Public Utilities 2013/06/26CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES JUNE 26, 2,013 The agenda having been posted on Thursday, June 20, 2013, the Public Hearing / Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Vice Chairperson John Machiaverna at 5:02 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2013, in the I O Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: J. Machiaverna, P. Carroll, B. Hernandez, C. Peltzer, D. Singer, S.E. Faessel Board Members Absent: D. Morgan Staff Present: D. Lee, E. Zacherl, S. Sciortino, J. Lehman, D. Ballin, A. Kott, M. Jouhari, L. Quiambao, P. Oviedo, G. Bowen, C. Thompson, D. Wilson, M. Brownrigg, C. Godoy, R. Dowell Guest(s) Present: D. Wain, Resident & Chairperson of the East District Neighborhood Council; S. Faessel, Resident & Chairperson of the Underground Conversion Subcommittee; Clay Elliot, Savanna High School Team Advisor; Andy Gonzales, Savanna High School student; Natalie Luna, Savanna High School student; Mena Shihad, Savanna High School student; Rena Rotano, Savanna High School student; Nigel Smith, Canyon High School student. AGENDA ITEM 1. PUBLIC HEARING: RECEIVE AND RESPOND TO COMMENTS ON THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 2013 PUBLIC HEALTH GOAL REPORT. J. Machiaverna opened a public hearing on the City of Anaheim's 2013 Public Health Goal Report (Report) for Water Quality. Each Board Member had received a copy of the report dated May 22, 2013 He indicated that the Report was made available for public review on the City of Anaheim's webpage and the Water Engineering front counter located on the 6' Boor, of Anaheim West Tower at 201 S. Anaheim BIvd., Anaheim, CA 92805. A Notice of Public Hearing was also placed in the newspaper regarding the Public Hearing. D. Wilson, Environmental Services Manager, gave a presentation providing an overview of the 2013 Public Health Goal Report. He reported that two out of eighty -four substances exceeded their public health goals, but they are naturally occurring and all of Anaheim's water met all State and Federal drinking water standards. ACTION TAKEN There being no public comments and no written correspondence to the Public Utilities Board Secretary concerning the subject, Vice Chairperson J. Machiaverna closed the public hearing. 2013 -34 AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS. S. FaesseI expressed his gratitude for the consideration and courtesy shown to him during his years of service on the Underground Conversion Subcommittee. J. Machiaverna shared that he was honored to be able to serve with S. FaesseI, and that his service is unmatched. 3. PRESENTATION ON SOLAR CUP RACES. C. Godoy, Communications Supervisor, shared a brief background of the Solar Cup Program with the Board, acknowledging the efforts and success of the Savanna, Anaheim and Canyon High School students and their participation in the annual Solar Cup Boat Races. C. Elliot, Savanna High School Team Advisor, shared about the positive experience the program provides students. Following the solar cup presentation, D. Lee thanked Board Members P. Carroll and C. Pelzer for their service and provided them with proclamations that highlighted the many accomplishments over their respective terms. 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARINGS / B. Hernandez moved approval REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING OF MAY of the minutes of the Public 22, 2013. * Hearings 1 Regular Public Utilities Board Meeting of May 22, 2013. D. Singer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (D. Morgan). 5. PRESENTATION ON SUMMER LOAD ASSESMENT. C. Thompson, Principal Integrated Resource Planner, shared a high level summary presentation with the Board about the upcoming summer electricity supply and demand outlook, in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) balancing authority area, as well as Anaheim's preparedness to manage its operations, should an event occur that threatens the reliability of the electric grid. She explained that although the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) will no longer be available, there are sufficient supplies anticipated by the CAISO. 6. PRESENTATION ON GENERATION RESOURCES PORTFOLIO PLANNING. G. Bowen, Integrated Resources Manager, invited the Board's attention to the Utilities Resource Portfolio. He shared an overview of plans for divestiture of the Department's fossil fuel resources (coal) and provided a timeframe of when those divestitures could potentially take place in the upcoming years. He continued by including the Department's options with regard to building additional generation 2013-35 AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN capacity at the Canyon facility in order to replace the capacity lost as result of divestiture of their coal facilities. Additionally, he presented a forecast of what the Department's resource portfolio will look like over the coming two decades with the divestiture of its coal facilities and with the addition of new generation, including gas and renewable resources. 