Community Redevelopment 1996/01/17COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES January 17, 1996 4:00 p.m. PRESENT: Linn, Renner, McMillan, Holguin, Pinson, Sheldon ABSENT: Perreira STAFF: REDEV./ECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEV. MGR., Brad Hobson PROJECT MANAGER, Brent Schultz SENIOR SECRETARY, Lynette Granger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. MINUTES: Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of October 18, 1995. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). Commissioner Holguin requested that approval of the January 3, 1996, minutes be continued until the next meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Hobson noted that a Public Hearing has been advertised for February 6, 1996, at 5:00 p.m., so that the Agency can consider the Disposition and Development Agreement with UCI Extension. Commissioner Linn asked if Commissioners should attend. Mr. Hobson answered that their presence would not be necessary. DISCUSSION: B. Disposition and Development Agreement for UCI Extension School Facility Mr. Schultz presented the item for discussion requesting that the Commission recommend that the Agency approve a DDA with the Regents of the University of California for a UCI Extension School facility. A site plan was handed out to Commissioners. Mr. Hobson noted that the Commission and Agency would be asked to approve basic concept drawings at a later date. Mr. Schultz described the current concept plan for the building and the terms and conditions of the DDA. He stated that the Agency's obligation under the DDA is to construct a build -to -suit, two -story, 10,840 square foot building with 65 at grade parking spaces including hardscape and landscape improvements. He noted that Agency staff and UCI solicited proposals to architectural firms, and Carde -Ten Architects was selected as the most qualified firm to complete the plans for the project. F:OOCS\DE V SVCSIMINUIESV,GN6118A. DOC January 17, 1995 - CRCMinutes Page 2 Mr. Schultz explained that after completion of construction and acceptance of the building by UCI, the Agency will be reimbursed for all hard and soft costs of constructing the building and for land. He noted that the current cost estimate for the building and land is approximately $2,400,000. The land value to be paid to the Agency is $250,000. Mr. Schultz introduced Richard Orr (UCI Campus Asset Management) and Philip Henderson (Associate Director of UCI Extension School). Commissioner Pinson asked if the figure discussed included any interior furnishings. Mr. Schultz stated costs will range at approximately $150 per square foot including interior finishes and some furnishings. Commissioner Pinson asked about parking requirements and how they will be accommodated in Koll Anaheim Center. Mr. Schultz explained that the existing Agency parking structures would accommodate parking. Commissioner Holguin asked about the number of people using this facility at any given time. Mr. Henderson described the attendance expected at the school stating that in Phase I, the school will have eight to ten classrooms with an average attendance of 30 persons. Commissioner Linn noted that he was concerned about cost of land and land value. Mr. Bruckner explained how the cost of land was determined and the differences between the UCI site and the Disney site. He described the covenants applied to the site, and how they effect land value. Mr. Bruckner indicated that background on the valuation of the land will be provided. Commissioner Linn asked about UCI selling the land early at a discounted price. Mr. Bruckner noted that there is a provision in the DDA to protect the Agency in that case. There was discussion about parking issues in the evening. Mr. Henderson stated that the parking structures are nearly empty in the evening. Commissioner Sheldon noted he supported using the existing parking structures, but asked for the total financial obligation of the Agency. Mr. Bruckner noted that the only obligation of the Agency was parking. Commissioner Sheldon asked about a land write -down. There was discussion on the issue of parking and the land value of the property. Commissioner Holguin asked if a study was performed on the effects on the retail and restaurants. Mr. Bruckner answered that no formal study has been completed, but reviewed the positive impacts of additional foot - traffic, particularly at night. Commissioner Pinson expressed her support to higher learning in the area. Commissioner Pinson moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Agency approve a Disposition and Development Agreement by and between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and the Regents of the University of California. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. Commissioner Renner asked if the Koll Company would receive any compensation for the land for this project. Mr. Bruckner answered that an Amendment to the DDA with Koll was approved over one year ago which deleted this property from Koll's contract. F: \DOCS\DE V SVCS\NITNUiES\LGN6118A. DOC January 17, 1995 - CRC Minutes Page 3 Commissioner Sheldon noted that he supported the concept of UCI and a greater use of parking structures, but would vote no until he had additional economic information on the land price to consider. Commissioner Holguin also stated that he supported the action but would vote no until he received information on the economic impacts of the school in the area. Staff agreed to assemble the additional material requested. MOTION CARRIED (4 -2 -0). Mr. Bruckner asked that it be noted that the two Commissioners voted no due to pending additional materials and study information, and not because they were opposed to the school. A. Fry's Electronics Design Development Drawings Mr. Bruckner presented the item for discussion requesting