Community Redevelopment 1996/08/28COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING August 28, 1996 3:00p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon ABSENT: Linn STAFF: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Elisa Stipkovich REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER, Brad Hobson ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST, Ingrid Lenz SENIOR PLANNER, Cheryl Flores SENIOR SECRETARY, Jan Jensen Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 3:09p.m. MINUTES The approval of minutes for July 17, 1996 were postponed until Commissioner Holguin has had a chance to review them. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS The Commission was invited to attend the Downtown Steering Committee meeting to be held Thursday, August 29, 1996 from 12:00p.m. to 2:00p.m. in the Gordon Hoyt Conference Center, second floor. Commissioner Pinson reminded the Commissioners if they were interested in attending the Angels baseball game Wednesday, September 18, 1996, to please submit their request for tickets to Mary Belknap. DISCUSSION A. Reclassification No. 95 -96 -05 (Brookhurst Project Area) Mr. Hobson presented Reclassification No. 95- 96 -05. He explained the Olson Company was proposing to construct 67 single family detached condominiums at the north west corner of Lincoln Avenue and Mueller Street which is within the Brookhurst Redevelopment Project Area. The proposed reclassification from RM -1200 to RM -3000 is consistent with the General Plan and the Brookhurst Redevelopment Plan. He stated the project is expected to be under construction by January, 1997 with models completed by March, 1997. He introduced CRC Minutes - August 28, 1996 Page 2 Alex Hernandez, Project Coordinator for The Olson Company. Mr. Hernandez gave a brief overview of the project. The Commission and staff discussed the following issues: density, size of dwelling units, landscape, size of yards, and recreational area. Commissioner Renner moved that the Anaheim Community Redevelopment Commission find the Iand use associated with Reclassification No. 95 -96 -05 is consistent with the land use designation in the Brookhurst Redevelopment Project Area. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED. (5 -0 -1) Commissioner Holguin abstained and Commissioner Linn was absent. B. Workshop/Policies and Procedures - Develop and consider proposed policies and procedures for the Community Redevelopment Commission Peter Lewis, staff and Commission discussed procedures to develop and consider proposed policies and procedures for the Community Redevelopment Commission. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:00p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jan Jensen Senior Secretary F: \DOCS\DE V SVCS\MINUCESV INO903A.DOC