11374 -
SECTION 1. Aoproval of Code.
The City Council does hereby find and determine,'
as tie result of 1;,vestigation and tests conducted by the
City anc its building official, that Volumes I and III of
the Uniforat Building; Code, 1955 Edition of the Pacific Cflaet
Builaing; Officials Conference is an auproved Code for adoption
by reference witi.in the meaning of Section 50022.1 of the
(rovernment Code of the State of California.
SECTIc:N 2. Adoption of Code.
Thc:t ?pursuant to the provisions of Sections 50022.1
to 5Uc22.8, botii _;iclusive, of t::e Government Code of the State`
0 4a :.ifcr:ala, tae City Council of the City of Anaheim does here-
by adopt by reference Volumes I and III, 1955 Edition of the
Pacific Cost Bui1d.`_u; Officials Conference Uniform Building Code
witi: awena,.ients thereto; that three copies or said code shall be
filed in the office of the City Cler:c of the City of Anaheim at`
leaLt fifteen days precedin~ tl,e hearing- hereinafter provided for
and stall be kept Caere for public inspection while said Code is
ii force, ail of which copies scall be certified to be true copies
by the City Cleric; that following the adoption of said Code the
City Cleric shall at all times maintain a reasonable supply of
cq_oies of saia Code available for purchase by the public at a
moceraz.e price not to exceed the actual cost thereof to the City
of Ans._...eim.
S CT. UN 3.
Public He&rinc, anc
Tht after the first reading; of this ordinance and the
bwilai::;; code to be adopted by reference there shall be a"public
::eurir u,.ereon on the lith aa� of 'Lne 1957• Notice
o- the net.ring; shall be pubsr.li'ed by t7le �y Clerk twine in the
Anaheim Bulietin, a ne*sspaper of general circulation printed, pub-
1�saed and circulated within the City of Anaheim, the first of
wtacn .)ubl cation shall be at least fifteen days, and the second
01' wrLici: ublication shall be at least eight days preceding the
date of :,aic hearing. Said notice shall state the time and place
o+' Saki herring and shall state that copies of said, building
code oe'_.ng- considered for adoption are on file with the City Clerk
of the City of Anaheim and are open to public inspection. Said
notice shall contain a descript'_on sufficient to give notice to
Interested persons of tine ourpose of the Code to be 'adopted by
reference and, the subject mn.tter thereof. The City Council does
hereby find and determine that the follbwing is a sufficient }
description to be incorporated in said notice to give notice
to interested persons of the purpose of the code and the sub-
ject miatter thereof:
A buildi:: • code entitled: "Uniform Building; Code,
1955 Edition Volume I and Volume III of the Pacific
Coast Building Officials Conference" regulating the
erection, c.nstruction, enlargement, alteration, re-
pair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occu
pansy, equipment, use, height, area and maintenance
of buildings or structures and providing for the
issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor
ana declaring and establishing Fire Districts.
SECTION 4. Aodifications.
The City Council reserves the power and right at
its own discretion or u.)on the recommendation of the Building
nsoector, to modify any of the provisions of said building
code ohen ti:e_•e are practical difficulties in the way of
ca:rryir. out the strict letter thereof, provided that the
s-.;irit o: said code small be observed, public safety secured
and substantial justice done.
SECTION 5. Violation and Penalties.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora-
tier. to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
re:ove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any
bulls' .:• or structure in the city or cause the same to be done
co.ltrar;, to or in violation of any of the provisions of the code
x.e:•eb;: .do ted.
Any person, -firm or corporation violating any of the
I- d d ilt
:,rovisions os tais code hereby adopted shall a eeme e y
of a misdemeanor ana each such Gerson shall be deemed guilty of
a se:)arate offense for each and every day or portion thereof
aurin.- wilier. any viola.ti-_n of any of the provisions thereof is
comaA,:ted, continued or permittee and upon conviction o: any
sucii viola -.Lon such pers:n shall be punishable by a fine of not
aore tri,.n 4,00.00 or by imprisonment of not more than 90 days or
b,,- both such fine cna imprisonment.
o. Amendments to Anaheim iunicipal Code.
Tiu.t Sections 8100 and 8100.1 o Article VIII,
CrY. ter 1 of ti:�, An, -a eim dunicioal Code be, ana the same are
i.ereb:. ,.mendedto read as :olloti-rs:
" Sect --on 8100. Ado; -.t or. of Building, Code.
