2013/04/16ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 16, 2013 The regular meeting of April 16, 2013 was called to order at 3:01 P.M. in the chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 Anaheim Boulevard. The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on April 12, 2013. PRESENT: Mayor Tom Tait and Council Members: Jordan Brandman, Gail Eastman, Lucille Kring and Kris Murray. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Bob Wingenroth, Interim City Attorney Michael Houston and City Clerk Linda Andal. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: None Mayor Tait recessed to closed session for consideration of the following items: CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Moreno et al. v. City of Anaheim, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 2012 - 00579998 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Adrian Ambrosio v. City of Anaheim and Officer Justin Whitehead, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30- 2012 - 00561137 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT (Subdivision (b)(1) of Section 54957 the California Government Code) Title: City Attorney 4. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RESIGNATION, APPOINTMENT (Subdivision (b)(1) of Section 54957 the California Government Code) Title: City Manager At 5:03 P.M., council returned from closed session and the meeting was reconvened with Mayor Tait requesting a moment of silence for the victims and families of the Boston Marathon tragedy. Invocation: Pastor Edward Wiafe, Messiah Pentecostal Ministry Flan Salute: Mayor Pro Tern Gail Eastman City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 2 of 11 Acceptance of Other Recoanitions (To be presented at a later date): Proclaiming April 2013, as DMV /Donate Life California Month Carol Hooper, representing Donate Life, thanked council for this recognition stating all municipal proclamations would be proudly displayed at the annual Donate Life Walk festival happening on April 11 in honor of organ donors and their families for giving the gift of life. Proclaiming April 22 - 26, 2013, as Tree Appreciation Week Robert Gomes, Public Works Operations, announced staff had coordinated with the Anaheim City School District to honor National Arbor Day with a tree planting and educational ceremony on April 26 at Olive Street School. In addition, in March, his division along with Anaheim Beautiful and Anaheim City School District had completed the planting of 600 trees, part of a tree planting grant from CAL FIRE. He thanked council for supporting and recognizing the importance of maintaining a strong urban forestry program to benefit the community and the beautification of the city. Recognizing the Better4Business Conference and Exhibition Joshua Dome, UBM Canon, remarked the goal of the Better4Business Conference and Exhibition was to inspire and enable business attendees to connect with non - profit partners for collaborative opportunities and to also provide a platform for the 200 non - profit exhibitors to showcase their programs and projects. He invited the business community to attend the conference on May 1 -2, 2013 at the Anaheim Convention Center to take advantage of this opportunity to give back to the community. Thomas Shutes, Cal Fire Urban Forester, presented Anaheim with the Tree City USA award for the 29 consecutive year, for meeting and exceeding the deliverance of tree programs in the city. The Anaheim Housing Authority was called to order at 5:20 P.M. for a joint public comment session with the Anaheim City Council. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: Staff requested the minutes of the Public Utilities Board meeting of March 27, 2013 be deleted from Item No. 4 on the council agenda. Related to Item No. 17, revisions to the resolution were announced and approval of the consent calendar would approve the resolution, as amended. PUBLIC COMMENTS (All agenda items): Cecil Jordan Corcoran, Outreach Homeless Ministries, updated the community on recent gang activity. William Fitzgerald, resident, offered his perspective on the makeup of the Citizen Advisory Committee on Elections. John Dunn, resident, encouraged council approval of Item No. 17, a resolution supporting immigration reform. He also discussed vocational conduct and ethics as it related to the interim city attorney and suggested council revisit the conflict of interest issue and the relationship between the interim city attorney and his current law firm. Mr. Dunn also recommended Raul Quezada as an interim Police Chief. City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 3 of 11 Duane Roberts, resident, following up on comments made at the March 26th meeting relating to evidence regarding the relationship between Orange County Human Relations and the Anaheim Police Department, discussed an email from Rusty Kennedy of that agency to Police Chief Welter asking he attend a private reception to discuss the Police Department's use of the agency on civil unrest and other issues in the city. Mr. Roberts felt this was evidence that Orange County Human Relations agency could not be fair and impartial in any role of a future civilian oversight committee. James Robert Reade, resident, offered his opinion on specific gang members and their activities within the community. Gigi Fusco Meece, Anaheim Performing Arts Center Foundation, explained the mission of the Foundation was to build and maintain a state -of -the art venue in the city to showcase Anaheim's