Community Redevelopment 1996/11/06 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES November 6, 1996 4:OOp.m. PRESENT: 'McMillan, Pinson, Perreira, Renner, Sheldon ABSENT: Holguin, Linn STAFF: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMM. DEV.: Elisa Stipkovich PROPERTY SERVICES/REDEV. MGR.: Rob Zur Schmiede REDEVELOPMENT MGR: Brad Hobson PROJECT MANAGER: Andy Agle PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Muna -Landa NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION COORD.: Phyllis Mueller JOB TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGER: Marge Pritchard SENIOR SECRETARY: Jan Jensen Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 4:05p.m. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: Mr. Zur Schmiede announced there will be a meeting on November 19, 1996 at 3:OOp.m. in the City Council chambers regarding the 91 Freeway widening and invited the Commission to attend. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Zur Schmiede reminded the Commission they would be hosting a follow -up meeting on the Brookhurst Corridor Community Planning Workshop to be held at the Dad Miller Golf Course at the Greenside Cafe. The regular meeting will begin at 4:OOp.m. and the workshop will begin at 6:30p.m. Commissioner Pinson reminded the Commission that Orchard Supply Hardware's Grand Opening was scheduled for November 23, 1996 at 7:30a.m. Mr. Zur Schmiede announced there will be a dedication ceremony for the Holiday Tree on November 23, 1996. CRC Minutes - November 6,1996 Page 2 MINUTES : Commissioner McMillan moved to approve the minutes of October 9, 1996 with minor corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED. (5 -0 -0). Commissioners Holguin and Linn absent. DISCUSSION: A. CDBG - Project Input Commissioner Pinson stated this item is for information only. No action will be taken. Ms. Stipkovich gave an overview of the CDBG process. Input will be received from staff, neighborhood councils and various community groups that are requesting Block Grant funds. Based upon input received, the Commission would make a specific recommendation to CDAB. The Agency will be asking support for a variety of projects that relate to the objectives of the Federal Government program. There are local objectives as well. The City has devised a Community Development Plan with three objectives as follows: • Improving neighborhoods • Creating quality housing • Strengthening the economy Input will be received regarding the Home Program and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program. The Agency will be asking for some Redevelopment projects to be funded, i.e., public improvements as well as the adoption of the Beach Boulevard project. The Agency will also be asking for rehabilitation programs to be supported by the Commission including the Historic Preservation Program. Ms. Stipkovich introduced Marge Pritchard, Job Training Program Manager. Ms. Pritchard gave an overview of the program and handed out a fact sheet along with other brochures to the Commissioners. She stated that the City has had an excellent Job Training Program for over 15 years serving adults and youth. She gave some statistics regarding the JTPA program. Ms. Stipkovich introduced Phyllis Mueller, Neighborhood Preservation Coordinator for the Neighborhood Preservation Office. She stated they have two major programs. The Residential Rehabilitation Program, and a Rebate program. She gave an overview of both programs. She passed out flyers to the Commissioners explaining the programs. F: \DOCS\DEV S VCS\.MINUTESUJN6B21 A.DOC CRC Minutes - November 6,1996 Page 3 Ms. Mueller gave an overview of the Historic Preservation Project. She explained the Second Mortgage Assistance Program (SMAP) for the first -time homebuyer. She handed out a flyer to the Commission explaining the program. Ms. Mueller stated this year CDAB approved the establishment of the Historic Preservation Ad Hoc Committee. She explained the objective is to create a Historic District in old Anaheim- -North, East, South, and West streets to preserve, protect and stabilize the homes in that area. She gave some background and further details of the purpose of the Committee. She explained this will go to the City Council for approval as a Historic Preservation Overlay District. Within that District there will be suggested guidelines of what a resident could do to the exterior. She gave some examples. Commissioner Sheldon inquired if the guidelines were voluntary. Ms. Stipkovich indicated they were voluntary and not mandatory. Ms. Stipkovich gave some further details regarding the City of Pasadena's requirements and explained some of the benefits of enacting the guidelines for historical properties. Ms. Stipkovich stated they are requesting funding for a staff person and also for an architectural consultant. The request is for $120,000 out of the Block Grant fund to implement the program. Commissioner Perreira inquired about staffing and Ms. Stipkovich explained