Community Redevelopment 1996/05/22COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION NOTES May 22, 1996 4:00p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, Perreira, Renner, ABSENT: Linn, Pinson, McMillan, Sheldon STAFF: REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV.MANAGER: Richard Bruckner REDEV./PROPERTY SERVICES MANAGER: Rob Zur Schmiede REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER: Brad Hobson SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Welch DIRECTOR/PLANNING: Joel Fick ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Annika Santalahti ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Greg McCafferty DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY: Selma Mann SENIOR SECRETARY: Jan Jensen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Commissioner Renner called the meeting to order at 4:10p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Renner stated the Commission would postpone taking any action on the minutes of May 8, 1996 until they have a quorum. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Deferred to end of meeting. A. Sportstown Presentation - No Action Required. Mr. Bruckner introduced Joel Fick, Director of Planning. Mr. Fick provided background on Sportstown. He stated the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and the Area Development Plan is scheduled to be considered by the Planning Commission Wednesday, May 29, 1996. He explained the EIR addresses all of the Environmental Impact Reports that are associated with the project, and the Area Development plan sets forth the overall density and magnitude of the development. He introduced Annika Santalahti, Project Manager and Greg McCafferty, Associate Planner. He introduced Dan Young and Brian Meyers of the Spectrum Group. Mr. Young gave a detailed presentation. He stated in conjunction with staff they prepared a plan that would fit onto the Stadium property. He discussed the following points: • What could they do with this property that might attract a sports owner to come in and invest in the property? CRC Mimites - May 22, 1996 Page 2 Is there a potential for development on this 150 acre site that would be compatible? • Is there a possibility that the development would fit the overall fabric with a distance of 2 miles from the Anaheim Convention Center and Disneyland? He stated entertainment retail is very much in vogue. There is a potential in this area for a significant amount of entertainment, retail and approximately 500 hotel rooms. He explained they did not want to create a competing hotel district with what is around the Convention Center. Greg Smith, General Manager Stadium/Convention Center, said they have a need for public events which are not conventions, such as golf shows, and R.V. shows. They would like to expand and move those types of shows out of the Convention Center and create a public show space. He stated that if the EIR is approved, the City will have entitlement for a maximum of 750,000 square feet of retail space; a maximum of approximately 250,000 square feet of office space; a 150,000 square foot exhibition center and approximately 500 hotel rooms. The market place will tell them if this is actually what will be built. He stated this is in the Redevelopment area, therefore, the Redevelopment Commission will have a role in seeing what happens. Commissioner Holguin asked to what extent will the Redevelopment Commission take a part in Sportstown? Mr. Bruckner stated it was not clear as of this time. The City is currently going through the entitlement process. He explained The City Council and the City Manager has yet to give direction on a policy to go forward with attracting a developer and a football team and what Redevelopment's role might be. The City owns the land and the Planning Department and Planning Commission are taking the lead on the EIR. Mr. Fick concurred. Mr. Bruckner explained there is a relationship between the City and the Agency regarding financing of the Rehabilitation of Anaheim Stadium. The Redevelopment project includes the entire 158 acres including the Stadium itself plus all of the publicly owned land around the Stadium. Commissioner Holguin asked if the Stadium drawings would come before the Redevelopment Commission or were they just going to be involved financially? Mr. Bruckner stated the Agency will provide financing under the Cooperative Agreement. The Cooperation Agreement does not provide a role for the Agency in design. The decision has been made for the City to take the lead on the EIR. F .DOCS.DE \ SVCS\MIM;1ES'JJ \0>]3A DOC CRC Mimiles - May 22, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Holguin expressed his concerns about the funding for Sportstown and if the cost of staff was taken into consideration. Any financial role the Agency has in Sportstown will be predicated on future tax increment flow. Mr. Bruckner explained various aspects of the financing. Commissioner Renner asked if the entire project revolved around football? Mr. Fick explained the alternatives which were presented to the City Council and to the City Manager. In the City Manager's report to the Council, there were two alternatives. One of them included football and the other did not. Mr. Bruckner stated a Convention Center Study was recently completed. One of the elements missing in Anaheim was night time activity. Sportstown will fulfill this need. Commissioner Holguin expressed his concerns that the City has spent a lot of time and money putting together the Anaheim Plaza. He asked what studies have been conducted in order to prevent 750,000 square feet of retail being taken away from the Anaheim Plaza, or how will it enhance it? Mr. Young explained (1) the City owns the property, therefore, as part of the economic analysis the City needs to ask what is the impact on the retail base; and (2) hopefully it will take on something that is destination oriented by virtue of being sports and entertainment oriented such as the Convention Center without robbing Anaheim's own retail base. Commissioner Perreira stated this also applies to other retail within the City. Mr. Fick stated it is strategic to move ahead with the EIR and the Area Development Plan. He explained this will be presented to the Planning Commission on Wednesday, May 29, 1996. They will ask the Planning Commission to recommend the Area Development Plan and Certification of the EIR to the City Council. There were no objections expressed by Commission members. B. Disney Ice Landscaping Mr. Bruckner introduced Liam Thornton, Disney Development Co., and Doug Robertson with the design firm of Langdon Wilson Architects. Mr. Bruckner suggested they all step over to the drawing. An extensive discussion took place regarding the proposed landscaping and site improvements at Disney Ice which included additional trees, exterior lighting and replacement ground cover. There were no objections expressed by Commission members. F IDOCSS DOC CRC Minutes - May 22, 1996 Page 4 MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Zur Schmiede asked the Commission to sign up for a focus group to be held on June 5 and June 6, 1996 regarding a Downtown Summit. Representatives from the International Downtown Association will be present. He explained groups will be divided into categories such as community leaders, retail business community, etc. Mr. Bruckner explained the International Downtown Association is a professional association of people who are management focused, i.e., they know how to create excitement and a safe environment. Details of the meeting were discussed. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Renner stated they will have another bank building to market, i.e., the Wells Fargo Bank is closing on the corner of Harbor and Lincoln. Commissioner Perreira stated that there seems to be a division between the Downtown area and the Eastern area of the City and that the City should examine ways to unite the two portions of the City. Mr. Bruckner stated they are holding a Children's Festival this weekend and encouraged Commissioners to attend. Commissioner Renner displayed the Anaheim Historical Coverlet. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �X . J Jensen Senior Secretary F.',DOCSIDE V SVCS \N1INUIE S'J JN 6?? 3A. DOC