Community Redevelopment 1995/12/06COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES December 6, 1995 X";'l 1 k r 4:00 p.m. PRESENT: Linn, Renner, McMillan, Perreira, Holguin, Pinson, Sheldon STAFF: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Elisa Stipkovich CITY ATTORNEY, Jack White REDEVIECONOMIC DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner REDEV. MANAGER, Brad Hobson NEIGHBORHOOD DEV. COORD., Tim Elliott PCRS DIRECTOR, Chris Jarvi CODE ENFORCEMENT, John Poole SENIOR SECRETARY, Lynette Granger Commissioner Linn called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. CLOSED SESSION ITEM: Mr. White stated that it would be appropriate to recess to Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. The Commission recessed to Closed Session. There was no public action taken during Closed Session. The meeting was reconvened to Open Session and Mr. White left. MINUTES: Commissioner Pinson moved to approve the minutes of November 8, 1995. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. Commissioners' McMillan and Linn abstained. Commissioner Sheldon was not present for voting. MOTION CARRIED (4 -2 -0). Commissioner McMillan moved to approve the minutes of November 22, 1995. Seconded by Commissioner Pinson. Commissioner Perreira abstained. Commissioner Sheldon was unavailable for voting. MOTION CARRIED (5 -1 -0). MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: V Ms. Stipkovich handed out invitations inviting the Commissioners to an opening of the Neighborhood Services Center in the South of Romneya area on December 12 at 12:00 Noon. She stated that January 10 has been set for the next CDAB Block Grant meeting and should be attended by Commissioner Holguin. She also invited the Commission to the Nutcracker Holiday being held in the downtown on weekend evenings until December 23. DISCUSSION: A. Community Development Block Grant Program - 95/96 Mr. Bruckner noted that the purpose of the meeting was to make a recommendation to the CDAB committee on items previously discussed at two prior meetings. F:\DOCS\DEVSVCS\MINLrrES\LGN5Co7A- DOC December 6, 1995 -Minutes Page 2 He stated that staff has prepared a recommended request for the Commission to consider. Item E, the Community Center request was discussed first. Ms. Stipkovich briefly reiterated that the Community Center is a very important part of the downtown. She discussed the $600,000 request noting that the County could no longer supply this source of funds that was previously anticipated. Commissioner Pinson moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission support the Downtown Community Center in the amount of $600,000. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). Item C, Fund for Demolition of Deteriorated Buildings was discussed. Mrs. Stipkovich noted that this fund was requested by the Beach Boulevard Concerned Citizens Committee. Mr. Poole answered questions on the issue. Commissioner Pinson moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission support the Fund for Demolition of Deteriorated Buildings in the amount of $100,000. Seconded by Commissioner Holguin. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). Item D, Seismic Rehabilitation was discussed. Mr. Poole explained that there are five buildings remaining in the City that could utilize this program. He explained the program in detail and answered questions. Commissioner Holguin asked for clarification on how the $5,000 would be used. Mr. Poole stated that the funds would be used for engineering and design. Commissioner Pinson moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission support the Seismic Rehabilitation program in the amount of $25,000. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. MOTION CARRIED (7 -0 -0). Item A, the Beach Boulevard/West Lincoln Redevelopment Adoption request was discussed. Mr. Bruckner noted that at a prior meeting Commission Sheldon expressed concern on spending funds for this study purpose. Mr. Bruckner explained that staff would proceod with this project in stages, and if the project was found to be unfeasible anywhere along the way, staff would conclude any studies. Any unused funds would be returned to the Block Grant fund and would be reallocated. Commissioner Renner concurred with Commissioner Sheldon's remarks and indicated his support for the linear approach to assessing the feasibility of a project as described by Mr. Bruckner. Mrs. Stipkovich explained the studies needed to adopt a project area. There was discussion regarding Beach Boulevard project adoption and the citizen's requests in that area. Commissioner Holguin asked about CDBG designated areas currently existing for low -mod within the Beach Boulevard area. Mrs. Stipkovich noted that areas could be added to that which is already eligible under HUD. She explained the issue in more detail. F:\DOC SAD E V S V C S1M INUCE SSLGN SC07A. DOC December 6, 1995 - Minutes Page 3 Commissioner Holguin moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission support the Beach Boulevard/West Lincoln Redevelopment Adoption request for $100 000. Seconded by Commissioner Perreira. Commissioner Sheldon left the meeting at 5:30 p.m. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). Item B, Historic Neighborhood District was discussed. Commissioner Pinson moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission support the Historic Neighborhood Improvement District for $150,000; and the District Zoning Overlay for $50,000. Commissioner Linn noted that Commissioner Sheldon's understanding was that any proposed Historic Overlay would come back to the Commission for review prior to consideration by the City. Mr. Bruckner confirmed that any overlay would go through a public review process and be available to the Commission. Commissioner Holguin asked about the neighborhood improvement district. Ms. Stipkovich noted that the funds would be used for design work for the area. Ms. Stipkovich explained that staff was preparing an Ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Renner. MOTION CARRIED (6 -0 -0). Commissioner Linn mentioned the Catholic Church located in the old Borax site in the Plaza Redevelopment Project. He noted the letter of agreement that the church signed stating that they would not oppose an industrial related business operation in the area. He was concerned because of a recent protest to a proposed industrial use by Penhall he heard about. Mr. Bruckner noted that the letter was on file in the Planning Department and staff would be present at the Public Hearing regarding a proposal by Penhall. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Holguin mentioned the procedure of having Draft minutes sent to the Agency /City Council before Commission approval. Mr. Bruckner noted that staff has already implemented the new procedure. Commissioner Perreira noted that she enjoyed the TRW/REDI Grani-Opening. She mentioned the signal lights at Cinemaopolis were being installed. Commissioner Pinson noted that the minutes of the Art Committee included her as present. She stated that she was not present at that meeting. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Linn adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lyn tte Granger Senior Secretary F:\DOCS\DEVSVCS\MINUrES\LGN5Co7A.DOC