. Kelley for a moment. Many cities smaller than Anaheim broadcast debates
prior to elections. He recommended broadcast debates on the city run television channel that even
allow public facilities and equipment to be used provided its run by an independent non - partisan
group as a means of increased participation. The question that raised in a city as large as Anaheim,
why aren't candidate debates televised on city run television channel. This could improve
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engagement. One reason why people don't vote is they lack information other than the numerous
signs, posters, and candidate statement, as that's not much information. Thank you.
Steve Perez came back and said he cornered Mr. Kelley before he left and asked if he could get info
on what sort of cost districts. He asked if he could quoted Mr. Kelley as saying Mr. Kelley to Mr.
Perez that the cost of implementing districts would be miniscule or non - existent, to the Registrar of
Voters. Also the transition would be simple and could be implemented within a matter of days. He
said in regards to the City of Vista's council. He hates to refute the previous presenter but he said that
it would seem that all the council are white based on their surnames other than Aguilera. He might be
Hispanic White. He might be Hispanic. He does not know. Everyone else seems to be white. They
don't seem to have a very diverse council.
Commissioner Ma'ae commented on the last public comment by saying that she is Hispanic but her
surname is Polynesian, so judging by a name really doesn't say much. She understands the speakers
point but one's name is somewhat irrelevant as a determination.
S. Committee Communications
Action: Closing comments.
Commissioner Real thanked everyone for their attendance. It was a good meeting. He wished to make
special introduction of Mr. Jerry O'Keefe who is a retired the state Vice President representing
Retired Public Employees for the State of California. Mr. O'Keefe is a retired Anaheim Police
officer. He has lived here since 1955. Mr. Real stated it was an honor to have Mr. O'Keefe at the
meeting as a long time resident and that he was one of the first individuals to step into Disneyland
Park when they opened in 1955.
Commissioner Ma'ae thanked everyone for coming and was sorry to see that they were not here to
hear all that each speaker had to say. She said each speaker has a lot of knowledge to offer us.
She said there is much to gain from the process. She was disappointed that so much focus has been
placed on the money being spent on other means and other areas when it is important for people to be
heard. Ms. Ma'ae said she was concerned that the public felt the money could be better spent in other
areas. It is important what they have been tasked with, how it came about is irrelevant. The charge
that the committee has been tasked with is very important for the future of the city and future
residents. For those who move in, or move out, that becomes a non - issue. There may be just as many
people who come to our city as leave. We don't know that. There are tons of us who are here, and
will still be here, and continue to live in Anaheim. Some of us may not be as educated as some of the
speakers, but if we remain open minded to continue absorb and learning what we're being informed
of, it is very important. It's important for people who come to the meeting to stay long enough or to
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watch the video to see and hear the info presented so that they will be able to use that in the future
when making recommendations.
Commissioner Dalati thanked the city staff and great speakers for their presentations and for staying
late until the conclusion of the meeting. He said he is learning a lot. He appreciates staff and audience
being here away from their family. He appreciates everyone taking the time to be a part of this. He
said God bless everyone.
Commissioner Armas thanked staff and said that they have done a good job in presenting information
which has allowed the committee and public to learn a lot. He commented on being pleased with the
increased participation and that staff was doing a good job in getting the word out. As we get
educated, we can start making some intelligent decisions and he's looking forward to that part.
Commissioner Diaz thanked all of the speakers for their information. It will help in making good
Commissioner Lopez thanked the public for their increased input. He thanked them for coming. What
is best for you is best for the city. He said that the committee will take that input into account as they
help make recommendations that are good for the people and good for the city. The committee will
listen to everyone including those who voiced their thoughts and concerns. With all due respect, he
disagrees with some of the views of his fellow committee members. He is concerned about the
amount of money that has been spent on putting the committee together and the logistical expenses,
staff time, and all that has gone into it. Also, how much money has been spent on the lawsuit. He said
that the City of Anaheim is long overdue to for more city council members and a mayor. Mr. Lopez
stated that he believes there is something wrong with system and we need to fix it. He feels like they
are delaying to some extent. It will be interesting to get an update on what has been spent on the
lawsuit. He would like to better understand why it's taking 750 signatures and two years to get speed
bumps in the South district. He said it's really disappointing.
Commissioner Larsen thanked the staff in consideration of everyone including staff who have been
here three hours, he would like to thank them and say good evening.
Chair Pham thanked all of the staff.
Deputy City Manager Garcia stated that the committee would be meeting next Thursday, February 28
at Brookhurst Community Center.
Chair Pham asked that they not leave yet as she had comments. She expressed concern over what
information is being provided to the committee and questioned why the information being provided
was not responsive to questions the committee has asked when there are audience member like Ms.
Turner from OCCORD who presented info to the committee. She thanked staff for the presenters but
was concerned for all the work done with the presenters. She doesn't understand if City staff is bound
because of the lawsuit but she finds it disturbing that Commissioner Real and Dalati are asking a
Clare Turner who is volunteering her time to give us answers. She appreciates the presenters but
wanted to better understand why it's taking so much time and questions have gone unanswered. She
is thankful and grateful for all the work that has been done.
Mr. Garcia responded by stating that they have done the best to finding the best presenters. They are
open to presenters. If you email him, they can make a specific agenda item to address that concern.
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Some presenters are unable to accurately answer the questions with the limited info available at the
time. To your point, Mr. Garcia said that we take notes and try to answer those questions. We bought
in demographers who answered a lot of those questions. If there is follow up that we need to do, let us
know so that we can do a better job. If any committee members need additional info, please email
Greg Garcia, Deputy City Manager directly.
Chair Pham thanked staff and mentioned that she had asked about geographic polarization
specifically at one meeting and would still like more info.
Further, Mr. Garcia stated that the questions asked about the lawsuit and polarized voting were and
are not the charge of the committee and would not be addressed because that information is being
litigated. He encouraged all committee members that if you think of things or not satisfied with info
you are getting, we will make a separate agenda item to address it. We want to ensure you receive all
the information you need. As a staff, we have no opinion on this and want to provide you will the the
information that is needed to make the best recommendation that is possible.
Vice Chair Dalati requested that they record a motion to ask City Council to allow them to share info
on lawsuit. Chair Pham said that item was not on the agenda and could not be acted upon. She said
there are many questions that they had and they hope to hear back.
9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Pham at 9:20 p.m.
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Respectfully Submitted.