Community Redevelopment 1996/03/20COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMIS �ON,MINUTES March 20, 1996 ° t' PRESENT: Linn, Holguin, McMillan, Pinson, Perreira, Renner, Sheldon ABSENT: None STAFF: REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER, Brad Hobson SENIOR SECRETARY, Jan Jensen Chairman Linn called the meeting to order at 4:10p.m. MINUTES: Commissioner Perreira moved to approve the minutes of January 3, 1996 (Commissioners Linn, Pinson and Sheldon abstained). Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -3). Commissioner Pinson Moved to approve the minutes of January 17, 1996 (Commissioner Perreira abstained). Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -1). Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of February 14, 1996 (Commissioners Renner, Perreira and Sheldon abstained). Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. For clarification Commissioner Pinson stated Anaheim Beautiful is an organization rather than a committee. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -3). MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Bruckner invited the Commission to a Downtown Forum, Thursday, April 4, 1996, at the UCI Extension Center. He encouraged all Commissioners to attend. Mr. Bruckner reminded the Commissioners they will have a special meeting next week, March 27, 1996, which is not their normal meeting date. DISCUSSION: Mr. Bruckner stated they are going to take the Catellus Agreement off calendar. It would be heard next week. Mr. Bruckner requested that they move directly to Item No. C. He introduced Brad Hobson. CRC Minutes -March 20, 1996 Page 2 C. Anaheim Plaza Phase II - Design Development Drawings Mr. Hobson presented the item and stated the O'Connor Group, CALSTRS and Donahue Schriber are bringing forward 83,000 square feet of additional retail space at Anaheim Plaza and this would complete Phase II of Anaheim Plaza. This includes Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH) and Office Max. He explained there will be one additional food pad along Euclid Street remaining to be developed once Cal Fed is moved to its permanent location. The landscape plans are consistent with the project to the south. He gave an overview of the details of the landscape plans. Mr. Hobson introduced Ernie Weber, Donahue Schriber. Mr. Weber presented the item for discussion requesting that the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission recommend approval of the design development drawings for Anaheim Plaza Phase IUOrchard Supply Hardware and Office Max. He explained they have started construction of the off -site relocation project for the Air Touch Cellular tower. It should be completed within eight weeks. However, it will take another twelve weeks for Air Touch to install their equipment. It will be August 1, 1996 before they see demolition of the six story building (Cal Fed building). They hope to start the new Cal Fed building on October 1, 1996. Plans have been reviewed by the Commission. Elevations, colors and signage have been approved. He noted Petco would be open within two weeks. The pad B building, which fronts onto Euclid, now comprises Mens Warehouse and Party City. They should be complete on the regional site with one exception and that is Pad A. They are still negotiating with Walmart and Mervyns to allow them to put in a 9,000 square foot user (buffet style restaurant) instead of a 7,000 square foot pad. He stated they lost one tenant, Lingerie Time. They do have a Kids Store to take the place of 2,000 square feet. Commissioner Pinson moved that the Anaheim Redevelopment Commission recommend the approval of the design development drawings for Anaheim Plaza Phase II/Orchard Supply Hardware and Office Max. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). F:\DOCS\DEVSVCS\MINLrrES\LGN64MA. DOC CRC Mimites -March 20, 1996 Page 3 A. Jamboree Housing Project Elisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of the Community Development Department, presented the item and requested that the Commission recommend approval by the Redevelopment Agency of an amended and restated Affordable Housing Loan and Development Agreement by and between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Jamboree Housing Corporation. She introduced Lila Lieberthal, Director of Jamboree Housing. Ms. Stipkovich stated the recession and reduction of home prices has severely impacted the financing for this project. She explained the sales prices previously established as projections would probably not be met, making it more difficult to finance the project. In addition, the project was reduced from 60 to 48 units. She noted that Jamboree Housing went back to the property owner and asked that they reduce the land price due to the change in the market. An extensive discussion took place regarding resale controls, the type of second Trust Deed they are placing on the property and overall financing of the project. The Commissioners asked how come the project was taking so long? Ms. Stipkovich explained that financing was a problem. She added that it is anticipated that the project will begin construction by June 1, 1996. Commissioner Sheldon moved that the Redevelopment Commission recommend approval by the Redevelopment Agency of an amended and restated Affordable Housing Loan and Development Agreement by and between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Jamboree Housing Corporation. Seconded by Commissioner Pinson. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). B. Pilot Home ownership Program in downtown Redevelopment Project Alpha Ms. Stipkovich stated the intent of the program is to maintain a high level of homeownership and maintenance of single family homes in the greater downtown area. She explained that this new program is intended to be a pilot program to see if it will help the area. If it is successful, they will expand it to other parts of the central city area. She further explained they would look for houses for sale that are in disrepair or not owner occupied and for sale. She added they would help potential buyers with down payment assistance, a rehabilitation loan, or a combination of the two. In addition, as a last resort, they would consider purchasing the house and reselling it at a later time. Upon transfer /sale they would make sure that all Code items are taken care of F \ DOCS \DEVSVCS \I,tINUI'ES \LGN6408A.Doc CRC Minutes -March 20, 1996 Page 4 She explained the maximum down payment assistance would be $10,000 and the rehabilitation loan would be up to $30,000. The total maximum loan on any property would be $40,000. It is capped out at a relatively high affordable income of 120 %. The object is to get people into the area, rehab the units and become homeowners. Commissioner Pinson offered a motion that the Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Redevelopment Agency approve the Project Alpha Home ownership Stabilization Pilot Program. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). Commissioner Renner asked for a report as to the ongoing status of the project. COMMISSION COMME Commissioner Holguin asked if any of the Commissioners had seen the trees that were planted at Fry Electronics? He expressed his concerns about how the trees looked. He suggested next time they approve trees they have more information on the types of trees. He asked if they could have drawings of trees at full growth so they would have something to go by when they approve a project. Ms. Stipkovich indicated she could provide them with a landscape book. Commissioner Holguin asked about a budget report. Mr. Bruckner indicated that the Commissioners they would receive an update as soon as it was available. Commissioner Holguin asked about the Disney sign and the shrubbery for the ice rink. Mr. Bruckner explained the responsible Disney person was called to Jury Duty and the information would be provided as soon as that person returns. Commissioner Pinson asked if after their meeting with the Council regarding Project Alpha, if there were any further comments or directions given? Mr. Bruckner noted there were no further comments. Commissioner Sheldon stated there was a note in the minutes from a previous meeting regarding outstanding loans indicating there were no delinquent loans. He asked for an update for all loans the Agency made that are delinquent. Ms. Stipkovich stated this was a very complex question and that it depended on participation and certain conditions. She explained the various types of loans and added she could provide them with a list of individuals who were making monthly payments. F: \DOCS\DEVSVCS\N11NLr ES\LGN6408A.DOC CRC Minutes -March 20, 1996 Page 5 With regard to Woodbridge, Ms. Stipkovich stated they had a settlement with Great Western Bank over the Parking Agreement and they just received a check for $225,000.00. The bank did not collateralize their lease on the structure, could not meet Code parking, and had to pay a premium in order to extend the lease. Commissioner Renner stated Glen Hellyer has a tenant ready to move into the Rose and Crown site, however, they are unable to obtain ABC approval. Ms. Stipkovich explained this was initially due to neighbor complaints. The Agency has tried everything to help. The prospective tenant has not been pursuing his request. Chairman Linn asked for a landscape meeting. In addition, they would like a report on the Brookhurst Corridor. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Sheldon moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. Meeting adjourned at 6:00p.m. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). Respectfully submitted, an Jensen' Senior Secretary F:\DOCS\DEVSVCS\MINLrrES\LGN6408A.DOC