Charter Review 2013/09/05ANAHEIM CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:00 p.m. Anaheim City Council Chambers 200 Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim 92805 The meeting notice, agenda and related materials were duly posted on August 30, 2013. PRESENT: Chair, Todd Ament; Committee Members: Amanda Edinger, Craig Farrow, Ernesto Medrano, Gloria Ma'ae, Keith Olesen. ABSENT: Member Tom Dunn STAFF: City Manager's Office: Paul Emery, Assistant City Manager and Margie Otto, Senior Analyst; Linda Andal, City Clerk; Michael Houston, City Attorney; and Raphael Sonenshein, Consultant 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Charter Review Committee of September 5, 2013 was called to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. Public Comments. City Clerk, Linda Andal presented an online public comment that opposed single member districts and supported one or two additional council seats. Ms Andal advised that the written comment would be posted on the website as well as made available to the public. 3. General clean -up of language throughout the Charter /gender neutrality. Margie Otto, Senior Analyst, highlighted various pages of the Charter requiring changes to effect gender neutral language: pages 8, 19, and 43 (section 503, 601 and 1216), for a total of ten revisions. Member Ma'ae moved to approve the recommended changes and authorize staff to make additional gender neutrality changes, seconded by Member Medrano. (VOTE: AYES — 6. NOES — 0; ABSENT: Member Dunn). Motion approved. Mr. Sonenshein suggested authorizing staff to further edit language, as needed, with Member Edinger asking staff to only bring forward those sections requiring clean up when such section would be brought forward to the committee for review. The committee concurred. 3b. Deliberation of potential obsolete provisions, including but not limited to the following sections: 402, 517, 601. City Attorney Michael Houston presented his memo and recommendations relating to Sections 402 & 517. Re Section 402, he advised staff recommended the section stay as is, and revise Meeting of the Charter Review Committee September 5, 2013 Page 2 of 2 the final paragraph to include "or any successor agency or successor in interest to this entity." He further recommended Section 517 remain unchanged. Member Medrano moved to accept staff's recommendation, seconded by Member Ma'ae (VOTE: AYES — 6. NOES — 0; ABSENT: Member Dunn). Motion approved. Margie Otto, Senior Analyst, presented the 12 comparative cities as it related to Section 601, City Manager residency requirement. Mr. Houston advised that state law prohibited a city from requiring employees be residents of their city, however allowed a city to require employees be residents within "a reasonable and specific distance" from place of employment. Discussion regarding the specific language occurred and Member Olesen motioned to remove the unconstitutional residency section from the charter and direct staff to return with additional options for its replacement, seconded by Member Medrano (VOTE: AYES — 6. NOES — 0; ABSENT: Member Dunn). Motion approved. Member Olesen further motioned to remove the parenthetical sentence in section 503.5 (within first paragraph), noting that it was obsolete, seconded by Member Edinger (VOTE: AYES — 6. NOES — 0; ABSENT: Member Dunn). Motion approved. 4. Consideration of additional meeting dates. Paul Emery, Assistant City Manager, stated that this item would be on each agenda as a place holder; but, staff did not have any report or changes. 5. Committee comments / Staff comments. Discussion regarding the delivery of information to the committee occurred with staff agreeing to provide information and city comparatives as early as possible. Chair Ament requested staff review the sit -out period and Member Olesen requested staff include state law requirements within the city comparative spreadsheet. 6. Adjournment. At 7:34 P.M. Chair Ament adjourned the meeting to September 26th, at 6:00 p.m., Anaheim Council Chambers. Res ctfully submitted, Linda N. Andal, CIVIC City Clerk