Community Redevelopment 1996/04/24F COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISrSION MINUTES April 24, 1996 4 :00p.m. PRESENT: Linn, Renner, McMillan, Holguin, Perreira, Pinson ABSENT: Sheldon STAFF: REDEVIECONOMIC DEV. MGR.: Richard Bruckner REDEV. MGR.: Brad Hobson DIRECTOR COMM. SERVICES: Chris Jarvi SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER: Bill Griffith LOCAL HISTORY CURATOR: Jane Newall SENIOR SECRETARY: Jan Jensen Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4 :10p.m. MINUTES Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of March 20,1996. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Bruckner inquired as to the Commission's interest in a tour of Fry's Electronics, and the Commission expressed interest. DISCUSSION A. Relocation of the Mother Colony House Mr. Bruckner introduced Mr. Chris Jarvi, Director of Community Services. He explained the Library is now a division of Community Services Department. The Mother Colony House is in purview of that department. He introduced Bill Griffith, Special Projects Manager, and Jane Newall, Local History Curator. Mr. Bruckner stated that the City Manager's Office requested that staff evaluate potential sites for the relocation of the Mother Colony House. A study was initiated to determine if a new location for the Mother Colony House could be found in the downtown redevelopment area. Staff identified a potential site for the relocation of the house from its present location at 414 North West Street. The site is at the south east corner of Center and Olive Streets. ��i+m CRC Minutes -April 2.4, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Bruckner advised the Commission that he believed it to be the Commission's role to evaluate the site for the relocation in light of the adopted Master Plan for downtown. Mr. Bruckner continued his discussion of background which included the following: • Is it an appropriate use for Center Street? One of their goals was to activate Center Street, and this would create activity. • Is it an appropriate land use for that area which includes Civic uses? The Mother Colony House as a Museum is Civic use. Mr. Griffith gave a brief background on the Mother Colony House. He stated there is concern regarding vandalism in its present location. He added that in his opinion, this is a good location. Commissioner Renner gave a detailed background of the history of the move of the house and stated his recommendation to the City Council several years ago. When Mrs. Dwyer passed away, Commissioner Renner recalled that the Mother Colony House Advisory Committee recommend that the City purchase the property adjacent to the Mother Colony House. He would still like to pursue that as an option. Commissioner Renner stated that if they plan to move the house, they should look for ways to improve its security. He was not certain that the proposed location was an improvement. He stated he would ultimately like to relocate the house onto the George Washington Community Center Site, i.e., the north east corner of Cypress Street as part of a "house through the ages" concept that could include the Red Cross House. He read a portion of the minutes from the Mother Colony House Advisory Board. A motion was made by a member of the Mother Colony Advisory Board, and the Advisory Board unanimously agreed that the Mother Colony House should not be moved to the new recommended location. The Mother Colony Advisory Board either wants to purchase the property next door and solve their legal problems (related to title), or move the house onto the George Washington Community Center site. Commissioner Linn agreed. He expressed his concerns about the possibility of damaging the big trees on the property. He suggested they recommend to the City Council the Mother Colony House be left where it is until they come up with a more viable solution. Further discussion took place regarding the value of the land. Ms. Newall expressed her concerns regarding no sidewalk at the present site, and stated that she would like to see the building moved to the new location. CRC Minutes - April 24, 1996 Page 3 Mr. Jarvi shared some observations with the Commission. He referenced the George Washington site and explained that site has been slated for park development which is consistent with views expressed by the neighborhood. He noted the relationship of the Museum and the Central Library to the proposed site offers some joint program opportunities. A brief discussion occurred regarding the future of ficus trees in the area. He stated the relocation of the Mother Colony House to the proposed site is consistent with their department's long range plans. Commissioner Renner Moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission does not support the recommendation to move the Mother Colony House from its present location at 414 North West Street to a new site at the corner of Center and Olive Streets. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -1). Commissioner Perreira abstained as she felt she was not knowledgeable enough about this issue. Commissioner Perreira asked that the Agency check out some of the other alternatives, such as purchasing the property. Commissioner Renner moved to request staff to investigate if it was legal to expend Redevelopment Funds for the acquisition of the property adjacent to the existing Mother Colony House site. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED. (6 -0 -0) B. City Hall West and Harbor Place Circle Richard Bruckner presented both plans to the Commission Commissioner Linn stated one of the projects that is in need of additional funding is the Community Center. He expressed his concerns about spending money on beautifying the front of City Hall when there was a lack of funds to complete the Community Center. Commissioner Holguin moved to deny the request that the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve the concept plan for the improvement of City Hall Plaza and improvements to the West Harbor Place Circle. Seconded by Commissioner Linn. MOTION FAILED TO CARRY. (3 -3 -1). Commissioner Pinson moved that the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve the concept plan for the improvement of City Hall Plaza and improvements to the West Harbor Place Circle with reservations about using funds due to the need to complete the Community Center. MOTION DENIED. (1 -5 -1). Commissioner Linn explained he opposed the expenditure of funds to beautify the front of City Hall when the Community Center has not been completed. Commissioner Holguin ���5 ,. ^ELN- StA@il,'[F'.SU1N64.68.n� CRC Minutes - April 24, 1996 Page 4 stated this is not a needed project - -the Community Center is