Community Redevelopment 1996/12/18 RECEIVED
December 18, 1996 MAR q 11 46 AM '9C
PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, McMillan, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon
ABSENT: Perreira
Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 4:02p.m.
Commissioner McMillan moved to approve the minutes for November 6, 1996 with
additions and corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. MOTION CARRIED
(4 -0 -2). Commissioners Linn and Holguin abstained and Commissioner Perreira absent.
Commissioner McMillan moved to approve the minutes for November 20, 1996 with
additions and corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Renner. MOTION CARRIED
(6 -0 -0). Commissioner Perreira absent.
Ms. Stipkovich explained the process of allocating CDBG funds. She stated that this is
the time for each Board and each Commission to listen to the various requests and then
decide what they would recommend for funding. The total requests are much larger than
the amount of funds available. Things that impact project areas or future project areas
such as Beach Blvd. have been discussed in the past by the Commission. The Boards and
Commissions have a specific role, i.e., listen to input and requests and make a
determination as to which requests most appropriately would implement the goals and
objectives of the Redevelopment Commission.
Commissioner Pinson referenced the November 16, 1995 document to the Community
Redevelopment Commission and stated she found it most helpful. She asked which
requested items were not granted?
Ms. Stipkovich stated the following were funded:
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Downtown Community Center $600,000
Demolition of Building Fund/Partial $50,000
Seismic Rehabilitation did not get funded. It was turned down by the CDAB Board.
Beach Blvd. was not funded for the Redevelopment Project Adoption, however, they did
fund a Code Enforcement Officer for Beach Blvd.
Historic Neighborhood District $100,000
Commissioner Linn inquired as to how it looks for the amount of money we have to work
with? Ms. Stipkovich stated she thought it was going to be very close to what they
received last year.
Mr. Hobson stated, for the record, a letter of support from the West Anaheim - Better
Businesses & Concerned Citizens Group supporting the $200,000 request to fund the
project area adoption for Beach Blvd. had been forwarded to the Commission.
Commissioner Pinson asked Commissioner Holguin if there was a date? Commissioner
Holguin stated it was tentative for January 10, 1997, but he understands it will be
extended again. There was discussion related to the neighborhood district concept.
Commissioner Holguin stated he really did not want to see a neighborhood be assessed to
pay more taxes with a dollar for dollar match. We can eliminate taxing by helping them
get more money from CBDG to fulfill some of their projects.
Ms. Stipkovich stated the concept they brought forward is nothing new. They have done
this before and people did come up with matching money. It worked well until the City
Attorney told them they did not have the legislation in place. When another neighborhood
came in with the same kind of matching request and they had all of their signatures, we
had to tell them we could not do it because we do not have the local ordinance in place.
Every nickel of the Block Grant Program helps low and moderate income neighborhoods.
She stated in some cases they have seen very small public works projects be put into place
for about $1,000,000 a year, but the impact is minimal. She stated instead of doing one or
two small projects, agree on one project and fund it 100% and forget the tandem idea. She
realizes it does not please as many people at one time, but in the long run if they have a
significant project in each neighborhood, it will benefit them and impact the
neighborhoods in a positive way.
Ms. Stipkovich stated if you have people already willing to asses themselves and are
offering matching dollars, it seems worth while to see if they are willing to do that again.
The motivation is to be more efficient and try to make the money go further and leverage
it. Commissioner Holguin stated he was all for efficiency.
Commissioner Linn stated he would like to see a Master Plan and what projects the people
would like to see completed such as lights, streets and gutters, landscaping, etc.
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Commissioner Holguin asked how long it would take to get an assessed district?
Ms. Stipkovich stated at least 6 months.
Commissioner Holguin asked if she had a lot of requests from neighborhoods?
Ms. Stipkovich stated we have a lot requests for public improvements.
Commissioner Linn asked what happens to the one million dollars if we do not have
assessment districts that are formed? Ms. Stipkovich stated the money could be saved to
do a larger project. It might take 2 or 3 years to build up the money to do a significant
Commissioner Renner asked if there is a cost involved in creating an assessment district?
He inquired if the City was going to participate in funding some of those costs?
Ms. Stipkovich stated it would probably be 50/50. She stated there is a cost in noticing
people and a cost that the County will pass onto us.