performing artists. Interested persons could find details on www.apacf.org Scarlet Romero, resident, reported on a request she had made two years ago to install sidewalks on the south side of La Palma. She noted the city responded to her request in writing citing the American Disability Act and the Safe Pathway to Schools program and indicated the sidewalks would be in place in 2015. She looked forward to seeing that accomplishment along with the slurry seal program promised for streets bordering housing tracts on La Palma, Lincoln, Sunkist and State College. Another issue she mentioned was sprinklers causing pedestrian falls with Mayor Tait requesting the City Manager follow up on that concern. Bob Jensen, Dean of Fine Arts, invited the Anaheim community to a yearlong centennial celebration of Fullerton College that would begin with an exhibit at the Fullerton Museum featuring stories of Orange County over the last 100 years. Trina Delgado sought justice for the death of her nephew, Joel Acevedo, and answers as to how it occurred while he was restrained by handcuffs. Beatriz Topete, Unite Here Local 11, stated 500 workers would be fired as of June 30 as Arena Management took over operation of the Honda Center. She urged council to pass a worker retention ordinance, in support of these workers representing the working class of Anaheim as well as the resort, business and special interests. Jeff Shultz, resident and grill worker at the Honda Center, urged council to consider a worker retention ordinance to stop the dismissal of Honda Center employees. Jeanette Marie - Lisner, Honda Center employee, voiced her support of a worker retention ordinance stating there should be accountability to businesses that operated public venues such as the Honda Center, owned by the City of Anaheim. Trina, remarked as one of the many employees serving customers and contributing to the success of the Honda Center, all were deserving of the city's protection. Katie Rowlins, the daughter of the prior speaker, explained the real impacts to her if her mother lost employment at the Honda Center. Lisa Peterson, Honda Center employee, urged council to pass the worker retention ordinance City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 4 of 11 Eric Altman, OCCORD, spoke in support of Item No 17 on the agenda, immigration reform providing affordable pathways to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants in the nation. Additionally, he urged council to pass worker retention legislation to protect existing Honda Center employees from losing their jobs. He remarked this suggested ordinance was a time - tested strategy and had been enacted to protect jobs at the Staples Center and Los Angeles Convention Center. Derek Smith, Unite Here Local 11, outlined the specifics of the worker retention ordinance stating it would give existing employees access to their jobs for some set period of time, usually 30 -90 days, and did not guarantee jobs in perpetuity. He added cities such as Los Angeles enacted this legislation for venues on public land in which the city had a fiduciary interest and where a change of operator might occur. The ordinance mitigated the instability and allowed for a period of time for operators to be able to determine which employees were hard - working and had long relationships with customers and which did not. Joshua Owens, public minister, expressed concern over a citation he received for sleeping in an Anaheim park. He suggested an ordinance to defend the rights of the poor and allow for a safe shelter for sleep be addressed by city leaders. Dorothy Rose, Orange County Symphony, announced the next concert was scheduled for May 19th, and would feature the wind symphony ensemble led by Dr. Anthony Mark Sefaro, a Fullerton college professor. She emphasized the Symphony collaborated with a number of academic institutions to bring quality performers to Anaheim, inviting the community to attend. Eduardo Garcia, through a Spanish interpreter, thanked council for supporting the Better4Business conference and the immigration reform legislation on the agenda. Ms. Rojas, SEIU member, urged council to support immigration reform to benefit the many working families in Anaheim. An unidentified male spoke in support of Honda Center workers and the potential loss of their jobs. He encouraged council to assist in this matter and also urged support of immigration reform and to consider district rather than citywide municipal elections. Corey spoke on a number of issues, including the potential loss of jobs for all Honda Center workers and the death of her brother. Renee thanked the City for assisting the Perez family and their housing situation, discussed the homeless issue and its impacts as well as the impact of lost jobs on Honda Center employees and the need for justice and accountability within the Police Department. Jeannie Tran, Senator Lou Correa's office, offered a copy of Senate Joint Resolution 8 recently passed by the senate and awaiting a vote in the assembly. The resolution addressed principles for repairing the nation's broken immigration system and urging congress and the president to seek comprehensive bi- partisan and workable approach to improving the current system. Maricel Rivera, SEIU, offered support to Unite Here Local 11 and of the long- awaited immigration reform legislation, urging council to assist the Honda Center employees in their time of need and to approve Item No. 17 on the agenda. City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 