a needed project. Ms. Perreira stated her concern is that this endorses a plan which calls for an expenditure of over $1,000,000. Commissioner Perreira stated if the motion were modified to express re- evaluation in terms of what is actually needed and how much can they spend -- perhaps a down scaling, then she would be willing to support it. Commissioner Renner stated staff should investigate whether these funds could be loaned by the Agency to the Community Center project. Commissioner Linn stated the Commission has expressed their concerns that this project may be too expensive and that the design may need to be modified to reduce the cost. Commissioner Perreira stated for clarification, the lack of concensus was not because they had no opinion, but perhaps they had too many. Commissioner Renner stated he would like to have a positive input to the Redevelopment Agency that they believe the money budgeted for this project could be loaned to the Community Center project. Commissioner Linn did not want to pursue this option. Mr. Bruckner stated there appears to be a concensus that there is a concern about the funding of the Community Center; and there is a concensus that there is a concern about the cost of these improvements. Mr. Bruckner stated he needed to go back and get clarification regarding the Commission's role regarding budget matters. This is a design matter. He stated he would get back to the Commission after he received clarification on this matter. It was his understanding that the Commission's role in this matter was design. Commissioner Linn explained when you are talking about design matters, you are talking about money. COMMISSION COMMENTS A brief discussion took place regarding the building of the Air Touch tower. Commissioner Renner asked about the Children's Festival. He stated the Museum, in the past, has used the wall (along Anaheim Boulevard) for painting, etc. It is his understanding that Redevelopment was going to use the wall for a "community bulletin board." Mr. Bruckner explained there is a proposal to use the wall to advertise events downtown. He would get the Commission a copy of the proposal. Commissioner Renner indicated they were not opposed to the project, they just needed to know in order to plan accordingly. F �DJ�SDEVSVCSIAN.'1fIF3UlNo-�:.60 JGf CRC Minutes - April 24, 1996 Page S Commissioner Renner asked if they could get the City to fund a sign that says "Museum." It would hang below the words "Anaheim Public Library." He added the sign they had broke. Mr. Bruckner indicated he would look into it. Commissioner Holguin asked about the Cottage. Mr. Bruckner stated he would get the Commission a status of construction, but that construction was under way. Commissioner Holguin asked about the Community Center. He stated they received $250,000 from the County for the Community Center. Mr. Bruckner stated they will come back to the Commission with a budget update and more detailed plans. Commissioner Holguin asked about the Agency's budget. Mr. Bruckner stated there have been two budget discussions with the Commission. Four months ago, the Commission asked for a budget discussion. At that time they had a workshop where they presented all of the different project areas and major capital projects. He recalled the last time they asked for a budget for "Administration," the Agency staff was responding to the Commission's request for an administrative budget. They have provided the Commission with the information from the City's adopted budget manual. If the Commission would like more information on capital improvements and construction, they can get that as well. Commissioner Linn clarified, that he wanted to know how many employees that are actually working, i.e., full time; part time; secretaries, etc.. He would like the figures broken down so they have some idea how many people are doing the work. He explained the breakdown they received was vague. Mr. Bruckner stated that he can provide them a staffing plan. Commissioner Holguin stated he would like to see other items in the budget that the Commission may not be aware of and may be coming up at a future date. Mr. Bruckner clarified he would provide a staffing plan and a major capital improvements list. Commissioner Perreira suggested that those who are interested could meet with Mr. Bruckner privately where they could go over the books. She explained it is not simple - -it is very complex. Mr. Bruckner and the Commission agreed meeting on an as needed basis would be most effective. Commissioner Perreira stated she was interested in the tour of Fry's Electronics. She asked about the Powerful Partnership Breakfast meetings. She explained she exchanged her breakfast tickets with Commissioner Sheldon and asked that she be able to attend a future breakfast in Commissioner Sheldon's place. FtDJi'SpEVS ,.@1VI£NIM6 B�_, CRC Minutes -April 24, 1996 Page 6 In addition, she asked for a follow -up on the status of the Buster Simpson art project. Mr. Bruckner stated it has been approved. They have signed a contract with Mr. Simpson. The Artist has begun work and staff is starting to disburse funds for the majority of the project, however, the Agency is still waiting for a signed commitment from the Chamber of Commerce for their portion of the funding. Commissioner Linn stated it was his understanding that they were to have landscaping in the DMI parking lot. He passed by and there was no landscaping. Mr. Bruckner explained DMI's responsibility was to provide additional landscaping as they occupied future space in their building. In addition there was some concern regarding the parking at Fry's opening. Mr. Bruckner has a meeting tomorrow with DMI, Fry's and the Police. Commissioner Linn asked if the landscaping for Fry's was what the Agency envisioned? Mr. Bruckner responded it was what the Commission approved. Commissioner Linn asked about the City Arterial Survey. Mr. Bruckner stated he does not have a date for when a presentation might be appropriate, however, it was important for the Commission to understand it. In addition, they are close to bringing in a concept plan for Brookhurst. Commissioner Linn asked that he also show them what was going to happen to the north portion of Brookhurst by the freeway. Commissioner Linn asked about the landscaping for Disney Ice. Mr. Bruckner stated the Agency met with Disney last week and they gave staff some of their ideas. He anticipated Disney would be at a future meeting with an additional plan. Commissioner Linn moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. Meeting adjourned at 5:50p.m. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). Respectfully submitted Jan Jensen Senior Secretary