Community Redevelopment 1996/05/08.. r t � � � 7 t _ COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES May 8 1996 i''t 4:00p.m. PRESENT: Holguin, 1 1A. - in, McMillan, Perreira, Pinson, Renner, Sheldon STAFF: REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR.: Richard Bruckner REDEV./PROPERTY SERVICES MGR.: Rob Zur Schmiede REDEV. MGR.: Brad Hobson SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Welch SENIOR PLANNER: Jonathan Borrego ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Cheryl Flores SENIOR SECRETARY: Jan Jensen Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4:05p.m. MINUTES Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of March 27, 1996, with corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Linn. Commissioner McMillan abstained. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -1). Commissioner Holguin was not present for voting. Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of April 24, 1996, with corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Linn. Commissioner Sheldon abstained. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -1) Commissioner Holguin was not present for voting. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Bruckner stated there will be a meeting next Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at the City Council Chambers regarding the Agency's role in the financing of the renovation of the Anaheim Stadium. A Special Meeting for the Redevelopment Commission will be held Wednesday, May 15, 1996, at 4:00p.m. regarding Disney Ice Landscaping; and landscaping for the front of City Hall and West Harbor Place Circle. DISCUSSION B. Proposed Code Amendments - Northeast Area Specific Plan Mr. Bruckner stated the Planning Commission would like the benefit of the Redevelopment Commission's input regarding the proposed Code Amendments. He noted any motion made by the Redevelopment Commission should be in the form of a recommendation to the Planning Commission. CRC Minutes - May 8, 1996 Page 2 Mike Welch, Senior Project Manager, gave a detailed presentation regarding the proposed Code Amendments for the Northeast Area Specific Plan. He stated the proposed Code Amendments would expand the uses allowed by conditional use permit adding additional flexibility to the zoning code within the commercial office and professional zones located near the Tustin/La Palma Commuter Rail Station. He explained Code Amendment No. 96 -06 would allow service stations as a conditional use in Development Area 4; and Code Amendment No. 96 -11 would allow automotive vehicle repair as a conditional use in Development Area 4. Commissioner Holguin asked if any property around the area would be affected by the proposed Code Amendment? Mr. Bruckner explained the Code revision would permit others to apply for a CUP. These uses will be added to the list of CUPs in this area. He explained when the Area 4 concept was developed, the area was viewed as an area with a high potential for commercial1professional uses. This amendment would allow other uses to occur. He added there could be others applying in this area. Commissioner Holguin asked how they could control these uses? Mr. Bruckner explained there is a CUP process and the Planning Commission reviews each request and places conditions of approval on each CUP. A discussion took place regarding the long term impacts and the ability to rescind a CUP if the user was in violation of their CUP. Mr. Borrego explained they can issue a CUP for a specific number of years, and then it must be renewed. Any violations by the user would be considered at that time. Mr. Bruckner indicated that although a formal application had not yet been filed, the recommendation included language allowing auto sales by CUP as well. Mike Vietro, Corvette Mike, 407 N. Anaheim Blvd., Orange, CA handed out an information packet and photos to the Commission members for their review. He stated his business is being displaced by the I -5 widening and he would like to relocate to the City of Anaheim. He urged the Commission to support the recommendation. Michael R. Tenerelli, Attorney for Ashwill Associates. He explained his client, Mr. Ashwill owns a building in this area. The previous lease expired December, 1995. Mr. Tenerelli asked that the Commission approve the recommendation that the Planning Commission support Code Amendments Nos. 96 -06 and 96 -11. Commissioner Perreira asked what the previous use was and Mr. Tenerelli responded it was a plastic manufacturer. Floyd Farano, Attorney, representing Anaheim Hills Auto Body, stated they have submitted an application for a CUP for auto body repair in this area and indicated he would be happy to answer any questions. F % DOC S,DEVSVCSUIINU9TSV1No >J9A.DOC CRC Minutes -May 8, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Holguin asked if they could consider some type of monitoring so they would know if there was a potential problem? Commissioner Linn explained if there is a problem Code Enforcement could go to the Planning Department. Commissioner Perreira asked if there was a time limit for a CUP? Mr. Borrego explained it varies between one year and five years depending on the circumstances, but that one was not proposed for the subject uses. Commissioner Perreira suggested that Planning consider a time limitation on this CUP as a condition of approval. Commissioner Perreira moved that the Anaheim Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Planning Commission support Code Amendment Nos. 96 -06 and 96 -11, and additional auto sales by CUP. