Community Redevelopment 1996/06/26L,. -, i -I f COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING June 26, 1996 4:00p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, Linn, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon STAFF: REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEV. MGR., Brad Hobson ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Gay Forbes PROJECT MGR. II, Brent Schultz SENIOR SECRETARY, Jan Jensen Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4:02p.m. MINUTES Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of June 5, 1996. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED. (7 -0 -0). PUBLIC HEARINGS Mr. Hobson stated there is a Public Hearing scheduled for July 9, 1996 with City Council for Kaufman & Broad regarding Cypress Olive Infill. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Hobson stated staff is working with an Ad Hoc Historic Preservation group that is developing Historic Preservation guidelines that would encompass the areas between North, South, East and West Streets. The Ad Hoc Committee is going on a field trip to Pasadena, Saturday, July 20th. Lunch is included. The bus will leave at approximately 9:00a.m. and return at 4:00p.m. CRC Minutes - June 26, 1996 Page 2 DISCUSSION B. Election of Officers Commissioner Renner offered a motion to nominate Commissioner Linn for another term. Commissioner Linn declined and stated it was discussed a couple of years of ago that the position of Chairman should not be more than two (2) years in succession. Commissioner McMillan moved to nominate Commissioner Pinson for the position of Chairman. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. There were no further nominations. MOTION CARRIED. (UNANIMOUS). Commissioner Sheldon nominated Commissioner Holguin for the position of Vice Chairman. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. There were no further nominations. MOTION CARRIED. (UNANIMOUS). DISCUSSION A. Second Amendment to Area 5 Disposition and Development Agreement Brent Schultz, Project Manager, described the scope of the 62 -unit residential project and the terms of the agreement with Kaufman and Broad. Commissioner Sheldon indicated his preference for single - family homes and ownership as opposed to the for sale townhome product proposed. Commissioner Holguin asked a number of technical questions. There was discussion regarding the existing home owners on Atchison Street and requested a copy of the Covenants placed on the historic homes sold on Atchison Street. Richard Bruckner indicated staff would meet with owners of the existing Atchison Street project regarding design issues and would forward the Covenants to the Commission. Mike Woodley, Architect for the project, discussed the site plans and elevations for the project and answered questions. Commissioner Perreira moved that the Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Agency'approve the Second Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Agency and Kaufman and Broad. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (6 -1 -0). Commissioner Sheldon voted no. F:\DOC&DE VS VCS \b1E \tOS \JJN16701 A. DOC CRC Minutes - June 26, 1996 Page 3 COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Holguin thanked the Commission for their confidence for appointing him to the position of Vice Chairman. Commissioner Perreira asked about the follow -up on the Anaheim Downtown Business Ownership meetings. Mr. Bruckner explained a report will be issued in July. In addition, there will be a meeting to discuss the report. Commissioner McMillan congratulated Commissioner Pinson and Commissioner Holguin on their new appointments. He made reference to the small business meetings that took place. He stated there were two individuals in his group that reaffirmed their commitment to improving the downtown area. Commissioner Pinson asked if there was a date set for a work shop regarding the role of the Commission? Mr. Bruckner stated they have identified someone who could help them He should have a date for a workshop in the near future. Commissioner Pinson stated she was looking forward to working with the Commission as the new Chairperson. Commissioner Linn thanked the Commissioners for their support during the past two years. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Renner moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. Meeting adjourned at 5:20p.m. Sincerely, -Q/1fJ (�� Jan Jensen Senior Secretary F:\DOCS\DE V S VCS \MEMOSV 116 A.DOC