5 of 11 Joanne Sosa, ESCRE, remarked a community forum would address civil unrest and take questions from the community on May 6 th at St. Anthony's church. She indicated a number of organizations would be present and she hoped residents and activists would attend and actively participate. Jose Moreno remarked that recently a presentation by the Olin group for a study commissioned by the Anaheim Community Foundation shared information on the challenges facing police, schools, municipalities and families focused on a high level of concentrated poverty in Anaheim. He added 22 percent of children lived in poverty and 4,000 of Anaheim's children were categorized as homeless. In addition, he objected to a "robo" call by former mayor Curt Pringle speaking against the formation of a police oversight committee stating such civilian committees had demonstrated to be a benefit to improved community relationships. Ryan Leaderman, Citibank, addressed his comments to Item No. 5 on the agenda. Citibank had two primary concerns regarding the proposed project at 5635 East La Palma and those concerns were inadequacy of parking and inadequacy of access documented in a correspondence dated March 20, 2013. It was his understanding that staff's recommendation was to return this matter to the Planning Commission for a rehearing to determine whether findings for the variance could be satisfied. He added as it currently stood, the project considered the use of Citibank's parking spaces, which were not available to the applicant and given that fact, he believed those findings could not be made. He would, however, welcome the opportunity for the Planning Commission to rehear the matter, but asked for clarification that his understanding of staff's recommendation was correct. Bob Abbott, Citibank, spoke to Item No. 5, indicating Citibank was one of three properties that were joined and shared common access and a common parking field. He believed that the data was not fully or correctly analyzed during the first approval process and urged council to reconsider the data or return the matter to the Planning Commission for a full consideration. Maria Rivera, through a Spanish interpreter, spoke in support of municipal elections by district as well as immigration reform legislation. She invited council to visit her neighborhood to better understand the dynamics of the community. Mike Balsamo, BIA Orange County Chapter, introduced himself as a new representative, stating his organization would like to serve as an information resource for land use planning and infrastructure uses and looked forward to working with city staff on future issues. Alexandra Ariza spoke in support of the Anaheim Police Department, asking that council vote against a civilian police review board, stating a fifth level to the current oversight review process was unnecessary and added another financial burden to the city. She believed additional officers and resources should be provided to service Anaheim's 53 square miles and numerous visitor - serving entertainment venues. German Santos, resident, spoke to on -going problems related to police department operations. Cynthia Ward, resident, objected to "robo" calls and other propaganda associated with the proposed police civilian review board. She strongly supported the need for a review board as the reputation of law enforcement was being harmed by a handful of officers with little respect for the community. City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 6 of 11 At 6:44 P.M., the Anaheim City Council was recessed to consider the Housing Authority Agenda. Council session then reconvened at 6:45 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Tait pulled Item Nos. 18 and 21 from the consent calendar for further discussion. He also indicated he would abstain on Item Nos. 5 and 15 as his firm had worked for firm /agencies involved in those items. Council Member Brandman then moved to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions and to adopt the balance of the consent calendar as presented, seconded by Council Member Murray. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: (Mayor Tait and Council Members: Brandman, Eastman, Kring and Murray.) Noes — 0. Motion Carried. 4. Receive and file minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission meetings of January B105 23, 2013 and February 27, 2013, Community Services Board meeting of January 10, 2013, Cultural and Heritage Commission meeting of January 17, 2013, Sister City Commission meeting of February 25, 2013 and Public Utilities Board meeting of March 27, 2013. Public Utilities Board meeting minutes of March 27, 2093 were withdrawn. 5. Deny the request for a rehearing of Conditional Use Permit No. 2008- 05372A and Variance No. 2012 -04917 pertaining to property located at 5635 East La Palma Avenue that would permit the construction of a drive - through restaurant and the modification of C220 an existing freestanding sign and would direct the Planning Commission to reconsider the findings for these applications (Public hearing held on March 5, 2013, Item No. 20; request for rehearing submitted by DeBeikes Investment Company, Agent for Bayport Imperial Promenade Associates, LP). Mayor Tait recorded a conflict on this item as his firm has done work for the applicant. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 4: (Mayor Pro Tem Eastman and Council Members: Brandman, Kring and Murray.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 9: Mayor Tait. Motion to approve carried. 