Commissioner McMillan stated the process that the districts go through to get funding,
etc. is well defined.
Commissioner Holguin asked that the following be added to the motion (regarding the
neighborhood district concept): "That a Master Plan be implemented with a restriction
that if they do not have an assessed district within one year that it comes back before the
CDAB and that CDAB make the recommendation of how the money should be spent."
Commissioner Linn moved that the Anaheim Community Redevelopment Commission
recommend that the Community Development Advisory Board (CDAB) approve the
subject CDBG request related to redevelopment for funding cycle 1997/98 with the
following addition: "That a Master Plan be implemented with a restriction that if they do
not have an assessment district within one year that it come back before CDAB and that
CDAB make the recommendation of how the money should be spent." Seconded by
Commissioner Renner. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). Commissioner Perreira absent.
Commissioner Linn suggested that the Peter Lewis review be scheduled for
January 29, 1997.
Commissioner Pinson referenced page 2 of the Peter Lewis draft under "During
Meetings," no. 5. We did not fully resolve our Commissioner Comments section on their
Ms. Stipkovich suggested they add Commissioner comments regarding reports on
activities. Mr. Hobson agreed that it be added to page 2, no. 5.
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Commissioner Holguin referenced page 2, "Action Plans ", City Council. He repeated that
the Commission ask the City Council to make adjustments to the rules and responsibilities
of the Commission. Ms. Stipkovich stated the City Council would ask her what
adjustments? The report is intended to be forwarded to the City Council for their review
and comment.
Commissioner Renner stated he has a real problem with requests of the City Council.
Commissioner Pinson suggested that the Commissioners call in any questions they have
for Mr. Lewis to staff so questions can be dealt with before they have the meeting.
Mr. Hobson stated if the Commissioners have written notes, copies can be forwarded to
Mr. Lewis.
Commissioner Holguin stated there are a couple of things that were left out and are
important. He referenced page 3, "No Date," No. 2, "Include Commissioners on field
trips." He referenced page 2, "Monthly," no. 4, "Give reports on pending projects, when
Commissioner Holguin referenced page 1, "Our Workshop Goals," No. 2, "Establish more
efficient Commission meetings." He commented that we would eliminate a lot of the
questions to staff if staff provided us more succinct notes on the projects. Ms. Stipkovich
stated communication would improve if the Commissioners tell staff in advance what
questions they have.
Commissioner Holguin stated we also talked about "working relationships," and "Assign
most knowledgeable staff to Commissioner's requests." He stated there is no such
category on the list. It should be under "Action Plans."
Ms. Stipkovich and Mr. Hobson asked for a copy of Commissioner Holguin's list in order
to submit it to Mr. Lewis so he will have time to research it and be prepared.
Commissioner Holguin indicated he would make copies and fax it.
Commissioner Renner stated he had a problem with the term "Explicit guidance from the
City Council," and "Obtain written feedback from the City Council." Do we really want
to ask that?
Commissioner Renner suggested before they take a final vote, that everyone give that
some serious thought, i.e., clarify in their own minds exactly what it is they want to ask
the City Council.
Commissioner Linn stated no criteria has been given to them. Ms. Stipkovich stated staff
has given the Commission documents that identify exactly what the City Council establish
as their role.
Commissioner Linn stated he wants Council to tell them what they want the Commission
to do.
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Commissioner Renner stated he would take it upon himself to come up with what he
thinks would be a more positive approach with regard to the City Council.
Commissioner McMillan referenced the RACI Chart. The word should be "Media."
Ms. Stipkovich asked if there was any feedback on the Scoreboard that was given to
them? Commissioner McMillan stated he thought the Scoreboard was quite enlightening.
He did not realize they were working on so many projects. Commissioner Pinson stated
she found it extremely helpful.
Commissioner Linn asked how close are we to getting an illustration/presentation from
Caltrans regarding Brookhurst and the I -5? He stated this could have a significant impact
on the Home Depot project.
Commissioner Pinson stated the entire package submitted to the Commission showed a lot
of thought.
Commissioner Pinson asked if there were any requests for future agenda items.
Commissioner Holguin asked for a status on Home Depot.
Commissioner Holguin moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:40p.m. Seconded by
Commissioner McMillan.
Respectfully submitted,
an Jensen
Senior Secretary