Parks and Recreation 2013/03/27PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California March 27, 2013 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Crawford and Vice Chair Manes Commissioners Vadodaria, Navarro, Brennan and Huitt COMMISSIONER EXCUSED: Commissioner Lappin STAFF PRESENT: Lynn Smith — Community Services Manager, Larry Pasco — Parks Manager, Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner, Wendy Solorio — Community Services Supervisor, Eleanor Granflor — Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER — Chairman Crawford called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairman Crawford led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Written Communication — None B. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public — Larry Herschler, former Parks & Recreation Commissioner, presented a DVD which shows a conceptual renovation of La Palma Park advocated by the GOALS Program. Mr. Herschler answered questions from Commissioners on the renovation concept which has been named "Goalsland." A discussion followed regarding the concept of pocket parks and the City's desire to investigate all available open space opportunities for possible park use. Mr. Herschler announced the annual 5k Run in Downtown Anaheim is scheduled for June 8, 2013 and will raise funds for the GOALS Program. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Chairman Crawford presented the February 27, 2013 Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Huitt requested a sentence to be edited to her report stating she inquired about an article in the OC Register regarding a free market event that was held at La Palma Park. There being no further additions or corrections, Chairman Crawford accepted the February 27, 2013 Minutes as amended. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Parks Activity Report — January /February — Larry Pasco presented the report and highlighted the renovation of baseball fields at Brookhurst, Boysen and La Palma parks for high school usage and the KaB00M! sponsored event to replace playground equipment at Schweitzer Park that was held on March 4th. Larry Pasco answered questions regarding the annual cleaning and maintenance of the Pearson Park lagoons. B. Recreation and Human Services Park Ranger Report — February — Lynn Smith presented the report and will look into what the notation "H &S Activity" means. C. Parks Capital Project Progress Report — Pamela Galera presented the report, provided updates, and answered questions on the following projects: • Five Coves — A community meeting was held on March 14th at Rio Vista Elementary School to discuss the extension of Anaheim Coves, north of Lincoln Avenue to Frontera Street. City has received letters of support from the three property owners (Orange County Water District, Orange County Flood Control District, and Southern California Edison) for an Urban Greening (State of California, Proposition 84) grant application due on April 5th • Anaheim Outdoors — A City Council Workshop was held on March 26th. Approval of the Master Plan will be requested from City Council at the end of April. • Dog Park at Olive Hills Park — A dog use area will be designed and a preliminary Master Plan will be presented at a community meeting on April 13th at Olive Hills Park. ITEM NO. 01 Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes March 27, 2013 • Manzanita Community Center — The building will be repaired with insurance funds received after the fire. The original architect of the project will be hired for this project. • Paul Revere Park Construction documents are being finalized and construction will begin soon. A glass mosaic mural will be designed and installed at the park. • Schweitzer Park Playground — KaBOOM! along with the Walt Disney Company and Anaheim Family YMCA sponsored an event to replace one playground on March 4 1 h. The 2 to 5 year old playground equipment will be replaced in early summer. Chairman Crawford asked how many dog parks will be opened. Pamela Galera stated up to three dog parks are being looked into. Vice Chairman questioned if there is a City point -of- contact for public art. Pamela Galera stated there is not a specific point -of- contact and the Parks Division continues to look into public art to be incorporated into current and future projects. D. Senior Citizen Sub - Committee Report — Commissioner Huitt reported the following: • Adult Day Care Services and Coalition presentation showed the difference between Residential Care ($195 per day) and Adult Day Care at home ($10 per day). • Community Serv's funding has been reduced for the In -Home Meal Program. NEW BUSINESS — Lynn Smith reported the Anaheim Youth Services Assessment Report was released by the Anaheim Community Foundation this week. A copy of the report will be provided at next month's Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS — Commissioner Vadodaria reported a seminar was held at USC on how to excel in government business and questioned if the City of Anaheim received any stimulus funding from the federal government. Larry Pasco stated funding was not received by the Community Services Department. ADJOURNMENT — Chairman Crawford adjourned the meeting at 6:31 p.m. 2