" The Cit;; adopts Volumes I :enc: III, 1955
Edition of tr.e pE-ciric Coast Building
Cfficials Conference Uniform Buildint, Code
a fully a � ti,.ouf,h the came were set forth
t:erein ane nereoy refers to three copies of
said Code on rile in the office of the City
Clerk, eacr: of ur.ich said co-,ies is designated
i'Jniorkuilc__ Code 19;` Edition of the
pacific Co..,----, Su`lainf- Officials Conference.'
" Section 8100.1. Buildin ; Sode Amenciz.ents.
111. Section 104(b) of saic. code is amended
to read as follows:
'(b) Buildings or structures moved into or
within the city shall comply with and be governed by
Chapter 5 of ,Article VIII of the Anaheim Municipal
Code, as amended..'
112.Saction 201 0-f said code is amended to read an
'Section 201. There is hereby established in the
City, the Department of Building Safety and Housing,
Whici. si:all be under the jurisdiction of tie Building
Official designated by the a000inting authority.'
"3.3ect on 301(b of said code is amended to read as
(b) Plan-Checkin,; Fees. ,then the valuation of the
-)rocosed construction exceeds five thousand dollars
(i33000.00) anL *:, plan is required to be submitted
b Subsect'on (c) of Sect -on 301, a plan -checking
fee s_ -all bo ;aicCj, to the Buildinh Officialat the
time of sub;nitting plans ana specifications for
Said plan-c.iecl)tin;r, fee shall be equal
to one -hale of ti.e buildi;i• :jermit fee as set forth
is Tabla ','rO. ;-A. 2rovi tied, however, no ct.<.rge shall ;b�
made for chleekii-i,; duplicate glans submitted at the
sa;ne time.'
" 4. Tae fourth paragraoh of Section 420 of said Uniform
Buil(is:: ; Code is amended to read as7ollows:
'Stairway. Four or more risers shall constitute a
"j. That Section 1008 of said Code is amended by
adain:: thereto a new parat ra )h to read as follows:
"Eaci: build Ln, shali be providea with an a: -.)proved
outside ;as si:ut-off valve co.,soicuously marked.
6. T11 Sect`_.o:. 1! 08 of said Code is amended by
ad4inE_ ti_crato a neo; nara::,raph to read as follows:
"Each bui!d`n.- small be provided with an a -,proved
outside cas s:out-o valve conspicuously marked.
"7. That Section 1208 of said Code is amended by
avidin,-- thereto a new o raj.,aph to read as follows:
°:.act: buj ..^: s..all be nrovide1 wi i� an approved.
outside -as s:.u,-of valve cc::s icuously marked.
Section 1308 of sa°.0 'Code is amended by
t.>er eto a new c -r: ;_ rs to read as follows:
"Eacoui'_c' n,; be Jrovicea t:ito an a)proved
out :' <Ce . •aL s:.ut-of, valve co::; olcuouely r�r rhed.'
t Section 1408 Of sa`_u Code is .mended by
;nodi:~ t..creto La net: :ra ra: h to real, as follows:
build n:_ shall be -rovidea with an ap:zroved
oat,side .,a.,7 shut-off vz:.lve cons oicuousl :2 ^ked.
"10. That Section 1505 of said Code is amended by
aadin�,• thereto a new paragraph to read as folloVa:
"Each building shall be provided with an.approved
conspicuously, marked;.?
outside gas shut-off valve
Nil. Section 1.7.09 of said Uniform Code Is amender
to read as follows`:
"Paraoet walls not less than eighteen 1aches,.(18")
in height shall be'provided on exterior galls of ,
buildings when the walls are required to be fire-
resistant due" to their 'location on the property.
"d aaraoet wall shale have the same fire resist-
ance as required for 'the wall itself.'
"12. Tho t Section of said Code is amended by
addin,- a new Subsection to read as follows:
"(d) Infected Lumber. All wood used in any structure
small be free from fungus, dry rot, termites 'arid all
otner disease or growth detrimental tolumber.