7. CERTIFY THAT MODIFICATIONS TO RULE NOS. 6 AND 7 P. Carroll moved approval of CONTAINED IN THE ELECTRICAND WATER RATES, the Certification that RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE EXEMPT UNDER THE Modifications to Rule Nos. 6 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, SECTION and 7 contained in the Electric 15061(B) (3) OF TITLE 14 OF THE CALIFORNIA and Water Rates, Rules, and ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND APPROVAL OF Regulations are Exempt under MODIFICATIONS TO RULE NOS. 6 (ESTABLISHMENT AND the California Environmental REESTABLISHIMENT OF CREDIT) AND 7 (DEPOSITS) OF Quality Act, Section 15061(B) THE ELECTRIC AND WATER RATES, RULES AND (3) of Title 14 of the California REGULATIONS.* Administrative Code and Approval of Modifications to The written, publicly available staff report detailing the item was Rule Nos. 6 (Establishment verbally summarized by staff. The proposed rule modifications are in and Reestablishment of Credit) support of ongoing efforts to provide regulatory relief and to help and 7 (Deposits) of the Electric provide flexibility in the application of deposits. and Water Rates, Rules and Regulations. D. Singer The Board asked a variety of questions which resulted in their seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6-0. decision to support the approval of the modifications to Rule Nos. 6 ABSTAINED: 0. and 7. ABSENT: I (D. Morgan). S. PRESENTATION ON THE CONVENTION CENTER SOLAR PROJECT. M. Brownrigg, Solar Advantage Program Manager, gave a presentation to the Board on the Anaheim Convention Center Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Project, providing details about the proposed 2.6 megawatts (MW) solar PV system. Following an extensive nationwide Request for Proposal (RFP) process, staff will recommend award of the project to Borrego Solar, Inc. for a total cost of $5,794,200. It is anticipated that the project will be presented to the City Council on July 23, 2013, to design and build the project. The design and build agreement will be managed by the Public Works Department. Project completion is anticipated in late Spring 2014. 9. APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 WRITE -OFF OF UNCOLLECTIBLE UTILITY ACCOUNTS.* The written, publicly available staff report detailing the item was verbally summarized by staff. The Board asked a variety of questions which culminated in their decision to support the approval of the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Write off of Uncollectible Utility Accounts. D. Singer moved approval of the FY12I13 Write -Off of Uncollectible Utility Accounts. B. Hernandez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (D. Morgan). 2013 -36 AGENDA ITEM 10. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE PROPOSED USE OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT TO FUND EXISTING OR ADDITIONAL WATER CAPITAL EXPENSES OR PROJECTS. The written publicly available information detailing this item was summarized by staff and discussed by the Board. 11. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. M. ]ouhari, Acting Assistant General Manager (AGM) of Water Services, shared that Anaheim's water system is inspected annually by the Department of Public Health (DPH). During the inspection, the Health Department inspectors visit each water facility to look for any potential unsanitary conditions. Last month, the water system was inspected by DPH and no deficiencies were found. 12. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. D. Lee, AGM of Electric Services, reported that electric reliability is constantly reviewed and recently, Southern California Edison (SCE) contacted Anaheim staff to inquire as to why the Department's reliability metrics are so good. There was a slight increase in restoration times of late, and further investigation indicated that metallic balloons accounted for about 40% of all outage minutes this year, and poles damaged by vehicles accounted for over 10 %. A full electric reliability presentation will be presented to the Board later this year. 13. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. E. Zacherl, AGM of Finance and Administrative Services, invited the Board's attention to the Utilities Dashboard. He shared that year -to- date revenues for both electric and water remain over budget through the month of May, both attributable to the warmer than normal weather last summer as well as the month of May this year creating additional demand for both services. Year -to -Date electric revenues of $403.5 million were $21.6 million or 5.7% over budget. Electric expenses for that period of $364.9 million were $12.1 million over budget or 3.4 %. Power costs exceeded budget by $20.4 million and were partially offset by lower expenses in labor, operating and debt service. Electric revenues for the month of May were $24.8 million, which was $1.8 million or 7.3% over budget. E. Zacherl reported to the Board that the year -to -date water revenues through May were $54.5 million, which is $3.2 million or 6.2% over budget. Year -to -date water expenses through May of $48.5 million are $100,000 or 0.3% greater than budget as a result of water supply costs exceeding budget by $1.4 million or 5.1 % due to the increased demand but offset