Community Redevelopment 1995/10/18COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTE`' SPECIAL MEETING (Held Jointly with the Parks and Recreation Commission,JGI /s Senior Commission and Community Services Board) F , October 18, 1995 Ct Y 4:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Community Redevelopment Commission: Present: Renner, Holguin, Pinson, Sheldon, Linn, McMillan Absent: Perreira Park and Recreation Commission: Present: Peraza, Wallace, Terrell, Ontiveros, Wallace, Manes Absent: Whorton Community Services Board: Present: Terrell, Solari, Lowry Senior Citizens Commission: Present: Green, Baldwin, Willing, MacLaren, Atwell, Melenberg, Absent: STAFF PRESENT: 7 ^' 4� t EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Elisa Stipkovich PRCS DIRECTOR, Chris Jarvi REDEVELOPMENT MGR., Brad Hobson REC. /COMM. SVCS. SUPER., Mark Deven REDEV./ECON. DEV. MGR., Richard Bruckner PARKS, Dick Mayer PROJECT MANAGER, Andy Agle SENIOR SECRETARY, Lynette Granger OTHERS PRESENT: RJM Design, Bob Mueting RJM Design, Larry Mouri LPA, Steve Kendrick LPA, Wendy Rogers Mr. Bruckner welcomed everyone attending the joint meeting and asked the Chairpersons representing the four groups in attendance to call their particular Commissions to order. Commissioner Linn called the meeting of the Community Redevelopment Commission to order at 5:15 p.m. Commissioner Ontiveros called the Parks and Recreation Commission to order. Commissioner Lowry called the Community Services Board to order. Commissioner MacLaren reconvened the Senior Commission. It was determined that the Community Redevelopment Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Senior Commission all had a quorum. The Community Services Board did not. F:IDOCS\DE V S V CS\MFNUPESV.GN5CD6A.DOC CRC Minutes - October 18, 1995 Page 2 DISCUSSION: A. Downtown Community Center Mr. Bruckner presented a background of the Downtown Community Center. Mr. Deven described the need for a community facility and explained the history of facilities used for community center purposes beginning back in 1971. He said that in 1990 a process of analyzing needs began, and in 1993 the project received new life because of the Anaheim Community Services Coalition. The Phase I Master Plan was shown to the Commissioners and described in detail by Mr. Deven. Wendy Rogers of LPA discussed the technical design of the Center and proposed materials. She also described Phase I and the landscape plan in more detail. She also described, in more detail, the materials and colors to be used in the facility. Mr. Jarvi described costs and budget for the Community Center. He described, in detail, the costs of each element involved in the building and funding sources. He explained fund raising issues and noted that a consultant specializing in fund raising has been hired to help with the endeavor. Commissioner Lowry asked about gymnasium and boxing club costs. Mr. Jarvi stated that the cost is $2.1 million. Commissioner McMillan asked what the total square footage for each individual area in Phase I would be. Mr. Jarvi noted the followings amounts: Senior element 5,910 sf.; meeting and activity rooms 6,980 sf.; gymnasium and boxing club 12,484 sf.; art center 3,652 sf.; human services area 2,475 sf.; circulation and lobby area 9,476 sf.; all totaling 40,977 square feet. Commissioner Melenberg stated that 5,900 square feet would not be enough for the senior citizens. He stated that he has looked at other senior clubs, and he asked for a separate senior club for senior citizens only. Mr. Jarvi stated that this was discussed at prior meetings and agreed upon, and that the City does not have funding to develop individual buildings. Mr. Jarvi noted that 5,900 square feet would be dedicated to serve only the seniors, and other areas within the center could be used by the seniors. Ms. Stipkovich described the maximum space available within the Center that the seniors would be able to use both exclusively and non - exclusively, and totaling more than their current facility. Commissioner Terrell asked about the existing senior facility. Mr. Jarvi stated that the existing facility will be converted into senior housing, and the proceeds received from the sale will be used for the new facility. Commissioner Green asked about the existing Senior Day Care Center. Mr. Jarvi noted that the future of the Senior Day Care Center is being discussed, but could possibly be moved to Maxwell Park. Commissioner Baldwin asked why the YMCA and art gallery were being allotted space in the Center. The issue of common areas and a game room was discussed. Mr. Jarvi noted that the issue of an exclusive building for the Seniors would not be possible because of the budget. Commissioner Melenberg noted that Cypress has a Senior Center that is 17,000 sf. Commissioner Baldwin noted that the space for the Senior Center seems small, and asked whether a reallocation of space would be possible. F: \DOC S\DE V S V C SVM MUTE S\LGN 5C 06A. DOC CRC Minutes - October 18, 1995 Page 3 Commissioner Sheldon mentioned the issue of Human Services leasing space outside of the Center to allow more space for other uses. Mr. Jarvi answered that it would be more cost effective in the long term to remain in the Center. Commissioner Linn mentioned his concern about the TLC Lunch Program. Mr. Jarvi stated that the program is currently located at the Brookhurst Community Center. Commissioner Lowry asked about Humans Services at the George Washington Center that will not be at the new facility. Mr. Deven explained that some services will be accommodated at outside facilities and some within the Center. Commissioner Terrell expressed concern over parking issues. The location and capacity of parking was explained. Commissioner Holguin moved that the Community Redevelopment Commission recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve schematic designs for Phase I of the Downtown Community Center. Seconded by Commissioner Sheldon. Commissioner Renner was unavailable for voting. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -0). Commissioner Ontiveros moved that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve schematic designs for Phase I of the Downtown Community Center. Seconded by Commissioner Terrell. MOTION CARRIED (4 -0 -0). The Community Services Board could not support the item because of a lack of quorum. The Senior Citizen Commission could not render a motion due to a lack of quorum. Commissioners MacLaren and Melenberg left prior to the conclusion of the presentation. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Holguin moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Pinson. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. MOTION CARRIED (5 -0 -0). Respectfully submitted, L tte Granger Senior Secretary F: \DOCS\DE V S VCS\MINUTES\LGNSC06A.DOC