Community Redevelopment 1996/02/14COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES February 14, 1996 4:00 p.m. PRESENT: Linn, McMillan, Holguin, Pinson, ABSENT: Renner, Perreira, Sheldon STAFF: REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner PROJECT MANAGER, Brent Schultz SENIOR SECRETARY, Lynette Granger Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. M�II►l� i11��T.`7i Commissioner Linn postponed approval of the minutes until the next meeting. Mr. B*kner mentioned the Sundor Grand Opening on March 7, 1996. A. �pproval of Concept Art Plans within Koll Anaheim Center - Buster Simpson Mr. Bn ckner introduced Susan Klaren, Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, and not d that the Chamber has been considering an art piece to commemorate their 100th anniver ary. Mr. Bruckner explained that an art piece was never installed as planned in the courty d area of the Silver Screen Cafe. He noted that staff met with the Koll Anaheim Center Arts Ad isory Committee to discuss selection of an artist for the project, and Buster Simpson was selected He said that Agency staff and the Chamber have agreed that this project could accomp ish both goals. Mr. Bruckner said that staff is recommending approval of the conceptual proposal. He noted that as the attwork progresses, staff will keep the Commission informed. When the plan is finalized, the artwork will be brought before the Commission for its final approval. He also noted that Mr. Machia erna of the Silver Screen Cafe is excited about the proposed art plan. Mr. Bru kner explained funding issues noting that the Chamber will work with the Arts Advisory Commit ee and will contribute $15,000 toward the art piece. He also stated that the remainder of the Koll Anaheim Center Phase I Art Fund will be dedicated to construct this piece. Susan wren described the Chamber's desires for a commemorative piece and her positive discussi ns with Buster Simpson. CRC Minutes - February 14, 1996 Page 2 Commissioner McMillan asked if this piece will replace the water wall piece previously planned for that courtyard area. Mr. Bruckner answered yes, and noted that Buster wished to do a different type of art piece that would also include some type of water use. He mentioned that staff would arrange for the Commission to meet Buster Simpson. Commissioner Pinson expressed her concerns because the project proposes the use of water. Mr. Bruckner noted that there was significant discussion regarding the use of water as part of the original Art Plan. He explained that a trickle of recycled water is proposed, and if necessary, the water could be turned off and the art piece would still be functional. She also expressed concerns regarding the tree selection and their maintenance. Mr. Bruckner answered that staff and the artist will meet with the City Arborist to determine the best type of tree. She also mentioned her concern of the tables and stools being functional. Mr. Bruckner answered that he has requested that the tables be movable and comfortable, and staff will discuss the issue further with the artist. Commissioner Holguin asked about the budget for the project and insurance that the project will be completed. Mr. Bruckner described the payment and retention plan. Commissioner Holguin asked if the figures presented were final. Mr. Bruckner answered yes. Commissioner McMillan moved that the Commission recommend that the Agency approve the art concept plans prepared by Buster Simpson within Koll Anaheim Center. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (3 -1 -0). Commissioner Pinson voted no as she had concerns regarding water use and the tables. B. Landscape Standards and Requests - Public and Private Commissioner Linn began the discussion stating he had suggested to staff that it would be wise to find out exactly what City standards are for landscaping. He mentioned other projects before the Commission where discrepancies existed, and asked for a uniform criteria to follow for other situations. He noted that Parks and Recreation is currently working on a committee that is studying arterials within the City. He expressed his desires to see what City standards should be. Mr. Bruckner suggested a workshop format to begin these discussions with the Commission, and that staff could bring in other City staff members to brief the Commission. Mr. Bruckner added that standards could include what is required by developers and what additional standards could be required by the Agency for Agency assisted projects. He noted that the process could begin with a first step to understanding basic ground rules for projects. Commissioner Linn noted that he felt that the Commission should go forward with this issue. Mr. Bruckner said that he would put together a workshop in the next couple of months to address these issues, and he would include other City staff members. F:0MS\DE V SVCSVNINUIES\LGN62 J SA.DOC CRC Minutes - February 14, 1996 Page 3 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Holguin asked for an update on the Grimshaw Cottage. Mr. Schultz answered that escrow closed on February 13, and the contractor can begin work as soon as next week. Mr. Schultz was complimented by all for his perseverance with the project. There was discussion regarding the main house. Mr. Bruckner explained that staff is working with Mr. Waltz to help him complete the project. Commissioner Holguin asked about Home Depot and UCI Extension. Mr. Bruckner stated that Rob Zur Schmiede would update them on Home Depot and noted that a meeting was scheduled on Friday with UCI. He also noted that an economic study and details on land price regarding UCI are currently being prepared for the Commission. Commissioner Holguin asked about the Post Office and Mr. Bruckner stated that new bids were received and will be brought before City Council at a later date. Commissioner Holguin asked about sales at the Atchison project. Mr. Bruckner noted that a report on sales would be prepared for the Commission. Commissioner Pinson complimented Mr. Bruckner on his presentation to Anaheim Beautiful. He offered to show the slide show to the Commission and all agreed. Commissioner McMillan noted that he will be attending the Team Disney Grand Opening Thursday. Commissioner Linn asked about his prior request for a budget on Administration. He also mentioned Kenny Rogers Roaster and asked for an update on the Plaza at the next meeting. He asked about progress regarding theaters downtown. Mr. Bruckner stated that staff has met with brokers and theater operators, and only one operator expressed an interest. He noted that several other theater projects in neighboring cities have recently been proposed. Commissioner Linn requested that more detail be added on the report regarding home sales for K &B. He also and asked about the property on Lincoln and East. Mr. Bruckner stated that staff would prefer to have an older historic home with professional offices rather than a residential use because of noise on that corner. Commissioner Linn asked about the old County dump on Lincoln near Beach. Mr. Bruckner answered he would check with the Planning Department for an update on that site. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Holguin moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. Meeting Adjourned at 5:00. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). Respectfully submitted, k tyette Granger Senior Secretary F:\DOCS\DEVSVCS\MrNLrTES\LGN6215A.DOC