by reductions in reduced labor, maintenance and operating expenses. Water revenues for the month of May of $5.3 million were also over budget by 12.1% due to a lack of rain since the ACTION TAKEN 2013 -37 AGENDA ITEM end of December and the continuing warm and dry conditions during May causing irrigation demands to remain high. 14. UPDATE ON JOINT SERVICES ISSUES. S. Sciortino, AGM of Joint Services, personally thanked P. Carroll and C. Peltzer for their time and dedication on the Board and in particular, their concern, interest and investment they took as participating members. He shared that staff has always appreciated their questions and interests in all the issues brought before the Board. In addition, S. Sciortino advised the Board that staff was going to City Council with amendments to the existing geothermal power sales agreement (PPA) with Thermo. He stated that the project had mechanical issues over the last few years that limited its output and that there had been unanticipated regulatory changes that restricted the amount of Renewable Energy Credits that would be approved by the state oversight agency for compliance. The amendments to the PPA reflect the refurbishment of the facility, increasing the amount of renewable energy the Department will receive, as well as added provisions that protect the Department in the event that any future energy delivered loses its renewable eligibility. Under those conditions, the Department would pay a discounted price for the energy received. 15. UPDATE ON ENERGY RISK & LEGISLATIVE / REGULATORY AFFAIRS ISSUES. J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, shared a brief report on the Enterprise Risk Management Program, sharing that the risks associated with the closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station would be included. She also mentioned that the Public Utilities Legislative Working Group will be meeting next month. 16. AGENDA ITEM(S) FOR THE NEXT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING ON JULY 24, 2013. • Proposed 2013/2014 Update to the Five -year Underground Conversion Plan* • Regulatory Relief— Modifications to Electric Rule 16 & 24 and Water Rule No. 16* • Anergeria - Renewable Power Purchase Agreement* 17. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. D. Lee reported that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) was approved by City Council on June 18. It is a short term agreement through the end of this calendar year, and negotiations for a longer term MOU will commence this fall. ACTION TAKEN 2013-38 AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN D. Lee reported that the $1.6 billion City budget was approved on June 18, which includes the Utilities budget. D. Lee thanked the Board and staff for their hard work on the budget. D. Lee stated that S. Sciortino would be Acting Public Utilities General Manager in July with D. Calkins acting in August. 18. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS. D. Singer thanked staff for having the bushes trimmed near the Roosevelt Park, which she believes is helping to prevent accidents. B. Hernandez commented on the value of City employees, sharing his experience with a water supply concern that impacted his residence, where he had the opportunity to meet two water field employees E. Glotfelty and M. Takaoka, who provided excellent service and assistance in resolving the service concerns, and also providing him with a follow up. He added that City employees are top notch and are all about servicing the residents of Anaheim. S.E. Faessel complimented the staff on the solid team work through shared knowledge experience, after which she expressed her appreciation to P. Carroll and C. PeItzer for their leadership and experience they have shared with her. P. Carroll thanked L. Quiambao and P. Oviedo for their work and efforts in putting together the PUB meetings. He also thanked A. Kott for reading through all the contracts and all the legal advice she provided to the Board. He concluded by thanking everyone and encouraging the Board to keep up the good work. C. Peltzer thanked the Board and staff for all their work during his time serving on the Board. He also shared his satisfaction with visiting the coal mines, and taking the Metropolitan Water District Inspection tour. J. Machiaverna commented on how much he has learned from P. Carroll and C. Peltzer, continuing that a program for incoming Board members with outbound Board members would be beneficial due to the amount of information there is to learn about serving on the Anaheim Public Utilities Board. 19. ADJOURNMENT: ( REGULAR MEETING ON JULY 24, 2013, P. Carroll moved to adjourn the AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 11 FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE Public Hearing / Regular ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM Meeting at 7:43 p.m. to the BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). Board's Regular Meeting date of July 24, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. C. Peltzer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (D. Morgan). Kill AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. MMUM,