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). C. Role of the Redevelopment Commission Mr. Bruckner stated staff met with Commission Chairman Linn and Commissioner Pinson, Vice Chair Person. He explained there has been some concern regarding communication between the Commission and staff. He noted staff is concerned about communication and the role of the Commission. He suggested they have a workshop /forum to provide background information to the Commission and try to improve communication. He stated staff would schedule a meeting at a future date, possibly mid June. Commissioner Linn stated he has not been on the Commission as long as some of the others. He explained it is difficult to come in on an issue that has been ongoing over a period of years. He supported having a workshop. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Renner asked about the Stadium, and if the Redevelopment Commission would be involved? Mr. Bruckner stated he was trying to schedule a meeting regarding Sports Town with regard to the proposed Stadium renovations. He stated Redevelopment's role is limited to a portion of the financing for the renovation of the Stadium. He explained this is being handled by the City Manager's Office. To date, no public action has been taken on Sports Town. He added the Planning Department has prepared a Draft EIR on Sports Town. Commissioner Holguin asked what the results were of the meeting held at the Convention Center last night regarding the Stadium? Mr. Bruckner explained that the City Council plans to hold a meeting on May 14th to consider the lease with Disney. Commissioner Perreira asked about the Powerful Partnership Breakfast meeting. Mr. Bruckner explained the next breakfast will be held on May 23rd at the Pond. He would make sure she received an invitation. F.`.DOCS,DEV'SVCSV.1 WUTESVJlAoSOQA DOC CRC Minutes -May 8, 1996 Page 4 Commissioner Sheldon expressed his regret over approving the landscaping at Fry's. He appreciated the detailed information received in the current packets regarding landscaping (Disney Ice). Commissioner Linn asked about the Air Touch Tower. Mr. Bruckner explained it has been built and they can add more dishes. Commissioner Linn inquired about the DMI parking lot. Mr. Bruckner indicated DMI was required to purchase it and landscape it as expansion of their facility occurred. Commissioner Linn asked about the status of the proposed Agreement between the City and the Chamber regarding Economic Development. Mr. Bruckner explained the Chamber has the Agreement. To date he has not received anything back. It is in the hands of the Board of the Chamber. Commissioner Linn asked about Chapman Law School. Mr. Bruckner explained Pacific Bell has decided to sell their building. Chapman Board will consider purchasing the building on May 20th. A brief discussion took place regarding UCI. Mr. Bruckner stated staff met with UCI last week and the architects should have a Site Plan shortly. Mr. Bruckner distributed a status report on the Grimshaw Cottage and indicated it was under construction. Commissioner Sheldon asked about ROP. Mr. Bruckner stated they have met with both ROP and the High School District. A space plan and parking analysis are being finalized. Commissioner Renner asked about Western Medical Center. Mr. Bruckner stated Western Medical has gone through a change in management. Staff will be meeting with them in the future. Commissioner Linn asked about AAA moving to downtown. Mr. Bruckner explained they worked very close with AAA. He explained the Agency is exploring ideas, i.e., combining AAA with an information center. Redevelopment is looking for ways to motivate AAA to move including potentially acquiring the AAA site, and combining it with the adjacent vacant site at Vermont and Anaheim Boulevard for housing development. F'� DOC S %D E V S V C S \h11 NLTES \J 1 No io-A. DOC CRC Minutes - May 8, 1996 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Linn moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. Meeting adjourned at 5:20p.m. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0) Commissioner Pinson was not present for voting. Respectfully submitted, ,�iACi�P6[�C.� -/ Jan Jensen Senior Secretary F: \DOCS \DE V SVCS\Ni]NLJTESJ1NoAwA. DOC