Charter Review 2013/07/18ANAHEIM CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:00 p.m. Anaheim City Council Chambers 200 Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim 92805 The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on July 15, 2013. PRESENT: Committee Members: Tom Dunn, Amanda Edinger, Craig Farrow, Ernesto Medrano, Keith Olesen STAFF: Linda Andal, City Clerk; Michael Houston, City Attorney; Margie Otto, City Manager's Office Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Charter Review Committee of July 18, 2013 was called to order by City Clerk, Linda Andal at 6:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Ms. Andal congratulated and welcomed the committee members, advising the only business item before the committee was the appointment of two committee members, commenting that presentations and all other business would be postponed until the first meeting when all committee members would be present. Ms. Andal introduced staff, City Attorney Michael Houston and City Manager's Office, Margie Otto, and provided a brief overview of general housekeeping items, including: video recording of all meetings, availability of agendas, a dedicated city Charter webpage, public comment procedure, the use of speaker cards, and presence of a Spanish interpreter. 2. Public Comments. Ron Bengochea, resident, thanked the committee for stepping up and expressed his interest in serving on the committee. Larry Larsen, resident, inquired about the process in selecting the final two committee members. Todd Ament, resident, expressed his interest in the serving on the committee and provided information about his background, experience and city involvement. 3. Appointment of two Charter Review Committee members to fill two vacancies. Ms. Andal provided the nomination and appointment process and opened nominations: Meeting of the Charter Review Committee July 18, 2013 Page 2 of 2 Member Medrano — nominated Veronica Rodarte (Vote: 1 -4; AYES: Medrano; NOES: Dunn, Edinger, Farrow, Olesen) Member Olesen — nominated Paul Kott (Vote: 2 -3; AYES: Olesen, Dunn; NOES: Edinger, Farrow, Medrano) Member Farrow — nominated Todd Ament (Vote: 4 -1; AYES: Edinger, Farrow, Medrano, Olesen; NOES: Dunn) Member Edinger — nominated Gloria Ma'ae (Vote: 3 -1 -1; AYES: Edinger, Farrow, Olesen; NOES: Dunn; ABSTAIN: Medrano) Member Dunn — nominated Brian Chuchua (Vote: 1 -4; AYES: Dunn; NOES: Dunn, Edinger, Farrow, Medrano, Olesen) New Committee Members: Todd Ament and Gloria Ma'ae. 4. Committee Comments /Staff Comments Member Dunn thanked all in attendance and was looking forward to the charter review process. Member Edinger requested the committee consider future meetings to be scheduled on Thursdays, instead of Wednesdays, due to a family conflict. Member Farrow commented that he had a few conflicts on Wednesday. Member Olesen thanked all in attendance and was looking forward to the work of the committee. Member Medrano expressed his commitment to the process. 5. Adjournment. At 6:22 P.M. Ms. Andal adjourned the meeting to July 31, 2013 at 6:00 p.m., Anaheim Council Chambers. R pect Ily submitted, Z J XD � o Linda N. Andal, CMC City Clerk