6. Accept the proposal and execute an agreement with EFACEC ACS, Inc., in an amount AGR -7545 not to exceed $386,548 plus applicable taxes, to furnish and install a distribution automation control system for the Public Utilities Department, in accordance with RFP #7749. 7. Accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid of Fusion Sign and Design, Inc., in the amount of $164,520, for banner fabrication and installation services in the Anaheim D180 Resort Maintenance District, for a one year period, with four one -year optional renewals, and authorize the Purchasing Agent to exercise the renewal options, in accordance with Bid # 7852. 8. Award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Hillcrest Constructing, Inc., in the amount of $872,407.76, for the Anaheim Canyon Metrolink Pedestrian Improvement AGR 7546 Project, Phase II, and authorize the Finance Director to execute the Escrow Agreement pertaining to contract retentions. 9. Award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Hardy & Harper, Inc., in the amount of $534,000, for the Tustin Avenue Street Improvement project (Santa Ana Canyon AGR -7547 Road to 450' north of Riverdale Avenue) and the Riverdale Avenue Street Improvement project (West City Limits to SR -91 Bridge) and authorize the Finance Director to execute the Escrow Agreement pertaining to contract retentions. City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 7 of 11 10. Award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, USS Cal Builders, Inc., in the AGR -7548 amount of $11,163,555, for the Tustin Avenue and La Palma Avenue Widening and Intersection Improvements project and authorize the Finance Director to execute the Escrow Agreement pertaining to contract retentions. 11. Approve the neighborhood pavement maintenance projects as required by the California Department of Finance for participation in Proposition 1 B - Local Streets and Roads D175 Improvement, Congestion Relief, and Traffic Safety Account Funds, and increase the Public Works fiscal year 2012/13 expenditure appropriation by $580,000. 12. Approve a Subdivision Agreement with Karcher Partners, LLC and Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc. for Parcel Map 2012 -105 for property located at 1315, 1325, 1345 and AGR -7549 1359 N. Anaheim Boulevard. 13. Approve a License Agreement with Casa de la Familia allowing Casa de la Familia to utilize space at the Orange County Family Justice Center to provide counseling services AGR 7550 to clients of the Center. 14. Approve a professional services agreement with RCS Investigations & Consulting, LLC AGR -7551 for employee and general public agency administrative investigations, background investigations, consulting and training services, for a two year period, and authorize the Human Resources Director to renew the agreement for an additional year. 15. Approve and authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute and administer an agreement with the County of Orange for the provision of vocational training activities AGR 7107.A and accept an award of funds, in the amount of $1,200,000, to help welfare recipients train and find jobs Mayor Tait recorded a conflict on this item as his firm has done work for the County of Orange. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 4: (Mayor Pro Tem Eastman and Council Members: Brandman, Krng and Murray.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 1: Mayor Tait. Motion to approve carried. 16. Approve and authorize the Public Utilities General Manager to execute and take AGR -7552 necessary actions to implement and administer an agreement, and any other related documents, with Westin Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $1,158,332 plus a fifteen percent contingency, if needed, to provide consulting engineering services in connection with the Water System SCADA Replacement and Upgrade project, and determine that the project is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15302(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. 17. RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -053 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM expressing support for comprehensive federal immigration R100 reform and urging the 113th Congress to enact reforms that secure our borders, ensure economic strength and promote stronger communities. City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 8 of 11 19. RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -055 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF D154 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM establishing rates of compensation for classifications assigned to the Anaheim Municipal Employees Association, General Unit. RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -056 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Resolution No. 2013 -023, nunc pro tunc, for the purpose of deleting certain classifications designated as Professional Management. 