Community Redevelopment 1996/01/03COMMUNITY I�2Ep VE�,,pl�tTl COMMISSION MINUTES " '` Januar 996 4 d p er; PRESENT: Renner, McMillan, Perreira, Holguin ABSENT: Linn, Pinson, Sheldon STAFF: REDEV. MGR., Brad Hobson NEIGHBORHOOD DEV. COORD., Tim Elliott SENIOR SECRETARY, Lynette Granger Commissioner Renner called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. (1.11► Commissioner McMillan moved to approve the minutes of December 6, 1995. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. Commissioner Holguin requested minor changes. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). Commissioner Perreira moved to approve the minutes of December 14, 1995. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Hobson reminded the Commission of the meeting to be held at City Hall West on January 10 at 6:00 regarding the Community Development Block Grant. Commissioner Holguin encouraged all Commissioners to attend the meeting. He stated that final voting will take place at the meeting, and all advisory boards will be present. DISCUSSION: A. Approval of Landscape Plans for the Atchison Street Historic Rehabilitation Project Mr. Elliott presented the item for discussion requesting that the Commission recommend approval of the Landscape Plans for the Atchison Street Historic Project, as submitted by the Anaheim Historic Preservation Foundation (AHPF). He noted that the DDA called for landscape plans to be submitted to the Commission and Redevelopment Agency. He said the developer has submitted plans that are in conformance with the terms of the DDA. Sally Horton of the AHPF presented color rendering of the landscape plan. She explained that the budget was reduced significantly and described in detail the revised aspects of the landscaping plan for the dwellings. Commissioner Renner asked who was responsible for maintenance on the properties. Ms. Horton stated that the Foundation would maintain the properties until they are sold. After that time, the homeowner would be responsible for maintenance of landscaping as stated in the Grant Deed. f: qD OCSq )EVSVCSUNINUTESU.GN6104A.DOC �� CRC Minutes - January 3, 1996 Page 2 Commissioner Perreira asked if homeowners could change the landscaping. Mrs. Horton stated that approval from the Foundation was required to make changes to the properties as stated in the Grant Deed. Ms. Horton explained the aspects of the Grant Deed which each home buyer will be required to agree to at the time of purchase. Ms. Horton described some of the typical details of the plans including front fencing, decorative gateways and arbor with used brick walkways. She encouraged the Commissioners to come down and tour the project. Commissioner Holguin moved that the Redevelopment Commission recommend approval of the Landscape Plans for the Atchison Street Historic Rehabilitation Project, as submitted by the Anaheim Historic Preservation Foundation (AHPF). Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). B. Anaheim Plaza Phase II - Design Development Drawings for California Federal Bank Mr. Hobson presented the item requesting that the Commission recommend that the Agency approve design development drawings for Anaheim Plaza Phase II/California Federal Bank, and authorize the Executive Director to approve final construction drawings. Mr. Hobson informed the Commission that the Airtouch tower has found a new location south of the freeway in the industrial area. He noted that asbestos abatement has been on -going in the Cal Fed building, and that the bank is now in their temporary location on -site. He said that demolition of the existing building will begin in spring and construction of the new bank building is anticipated to begin in the fall of 1996. He referred to the drawings included in the packets and described them. He indicated that the color palette and landscaping was consistent with Phase I. Ernie Weber of Donahue Schriber explained the details of the bank facility and the schedule of construction and completion. Mr. Weber stated that they anticipate that the bank will be able to open the new facility in one year. Mr. Weber updated the Commission on the two pads remaining in Phase H noting that they anticipate them to be under construction some time this year. He also gave an update on the regional site noting that Petco should be completed soon and Pad B should be under construction by the end of the month. Commissioner Perreria asked about Pad C. Mr. Weber noted that they are still negotiating that site. He also mentioned that they will be renegotiating the Chile's site as the current tenant lost their franchise (Kenny Rogers Roasters). Commissioner Perreira moved that the Community Redevelopment Commissioner recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve design development drawings for Anaheim Plaza Phase II/California Federal Bank, and authorize the Executive Director to approve final construction drawings. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). F:IDOCS\DE V S VCS\MIMTI'ESU.GN6I04A DOC CRC Minutes - January 3, 1996 Page 3 C. Disney Ice Signage and Landscape Plans Mr. Hobson presented the item for discussion asking that the Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve signage and revised landscape plans for Disney Ice. He introduced Doug Robertson of Langdon Wilson Architects. Mr. Hobson stated that the proposed sign depicts the Disney Ice logo, of which an example was included in the packet. He said that the sign will be installed behind the glass curtain wall above the south entrance and will be lit from the front. He noted that Disney is continuing to develop signage alternatives for the north side of the rink as they have determined that signage cannot be installed on the louvered portion of the north elevation. Mr. Hobson noted that landscaping for Disney Ice has been completed pursuant to approved plans, however they have designed additional landscaping to screen the utility structure from Lincoln Avenue. He said that the revised landscaping plan incorporates Phoenix Canariensis palm trees into the existing berm between Lincoln and the building. Mr. Robertson described the sign element in greater detail stating the sign to be installed is a flat aluminum sign that is lighted externally. He also described accent lighting that will be installed along the east elevation, and additional lighting along the drive aisle to enhance the visual impact of the building at night. Commissioner Perreira asked about City regulations regarding banners, because she noted the banners hanging on the rink are unsightly. Mr. Robertson noted that the banners are temporary and they are attempting to remedy this by creating and installing signage on the north end of the building. He noted that staff and all parities involved in Koll Anaheim Center are working to develop a monument sign on the corner of Lincoln and Clementine. Mr. Hobson and Mr. Robertson also mentioned that a banner program is being created for the Downtown area. Mr. Hobson indicated that signage for the north elevation of the building would be brought back for consideration. Commissioner Holguin moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve signage and revised landscape plans for Disney Ice. Seconded by Commissioner McMillan. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). Mr. Hobson said that the Staff Update will be provided at the next meeting. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Perreira asked for an update on the signage program in SAVI Ranch. Mr. Hobson noted that he will contact Rob Zur Schmiede on that issue. Commissioner Holguin stated that he would like more information to be in the minutes relating to "discussion" of items. Commissioner Perreira noted that she felt that the minutes contained quite a bit of detail. Commissioner Holguin stated that the reason he mentioned this issue was because three Councilmen brought the issue up to him. F: \DOCS\DE VSVCSIFII \1TM5 .GN6I04ADOC CRC Minutes - January 3, 1996 Page 4 Commissioner Renner noted that a certain amount of editing is required, and felt that the detail contained in the minutes is sufficient. Mr. Hobson noted that staff will be certain that the issues raised and discussed in the minutes will be comprehensive. Commissioner Holguin asked about progress on the Grimshaw Cottage. Mr. Hobson answered that escrow in expected to closed on January 11, and the buyers are completing insurance requirements for their bank. Commissioner McMillan commented on the graffiti at the new shopping center at Broadway and Euclid. Commissioner Renner noted that he will be out of town for the February 14 meeting, and will also be away on February 21. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Perreira moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). Respectfully submitted, Lynette Granger Senior Secretary F: \DOCSIDEV SVCSMINUT*ES\I.GN6104A.DOC