that the Commission approve Design Development Drawings, including landscaping and signage plan, for Fry's Electronics, Inc. He noted that the Commission approved the Owner Participation Agreement and Basic Concept Drawings in 1995. He reminded the Commission of the two major issues (signage plan and landscape plan) discussed when Basic Concept Drawings were approved. Mr. Bruckner described the signage program stating the Planning Department is currently reviewing the signage plans for conformance. Mr. Bruckner addressed the landscaping plans noting that the applicant has provided additional landscaping in the parking area; however, staff is suggesting that the applicant increase tree size from 15 gallon to 24 inch box, and plant trees in the planters on the south side of the parking area along the freeway. He noted that Fry's currently does not concur with stars requests. Commissioner Holguin asked about the easement which runs along the back of the property. Mr. Bruckner explained that the applicant's sign is within the encroachment easement area, and if at any time the City requires use of the property, Fry's must immediately move the sign at their own expense. Mr. Bruckner described the changes that staff is requesting to the landscape plan in detail. Mr. Graumann updated the Commissioners on work -in- progress at the site. The signage plan was described and discussed by Mr. Graumann and the Commissioners. Mr. Graumann requested that the Commission address the issue of staff's request to change the trees from 15 gallon to 24 inch boxes. He noted that Fry's accommodated the number and size of trees required by City code. Mr. Graumann said that City code specifies 15 gallon trees and that he would like to request approval of the 15 gallon trees. Commissioner Renner asked about the length of time for growth of 15 gallon trees to reach 24 inch box size. Mr. Bruckner answered approximately two to three years. Mr. Bruckner stated that their concern was the vastness of the parking area. He stated that code requires a tree every 10 parking spaces, and Mr. Graumann was granted a Variance for that. Mr. Bruckner also noted that he felt it was important to have trees in the planters along the freeway. He noted that Fry's has come a long way in their landscape plan, but staff was requesting these two minor modifications. Commissioner Renner suggested a compromise in requiring the 14 large freestanding trees in the parking lot to be 24 inch box and all other trees to remain at the 15 gallon size. F:\D0CS\DEVSVCS\MfNUTESXGN61 18A. DOC January 17, 1995 - CRC Minutes Page 4 Mr. Graumann requested that all trees remain 15 gallon, but that they would be willing to add the four trees in the planters along the freeway. Commissioner Linn asked what the difference in cost would be between the two different tree sizes. Mr. Graumann answered $150 per tree with there being a total of 94 trees on site. There was discussion regarding the compromise of larger trees. Commissioner Holguin moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission approve Design Development Drawings, including landscaping and signage plans, for Fry's Electronics, Inc., with the following conditions: 1. Plant 15 gallon trees in the curb planters on the south freeway side of the parking area; 2. Require 24 inch box trees in center of parking lot (14 trees); 3. The cluster of trees (64) in the drive isle will remain 15 gallon. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Linn requested an administrative cost breakdown for the Agency. Mr. Bruckner stated that staff would provide a summary. Commissioner Renner mentioned the article he read on the Mother Colony House. He suggested the George Washington School site as a potential location. Mr. Bruckner acknowledged Commissioner Renner's "housing through the ages" concept and noted that the article was a surprise. He noted that the issue is being handled through the City Manager's Office and the Mother Colony House Board. Commissioner Renner indicated that the Board recommended leaving the house where it currently is. Commissioner Holguin reported the results of the CDBG meeting. He noted that Beach Boulevard adoption funding was not recommended, but funds in the amount of $61,000 for a code enforcement officer were recommended. The request for the Historic District Design received $100,000, the demolition fund request was reduced to $50,000, and the Community Center received a recommendation of $500,000. The plan will go to the City Council in March. Commissioner Pinson asked about the AirTouch Tower relocation. Mr. Hobson stated that the tower will be relocated to the Borax site south of the freeway and west of Euclid, and that the developer had secured appropriate leases and entitlements. Commissioner McMillan mentioned that the graffiti has been removed at the new center on Broadway and Euclid. He also reported on the approval to begin final negotiations with Spectranet. Commissioner Sheldon reported on the Powerful Partnership Breakfast and indicated it was very positive. FADOCSIDE V S VCS\M1NLrMSU.ON61 I SA. DOC January 17, 1995 - CRCMinutes Page 5 Commissioner Linn was curious about the status of the rock crushing proposal on the Penhall site. He noted he was not impressed with the size of the trees at the new Euclid/Broadway Center indicating that they were not consistent with Anaheim Plaza. Mr. Bruckner discussed the distinction between the Anaheim Plaza Project and the Euclid/Broadway Center; noting that staff was participating in a citywide analysis of commercial corridor standards and suggested a future discussion on private on -site and public off -site landscaping requirements. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Holguin moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, y� ne to Granger Senior Secretary F:0OCSIDE V SVCSUNINU1EMLGN611 BA.DOC