20. ORDINANCE NO. 6274 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending portions of Chapter 18.116 of Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, nunc pro tunc, to make clarifications to and /or correct M142 errors or omissions in Ordinance No. 6265, previously adopted. D114 22. Approve minutes of the Council meeting of March 26, 2013. END OF CONSENT 18. RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -054 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF D154.3 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM adopting a Memorandum of Understanding establishing terms and conditions of employment for employees in classifications represented by the Anaheim Police Association. Kristine Ridge, Human Resource Director reported this item would approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Anaheim Police Association (APA) as their prior contract concluded January 3, 2013 and since that time, staff had been meeting with Association representatives to reach a successor agreement. Ms. Ridge explained this negotiated agreement covered 345 employees with a term of 2.5 years plus an option for two six -month extensions at an overall cost of about $1.6 million. The major provisions of the agreement included pension reform consisting of full implementation of the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 in which any new hires employed after January 1, 2013 would be placed in a pension benefit formula of 2.7% @ 57 with the employee paying 50 percent of the normal cost of the plan or 12.75 percent. This, she pointed out, was well in advance of the cost - sharing standard that must be in place by year 2018 per the pension reform mandate. Ms. Ridge added approval of this resolution would result in the immediate elimination of the 90 percent employer paid member contribution (EPMC) recorded as additional compensation, remittance of the full pension contribution on that additional nine percent currently an obligation of the city, and incremental four percent increases in employee contributions toward their pensions up to 12 percent with equal offsetting wage increases. In addition, there would be flexible staffing schedules, additional pay down of comp time earned to increase the availability of sworn staffing, clarifying language on employment issues, and an additional two hours of standby pay for potential court appearances that exceed a half a day. Mayor Tait asked for clarification on the Pension Reform Act. Ms. Ridge responded the legislation dictated a specific benefit formula along with a cost - sharing standard of 50 percent by 2018. For public safety plans, she indicated there was a default benefit formula based on the current pension benefit formula (for Anaheim public safety employees, the current plan was 3% @ 50); so the default formula was 2.7% @ 57. She added employers were free to negotiate with unions for a lower formula; i.e., 2% @ 57 but state law prohibited an employer from imposing that reduced benefit. Mayor Tait stated the average cost for a police officer in City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 9 of 11 Anaheim was about $200,000 for pay and benefits and in 2015, that cost was projected to be $212,000. He felt the city should have negotiated for and found agreement on the 2% @ 57 formula to reduce those pension costs and allow for the hiring of more officers in the future and for those reasons, would oppose the adoption of this resolution. Council Member Murray inquired whether any other cities contracted for the 2% @ 57 plan and how Anaheim would fare competitively offering lesser benefits. Ms. Ridge responded she was not aware of any other cities with a 2 % @57 contract in place and that potential employees would take into account pension benefits offered in neighboring markets during recruitment processes. She noted that reducing the 3% @ 50 pension down to 2.7% @ 57 would achieve significant financial savings, also pointing out staff had discussed the 2% @ 57 plan available under the pension reform act and determined an agreement reached to meet that benefit was too costly to the city and without the ability to impose, would not be achieved. Council Member Brandman supported Governor Brown's Pension Reform Act remarking tonight's agreement would be the first step in complying with the spirit of that compromise and would set the city on the right track for the future. He would like to see similar action taken with the remaining bargaining units. Mayor Pro Tern Eastman also supported this action and Mayor Tait reconfirmed that he would place a no vote for this item, further clarifying that the city of Long Beach had negotiated a 2% contract. Council Member Murray moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. -054 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM adopting a Memorandum of Understanding establishing terms and conditions of employment for employees in classifications represented by the Anaheim Police Association, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Eastman. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 4: (Mayor Pro Tern Eastman and Council Members: Brandman, Kring and Murray.) Noes — 1: Mayor Tait. Motion approved. 