019. The fifth paragra-)h of Subsection (b) 1. of
Section 2 of said Code is amended to reed as
"Studding, posts, Joists, rafters, planks, beams,
~ere, and similar load-bearing members shall be
stringy, Southern
not less in grade than 1100 f Douglas fir or
Ni4. Subsection 2 of Section 2512 of said Code is
a:;ended to read as follows:
"2. In all stud walls and partitions, including
furred. spaces,, so placed that the maximum dimension ,
feet (61).
o: any concealed space is not over six
015. That the first division in Fable. No. 25-:3
o:' Section 2515(a) of said Code is amended to read
as follows:
Size S )acing -Center Maximum Allowable -22an
ncies) To Center lastered WVGWut
Ceiling Plastered
Below Ceiling
12 9-0 10-0
6 16 7-0 8-0
24 6-0 7-0
1116. Subsection (b)' of Section 2515 of said Code is`.
amended to read as follows:
"(b) Floor Joists. there t:.e floor Joists are not
JWW a.ws a i- wa
to a sizes as set forth in U.�+6
No. 25-1, and ,based on a live l6i of 40 Pound*
per square foot uniformly distri*t .
Joists of,"other grades and other raises bay bo
used, in which case they shall not be atreas6d to
exceed the maximum allowable unit`strest as spool-
Pled in this Chapter.
017. That the first and second paragraphs of Seo%*ob
2 d of said Code is amended "to read; as tiller
"(d) Rafters and Ceiling Joists. Where the rafwt
and ceiling joists are not designed as specified.Ao
this Chapter, Table No. 25-0 Bete iorwh mei
allowable spans for ceiling Joirts and r1ta
of a grade not less than 1100 f iI uglas fir e'
Southern pine, surfaced four sides to the sites as
set forth in U.P.C. Standard No. 25-1 and bteod cis
the, live loads specified in Section 2305.
"Joists or rafters of other grades and other slssa
may, be used, in which case ,they shall not be atraaieid
to exceed the maximum allowable unit at as as
sneoified in this Chapter.
018. Section 3102 of said Code is amended to read'
as follows:
"Sec. 3102. Concrete slab floors `shall be not 1661
than three and one-half inches (340) thick. Topping
when poured monolithic with the slab may be inoliided
as 'a structural part of the slab. Sleepers for-
nailing of a wood floor shall not deorease the re-
qured structural deptki of the slab unless placed in
the dire ction "of span and then shall not be plaoed
more than one-half inch (JI) into the slab.>
*Beds under slab floors for inhabited dwellings
shall be gravel, cinders, crushed rock or water
proof membrane.
019-. Subsection (f)1 of Section UO of said Coda
is amended to read as follows:
"(f) Ordinary Roofings. 'Ordinary' roofing shall be
any roof covering which meets the requirements
specified for the following roofings:
01. Any composition roofing or any built-up
composition roofing consisting of layers of roof -
Ing felt, roll roofing, feltmembrane,' or gravel,
the sum of whose fire -retardant values as set forth
In liable' No. 112-A equals not lose than 13
"20. That Section 2302(bl, of said Cod* is
read as follows;
"(b) Number of Exits. Buildin�8 OrIPOrtlions tkwkLa t
an occupant load of more thaft 2n shill hem
not lose than two exits.
0 Buildingsi or portions thisrsof,'i-AVIA91 antpat
load of 500,to 999 shall have not lttt�
Buildings, or portions thereof, b0l -
load of 1000 or more shall have not 116A's thein .fes
Basements or cellars used for other than strti4i'
of the building, shall have not less than
"Ll. That paragra-,)h 2 of Chapter 23 In the npe464,
of said CodLe Is amended to read as follows:
o2. All wood members used to support permanently
load of any kind, 'I
In buildings over four hunk
square feet (400 sq.ft.) in area, 'shall —6 this
grade and kind of lumber specified In Sootln 2805'
1 1 �6
when any part of such member Is Placed within $,I'!
inches(60) of any earth, either natural ground or-
earth fill-'
SECTION 7. Validity.
Tile Anaheim City Council hereby declares that StWA4",
any Section, naragraph, sentence or word of this Ordlnafto*a
the Code hereby adopted. be declared for any reason to be I—VT
It is
the intent of tie Council that it would have p*ibeer Nal
o t.aer portions of this ordinance independent of the oll''IW
'P, A&^1gj%aA invalid.
..evefrom of any such portion as may
DEME M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance wa,*inttoduted at
a regular meeting of the City Council of the diy Of Anaheim, hold
on the 23rd day of April, 1957, and that the so" Wet passed and
adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 11th
day of June, 1957, by the following votes
I iij I
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Schuttst and Wisser.
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor Pro Tom of the City
of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 11th day of
June, 1957.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 11th day of June, 1957.
DO Ito I "t