typically the Rehabilitation staff has been funded out of Block Grant money or the Redevelopment set - aside funds. Commissioner Pinson asked how many of the homes in the Historic District are owner occupied? Ms. Mueller replied approximately 85 %. Ms. Stipkovich stated the City of Anaheim has a special program for Police officers who want to reside in the City of Anaheim. Police officers are offered $10,000 in down payment assistance that is forgiven over ten years. Ms. Stipkovich gave some financial statistics. Commissioner Perreira requested this information in a one page format and Ms. Stipkovich stated she would provide a separate summation and show what was funded last year for comparison. Mr. Hobson stated in the fall of 1995, they did some work on Beach Boulevard and subsequently prepared a draft report on the feasibility of moving ahead with the adoption of a project area. He gave some background regarding the adoption process. They are asking for $200,000 to limit the impact on the General Fund. E.\DOCS\DE VS VCS\MINUIESUJNoB2I A. DOC CRC Minutes - November 6,1996 Page 4 Ms. Stipkovich stated they are requesting funds to finish the landscaping on Anaheim Boulevard, a portion of which was funded out of the Block Grant Program. She stated they will need an additional $100,000 to finish Anaheim Boulevard. Ms. Stipkovich gave some financial statistics regarding the program. B. Beach Boulevard - Adoption Overview Mr. Zur Schmiede introduced Andy Agle, Project Manager. Mr. Agle stated the City Council approved the Cooperation Agreement to allow them to move forward on this project. He gave a brief presentation and background regarding the project. A Schedule of Key Events was handed out to the Commission. Ernie Glover, President of GRC Redevelopment Associates was introduced. Mr. Glover gave a presentation and explained the schedule of key events. He stated the first major step in the overall program is a Feasibility Analysis. He stated they will bring the Feasibility Study back to the Commission with recommendations. He gave some further details regarding the Feasibility Study. He explained in August, 1997 they will issue the Preliminary Report which would be accompanied by the Draft Redevelopment Plan and the Draft Environmental Impact Report. Information only. No action was taken. C. Site South of City Hall West Ms. Stipkovich introduced Ms. Laura Muna - Landa, Project Manager. Ms. Muna -Landa gave an overview of the components of the interim plan. Ms. Stipkovich stated their number one priority would be to implement the small play area. Other improvements discussed are as follows: completion of the West Harbor Place frontage with trees and walkways, surface parking, construction of the Anaheim Boulevard frontage with trees and walkways, construction of the Lemon Street frontage with trees and walkways, a shaded promenade, a pavilion structure for community activities and events, and interim open space. The implementation of these improvements will address many of the ideas and suggestions presented by the community at the Downtown Visioning Session. Ms. Muna -Landa explained the design plan features interim and permanent uses for the vacant land that allow for future, permanent development to occur, while still activating the site for immediate use by the community. Further discussion took place regarding estimates for the Pavilion and the Interactive Fountain. Ms. Stipkovich suggested a shade structure without a permanent roof such as poles with canvas as an interim use. Ms. Stipkovich recommended that they go forward with the immediate and near term implementation and suggested that they study the mid- term implementation. F: \DOCS\DEVS VCSIMINUIESUINoB_ 1 A.DOC CRC Minutes - November 6,1996 Page 5 Commissioner Perreira suggested they move the fountain into the immediate and near term implementation. Ms. Stipkovich agreed. Commissioner Sheldon moved that the Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Redevelopment Agency approve the Master Plan for the area bounded by W. Harbor Place, Lemon, Broadway and Anaheim Blvd., and direct staff to implement all interim uses as soon as possible with the Interactive Fountain included in the immediate/near term implementation. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED. (5 -0 -0). Commissioners Linn and Holguin absent. Commissioner Renner inquired about the Lincoln/I -5 improvements. Mr. Zur Schmiede explained have submitted a funding application to OCTA. The Agency is trying to find grant money to help pay for the improvements. D. Voting Procedures Commissioner Pinson suggested that this be moved to the workshop on procedures. No specific time was set. Commissioner Renner was appointed as representative to the Downtown Association. Commissioner Pinson noted the Chamber of Commerce now has a Wall of Commerce. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Pinson adjourned the meeting at 6:20p.m. Respectfully submitted, , Senior Secretary F DCCS.DEVSVCSM MUTE SVJNO:1 A.DOC