21. ORDINANCE NO. 6275 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF M142 ANAHEIM amending Ordinance No. 6235, relating to a pilot program for the operation of a self - service bicycle sharing system within the City of Anaheim. Sheri Vander Dussen, Planning Director, reported in February, 2012, council authorized a one year pilot program to allow self -serve bike sharing systems in the city. This pilot was created in response to a request by Bike Nation, a vendor expressing interest in establishing such a system in Anaheim. This was a service in which bicycles were made available for shared use for individuals who did not own them with the primary goal to provide low cost access to bicycles for short distance trips as an alternative to private vehicles or public transit. Ms. Vander Dussen stated the pilot program was authorized for a one year period, set to expire May 1, 2013, and was operated at no cost to the city and its taxpayers. Bike Nation was the only vendor to propose a bike sharing system under the terms of the pilot program and to date, she remarked, Bike Nation had installed three kiosks: at the Honda Center, Anaheim Stadium Metrolink Station, and the Anaheim Convention Center with a total of 30 bikes available for rent. The purpose of the pilot program was to allow one or more vendors to operate a system to be evaluated by staff after a one year period and to return to council with recommendations to continue, modify, or terminate the program. She explained since Bike Nation's system became operational January 2013, no data had been submitted to determine ridership and the potential benefits of the program and for those reasons, staff recommended the pilot program be extended for one more year to give adequate time to collect meaningful data. City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 10 of 11 Mayor Tait remarked he would be more comfortable supporting an extension if there was a time limit on the process, followed by a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to allow other competitors to submit should council determine to go forward with this program. Council Member Murray recommended council conduct another workshop on this pilot program for an update on the process of implementing this new system, and recommending that a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process be considered once council determined it was beneficial to go forward with a bike sharing system in the city. After much discussion was held by all members of the city council on an RFP versus a RFQ process, the motion offered by Mayor Tait was to amend the ordinance to include a clause requiring that a Request for Proposals be followed at the conclusion of the pilot program, should council determine that a bike sharing system was beneficial to Anaheim, seconded by Council Member Kring. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 4: (Mayor Tait and Council Members: Brandman, Kring and Murray.) Noes — 1: Mayor Pro Tem Eastman. Motion Carried. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS: Michael Houston, Interim City Attorney, reported on Item No. 04: City Council accepted the resignation of Bob Wingenroth, City Manager. (Vote: 5 -0). COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Council Member Brandman reported on his attendance at the Boys and Girls Club Annual Gala benefitting Motel Kids and distressed neighborhoods outreach programs. He provided an update on the 7 th Annual Health Fair to be held on Sunday, June 30, remarking planning was underway for the event at Magnolia High School. Council Member Brandman also requested this meeting be adjourned in memory of the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy. Council Member Murray expressed her condolences to the families and everyone impacted by the Boston Marathon tragedy. She announced the following upcoming events: Anaheim /Orange County Job Fair Expo on June 19 National Library Week scheduled for April 14 -20 Ponderosa's Day of Children Celebration slated for April 27 and the Trash Art Expo now on exhibit at the Muzeo. She added that BookMobile Day would be celebrated on April 17 and currently serviced 21 stops providing books to various Anaheim neighborhoods. She thanked Police Chief John Welter and Bob Wingenroth for their years of service and requested the Anaheim /Orange Family Justice Center be renamed the John Welter Anaheim /Orange Family Justice Center in honor of his service to the city. Council Member Kring expressed her thoughts and prayers for the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy. She thanked Bob Wingenroth, City Manager, Greg Garcia, Deputy City Manager, Tom Morton, Executive Director of Convention, Sports and Entertainment, Diana Kotler, Anaheim Transportation Network and her Policy Aide, Margaret Hoien for their assistance with hosting 25 members of the Senate for government leadership. She spoke about her visit to Sycamore Junior High School and the Trash Art exhibit at the Muzeo. She also requested staff research options to prohibit the sale of used vehicles on city streets and thanked Police Chief John Welter and Bob Wingenroth for their years of service referring to highlights of their tenure. City Council Minutes of April 16, 2013 Page 11 of 11 Mayor Pro Tern Eastman recognized volunteer Dr. June Glenn and provided information regarding the Anaheim Police Department's crime statistics. She requested staff look into implementing Red Shirt Fridays in honor of the nation's military and thanked Police Chief John Welter and Bob Wingenroth for their service to Anaheim. Mayor Tait reported on his participation in the following events: Presentation of Anaheim's Regulatory Relief Strategies in Chicago, Orange County Mayor's Summit, as well as Mayor's Day of Recognition of National Service and Access California Services' Neighborhood Safety Day. He congratulated the recipients of Outstanding Anaheim Educators, thanked Chief John Welter and Bob Wingenroth for their service and highlighted his support for and council's unanimous support of the Immigration Reform resolution. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:18 P.M., Mayor Tait adjourned the April 16, 2012 meeting in memory of the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy. Re tfully submitted, 7 7 Linda N. Andal, CIVIC City Clerk