Community Redevelopment 1996/05/153 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIO54 11E 7TES May 1 5, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING 4:00p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, McMillan, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon ABSENT: Linn, Perreira STAFF: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Elisa Stipkovich REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR: Richard Bruckner REDEV. MGR: Brad Hobson SENIOR SECRETARY: Jan Jensen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Chair Commissioner Pinson called the meeting to order at 4:05p.m. B. Harbor Place Circle Mr. Bruckner stated the Agency is requesting that Commission consider the concept of a large tree with ground planting around it. The Nutcracker Holiday Committee has proposed to use this circle for ongoing holiday celebrations for Anaheim. The committee has involved citizens in this event. The Nutcracker Holiday Committee is requesting permanence to this site so they can plan events around it. He introduced Bob Hernandez and Mrs. Sally Feldhaus who are Co- Chairs of the Nutcracker Holiday Committee. Bob Hernandez stated the primary purpose of the festival is to bring an awareness to the West Harbor Place and downtown as a gathering place for our citizens with various events and festivals. He stated last year they held a successful tree lighting ceremony and various holiday activities. The Nutcracker Holiday Committee is asking for approval to approve a permanent planting of a large tree. They have been working with Chris Jarvi to find a tree that is appropriate for the site. He stated they have selected a deodara cedar. They have plans to involve the school children and scouts in the community to help develop this holiday program. Mr. Bruckner stated in their Urban Design Plan the circle was planned and built in connection with the development of the First Interstate Building. It has gone through multiple evolutions of design and discussion. He explained it was intended to be monumental in scale and a focal point for the street and downtown. He stated the proposed type of tree fulfills that requirement. Staff has always tried to generate activity downtown to enerQize the area and show off downtown to create a true Civic Center experience and draw the community together. CRC Minutes -May 15, 1996 Page 2 Sally Feldhaus stated the community was proud of the tree lighting and would like to see the events in downtown continue. Commissioner Holguin asked what steps would be taken to keep children from climbing on the tree? Mr. Bruckner explained it is a very public place; the Police Department is located close; there is security that roams the area; and there is ground planting that children would have to walk through to get to the tree. He could not guarantee it would be access proof. Mrs. Feldhaus stated they had no problems last year. Commissioner Sheldon moved that the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve the concept plan for the improvements to the West Harbor Place Circle. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -0). Commissioner Holguin stated for clarification the West Harbor Place Circle and the City Hall Plaza Improvements are two separate issues. The motion they just made was for West Harbor Place Circle only. C. Disney Ice Landscaping Mr. Bruckner stated this item has been deferred as Disney is going through an internal budget approval process. A. Front of City Hall Mr. Bruckner presented background and history of the design concept Lisa Stipkovich stated she had a meeting with the Chair and the Vice Chair prior to the last meeting. One of the issues discussed was this item. She stated she wanted to clarify why this item is on the agenda and to clear up any misunderstanding regarding this issue. She expressed her concerns that this item had not been voted on because of the Community Center budget. She indicated it was suggested that a workshop be scheduled to discuss the role of the Commission, including budgetary issues. The Commission and staff had a discussion of the Commission's role and the purpose of the proposed workshop. Ms. Stipkovich stated one of the objectives of the Urban Design Plan is to create a new Main Street for Anaheim. She clarified she wants to make sure the Commission has all the information they need in order to make a decision. Commissioner Sheldon suggested they put off consideration of the design until they have a full Commission. Commissioner Holguin moved to table any further action on the front of F'DOCS \DES'S %C. SA11NL7ESU1N0tidA.DOC CRC Minutes - May 15, 1996 Page 3 City Hall until all seven Commissioners were present. The motion died due to a lack of a second. Mr. Bruckner gave a presentation for the improvement of the plaza in front of City Hall reinforcing the linkage between West Harbor Place and Center Street. A discussion took place between Mr. Bruckner, Elisa Stipkovich and the Commission regarding the improvements. Commissioner Renner stated he would like to see more design work on the stair area and the water element. He indicated he wanted to be certain there was adequate space for people to assemble. Mr. Bruckner indicated it was still a very wide space, but that the design would be revisited in the preparation of construction drawings. Commissioner Holguin moved to approve the concept plan for the improvement of City Hall Plaza and to consider the space requirements around the water element. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -0) Ms. Stipkovich stated she understands their concern and that it might be interesting to bring them an update on the design of the community center as well as the funding. Ms. Stipkovich asked if the Commission would like for her to invite Chris Jarvi from Parks and Recreation? Commissioner Pinson stated she would like for Mr. Jarvi to give them an update. Commissioner Renner stated he was very disappointed in the seniors regarding their petition to save their Senior Citizen's Center. He does not want to see anything go wrong with the construction of the community center. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Renner stated that within the next month or two, he would like an update on the Caltrans design for the interchanges of Lincoln and Manchester, Euclid and Brookhurst. He was especially concerned about South Anaheim Blvd., i.e., the frontage of the I -S Freeway below Cerritos. In addition, he would like to know what the configurations are of any remnant parcels along South Anaheim Blvd. Ms. Stipkovich stated this area (South Anaheim Blvd.) is in a redevelopment area. They are trying to work with Caltrans on reuse of remnant parcels. She suggested they invite a staff member from the Traffic Department to make a presentation on the I -S Freeway design especially along Anaheim Blvd. and at Lincoln, Katella, Harbor, Brookhurst and Euclid. Mr. Bruckner stated the City may be bringing the Sports Town EIR forward to the Planning Commission and he would like the Commission to review the project. FiDOCS .DEVSVCS'•,MINUTESVJN65 }DA DOC CRC Minutes -May 15, 1996 Page 4 Commissioner Sheldon moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. The meeting adjourned at 5:44p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jan Jensen Senior Secretary F ` DOCS\DEVSVCS\AIINITESV1No5 ,OA DOC